Chapter 70 God is here, civilization catastrophe (please subscribe!!)

“Disgusting inferior race, dare to shoot my sister!”

“You don’t even have the qualifications to become a prayer of the Holy Light!”

In anger, Metatron raised the long sword in his right hand.

Within the fleet of Poseidon civilization.

Drop! Drop! Drop!

The sound of the sirens, the sound of this time has already made everyone’s ears hurt.

“Damn it! Go!”

“Start the space jump, the biggest jump!”

“Let the frigate go to the front to resist!”

“That’s the King of Thirty-Six Winged Angels!”

“That’s an existence comparable to the God King Kaisha!”

“She called the twelve-winged angel just now her sister!”

“Trouble now!”

For a while, everyone on the side of Poseidon’s civilization was extremely panicked.

Even tens of thousands of years have passed.

They still remembered the horror scene of God King Kaisha appearing on their main star, overwhelming the entire civilization with one’s own power.


Another angel with thirty-six wings appeared.

Although the opponent is not God King Kaisha, but I don’t know why.

All the people of Poseidon civilization, after seeing the other side’s image, thought that the other side was no worse than the god King Kaisha.

Even in terms of divinity and coercion, it was even more terrifying than the God King Kaisha that I had ever seen.

As for the female captain, the death crisis is approaching.

Recalling the fear once dominated by angel civilization.

“Yes! Get out of here quickly!”

“Even if the other party is the King of Angels!”

“Even if the other party is extremely powerful!”

“But as long as we return to the main star and hand over the Shuiyun civilization to the other party at that time, then we will all be fine.”

“We are the fourth level civilization just like the Holy Light Civilization!

“The big deal, go to war!”

When the female snake captain said this.

The operation is also completed on hand.

She released all the high-energy weapons in the fleet against Metatron.

In the next second, their fleet disappeared.

Poseidon galaxy, at the border.



“This King of Angels is nothing more than that!”

“We have returned to our own galaxy, even the King of Angels can hardly shoot us anymore.”

“After all, our civilization borders have a dimensional shield. To enter our civilization, the god King Kaisha also spent half a day.”

“This half day is enough time for us to reach the core of civilization, Poseidon!”

“It’s just a pity that little blue angel, if I can get her” Three Two Three”


The female snake captain felt sorry for not catching Raphael.

But her words were only halfway through.

Suddenly, I felt a flower in front of my eyes.

It seemed that something flew past my eyes.


It’s not that something flew past my eyes.

It’s the things that I have seen, which is regressing rapidly.

The speed of this retreat is very fast, only a flash.

Between before and after, maybe it only lasted 0.0001 seconds.

When the female snake man came back to her senses, she found that her battleship was not at the border of the Poseidon civilization.

It is still just resisting.


“We have obviously gone back!”

“Why, we are here again now?”

“Deputy, tell me if we have returned to our own civilization before.”

The female snake man couldn’t help talking.

“No! That’s right!”

The female snake man in the deputy was also stunned at this moment.

She has no idea why such a thing happened.


“In front of my father, I still want to escape!”

“It’s ridiculous!

Metatron’s icy voice came out.

At this time, she still kept the movement of raising the long sword.

On the next side, the long sword swung down.


In this cosmic space, it’s like setting off fireworks.

“Do not!

“Why is this?”

“Time just went backwards?”

“Moreover, if time goes back, why do I still retain my consciousness!”

“What exactly is going on?”

“Damn it, is it an illusion?”

Although the fleet has been wiped out.

However, the female snake captain has not fallen yet.

Her own body armor is very strong.

Moreover, her physical body has also been transformed.

It is the same as the angel family, even without mecha, it can exist in the universe as a terrifying individual.

“Is it hard to understand?”

“Because I fixed your time so that you only exist at this point in time.”

“But this is not the most interesting thing.

“The most interesting thing is that I intercepted this time segment.”

“Let it become an independent time and space!””And I also allow you to keep your own memories.”

“In this way, it will form a time loop!’

“However, this time loop is only for you people.”

“It has no influence on other gods in the universe!”

“You will die here without stopping.”

“As for Metatron, she will leave a breath here.”

“Unless she gets tired of this game one day, then this time loop will be broken, and you will truly die.”

“In other words, you will be saved.”

“Otherwise, you will always keep your own memory and endure the endless death and the endless despair forever.”

On the surface, Yang Xuan didn’t make a move at all.

But in fact, his move directly caused the fleet of Poseidon civilization to collapse.

“Time loop?

“Still alone time!”

“How can this be!

“You can actually play with time!”

“In this world, how can anyone manage time!”

A lot of exclamation sounds rang.

Although the fleet of Poseidon civilization was destroyed, Metatron had just the blow.

Only killed two-thirds of them.

There are still one third of the snake-human tribes that have not completely died.

Therefore, after listening to Yang Xuan’s words, they were extremely desperate.

“this game!”

“I can play forever!”

“I will leave a ray of will, and I will be here to play with you all the time!”

Metatron’s ruthless voice came out.

“Do not!”

“Great time rules, we were wrong!”

“Great Lord of Time, we shouldn’t take action against the angels, please let us go.

“Please forgive us.”

These snake-human tribes of Poseidon civilization.

After talking about this for a long time, it has been completely wiped out once.

They have a lot of ninjutsu.

However, Metatron’s speed is also very fast.

The fighting power at the level of the King of Angels, plus the blessing of the power of omniscience at the first level.

There is also a book of truth in hand.

Metatron killed those snake-men as simple as drinking water and eating.

Hand up the sword and fall.

It was countless snake people who died under the scorching divine sword.

After all the snake people have been completely killed.

Those snake people suddenly realized that they were suddenly in a trance.

Then they regained consciousness one after another.

Then, he began to face Metatron who raised the scorching sword.

In the next second, countless warships began to be blown up again.

Beautiful fireworks appeared in the universe again.

Countless pleadings, joyous sounds, appeared one after another.

The snake people couldn’t believe what they had experienced.

“Great King of Angels, you are the most noble existence in the entire universe, please don’t care about us inferior races, generally!”

“We are an inferior race. We are willing to become slaves. Please free us from the cycle of time!”

Some snake people have realized how terrible what they have experienced.

They began to pray, but unfortunately.

Metatron gave them some explanations during the first time cycle.

I will never pay attention to them again.

I bullied my sister and wanted to do too much to my sister.

This is absolutely unforgivable.

not to mention.

They are not a tribe of angels, they are children created by God himself.

Bullying them is tantamount to humiliating God.

Therefore, for them, just one death will not be able to wash away the crimes they have committed.

Ever since.

Another group annihilation has come.

But after being destroyed by the regiment, they were all resurrected immediately.

Moreover, it was still in its own battleship.

In front of them, Metatron still held up his long sword.


“Why is this happening!”

this moment.

The Snake Clan of Poseidon civilization finally panicked completely.

They began to pray for forgiveness from Yang Xuan and Metatron.

But everything is too late.

Because this time Yang Xuan and Metatron are no longer there.

Even if they return, they can see Yang Xuan and Metatron.

But that is only their time remaining.

In other words, it is just a ray of their will.

It is not Yang Xuan’s ontology at all.

Of course, for Yang Xuan and Metatron.

If you just want to, the ontological will can descend into the projection in an instant.

It’s just that these snake people are not enough to make them pay such attention.

Create a time loop and punish them until the end of time.

Shuiyun civilization, the main star.


“All the Poseidon civilization fleet has disappeared.

“Poseidon Civilization also sent an inquiry, it seems that their fleet has lost contact.”

“but why!”

“Why is this happening!”

“That mysterious human being suddenly appeared, and what did the king of angels do.”

“How did they do it, it just made everyone disappear in an instant!”

A magnificent palace built by water.

Hundreds of royal bloodlines from the Shuiyun clan gathered here to watch the impact in horror.

Under the influence, Yang Xuan and Metatron appeared.

Then the fleet of Poseidon civilization began to unleash a powerful attack on Yang Xuan and the others.

But those attacks have just been released.

Suddenly, the fleet disappeared.

Everything was completed in a flash.

This makes the senior officials of Shuiyun civilization unable to see what happened in the end.

They also gave this video to Poseidon Civilization.

But the other party’s answer is that you are sure that you are not teasing me.

Because from this image, the fleet of Poseidon civilization seems to have been wiped off by peeling.

So Poseidon civilization subconsciously believes that this picture is fake.

But Shuiyun civilization uses its entire civilization to ensure that this picture is real and effective.

Ever since.

Poseidon civilization still analyzes this picture.

After some analysis, they came to a terrible fact.

That is, this picture is really real.

Their fleet of Poseidon civilization was wiped out in an instant.

I don’t know how to erase it.

Energy fluctuations were not detected.

Was the fleet completely annihilated, or was it teleported to other places.

Still don’t know!

The means used by the other party is a powerful means beyond their cognition.

Such a terrifying situation.

Let the civilization of Poseidon and the civilization of water transportation all feel the great pressure.

In the universe.

On Yang Xuan’s battleship.


Raphael’s face flushed, and he looked at Yang Xuan with a tangled expression.

Her mission failed.

Obviously it should be a very simple task, but she did not succeed.

In the end, he let Metatron take the shot himself before saving himself.

This makes Raphael feel very embarrassed.

“Summing up experience and improving strength!”

“Although when I created you, I didn’t endow you with such a powerful god’s power as Metatron. 1

“When you are born, you will be a thirty-six winged angel!”

“But Raphael, you have an essence that Metatron doesn’t have in you!”

“This essence is evolution!”

“You may be a little lower at the initial point, but in the future growth, there are endless possibilities.

“Metatron has a very high birth point, and he is born to be my clerk!”

“However, her development direction has been fixed.”

“So work hard to grow, and one day you will gain strength like Metatron, and even surpass him.”

Yang Xuan looked at his creation, the beautiful angel.

In the smile, he gave the other side encouragement.

“Yes, father!

Raphael’s emotions were greatly relieved under Yang Xuan’s comfort.

Then Yang Xuan slowly closed his eyes.

He continued to let his warship begin to shuttle.

A black hole appeared in front of the battleship in an instant.

The battleship disappeared in the next second.

When the warship appeared again, it had already come to the main star of water transport civilization.

Shuiyun civilization.

Main star.

Those senior officials of the Shuiyun clan are still trying to analyze Yang Xuan’s situation through the images they have obtained.

But suddenly, a strange picture appeared.

That is the picture that has been playing in a loop, and suddenly there is an accident that they can’t understand.

In the picture.

Yang Xuan, who had been sitting quietly on the battleship, had never done anything, suddenly made an extremely obvious movement.

This action is an action of raising the head

But it was this one action that frightened everyone.

“What’s the situation, he looked up?”

“We clearly remember that the person did not move anything before.’

“Could it be our equipment is wrong, or someone is messing up!”

“After opening a new analysis device, play this screen again!”

Under the high-level order of the Shuiyun clan.

Soon those people began to make another screen, and then compared the two images.

However, something terrible to them has appeared again.

In the second picture, Yang Xuan did not look up so intuitively, but turned his head slightly and looked at them.


“How is this going?”

“Why is it different!”

“Opening a screen, quickly click to open another screen!”

The senior officials of the Shuiyun clan appealed again.

Immediately afterwards, another screen opened.

What they saw this time was Yang Xuan who changed his posture and then looked up at them.

“How can this be!”

“We opened a hundred screens, all with the same data, but the results were different.

“Can the people in this picture survive?”

As a person from the Shuiyun tribe said here.

Suddenly, everyone looked at him blankly.

Doesn’t this situation just mean that the person in the picture has survived?

“I’m thinking again, can it be said that he is a data life?’

“No! No!

“We are not intelligence without data life!”

“If it is a data life, then at least his data will change, but now the data is there, we can check it at will.”

“Obviously nothing has changed!”The senior officials of the Shuiyun clan began to discuss it again.

This is the time.

Suddenly a king of the Shuiyun clan quickly manipulated his personal terminal, and then called up an ancient book.

Then, he projected his ancient book onto all the screens.

“Shuilin, what are you doing?”

A senior member of the Shuiyun clan couldn’t help but yelled at Shuilin.

“Look carefully, this is one of the classics I once got in an ancient civilization.”

“That civilization has been destroyed by me.”

“They are one of the most primitive civilizations.”

“But many records of that civilization are very interesting, so I collected their documents.”

“Then I remember very clearly that there is a similar record in this document.

When Shui Lin said this, he hurriedly let everyone see a page of that ancient book.

There is such a record on it.

“He is an all-knowing and all-powerful being!”

“Anyone who mentions his existence will definitely be perceived by him!”

“Anyone who records his existence, then records his image and becomes his clone.”

“He is the master of all beings!”

“To disobey His will is to oppose the world!”

This is recorded in the text of that civilization.

However, because of the translation of water scales.

The senior Shuiyun clan who were present soon knew the meaning of this passage.


“This is fake!”

“A low-level civilization can only imagine that there is a mysterious and great creator in the universe.”

“But in reality, none of us were created.”

“Everything is an illusion!”

After reading this passage, the senior officials of the Shuiyun clan fell into a short silence.

Then he denied the existence of this situation.

Because this situation is really terrifying.

They can’t even imagine that there will be such an existence in the world.

But just when the senior Shuiyun clan said this.

Suddenly, a terrible breath passed.

The place where the breath appeared was the screen where they played Yang Xuan’s images.

Ever since, all the senior officials of the Shuiyun clan hurriedly looked at the screen.

Their many screens, I don’t know when they all turned into one screen.

All the pictures are a scene.

That is Yang Xuan is slowly walking out of the picture.

He didn’t take a step.

With a strong breath and coercion, it becomes 0.3 to be even stronger.

Under such powerful pressure.

The senior members of the Shuiyun clan couldn’t even move their bodies.

The powerful pressure made them tremble.

I didn’t even dare to think about running away or something.

Under such circumstances, the paragraph in the ancient classics of civilization suddenly appeared in their minds.

All-knowing and all-powerful.

Anything that is said will be known!

Wherever it is visible, it is like coming in person!


Can someone really do this.


The record of that primitive civilization is not false.

It turns out that there are individuals in this world beyond their understanding.


When the senior members of the Shuiyun clan were shocked.

The dazzling golden light suddenly radiated from the screen.

The innately sacred and flawless young man on the screen has already stepped out.

“Kneel down!”

Puff! Puff!

When this perfect boy appeared, he said two words coldly.

For a time.

All the Shuiyun people knelt to the ground one after another.

“There is a primitive civilization that can know my existence!”

“If this is the case, then looking at this record, they should not die.

As soon as Yang Xuan came out, he came to Shui Lin’s.

Then he scratched the water scale void.


The scales of water exploded into a cloud of blood in an instant.

Immediately afterwards.

A long river of time appeared.

The blood mist quickly melted into the long river of time.

Then, an illusory planet slowly emerged from the long river of time.

The planet was illusory at first.

But when he escaped from the long river of time, and directly rose to the sky above the main star of Shuiyun civilization.

It becomes a real planet.

Everything in the planet has also returned to the way it was before the destruction.

This planet, as well as all the creatures on the planet.

After coming out of the long river of time, they were all resurrected.

And this is the case.

The senior officials of the Shuiyun clan also know it.

Although they are in this combat hall.

But they all saw this weird situation from their personal terminals.

“is this real?

“He took a ruined planet from time and history.”

“Is this something that beings can do?”

Countless questions appeared in the hearts of the senior officials of Shuiyun Civilization.

at the same time.

There have also been many civilized members who are concerned about the situation here.

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