Chapter 69 Tamper with time, reverse life and death!

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Half a cliff in the cave.

The five traversers also looked at everything in front of them in confusion.

Last second.

They are still discussing that food and water are about to run out.

There is no water source in this place, and I don’t know what to do next.

Then, two figures appeared in front of them in an instant.

One of them exudes endless majesty.

It was a terrible boy who couldn’t help but worship at the first sight.

Even Yang Xuan has suppressed his own breath very much.

Even the current Yang Xuan just used his most common form.

But his figure, appearance, and temperament made the five people in front of him feel extremely dazzling.

Can be very fast.

Among the five people, the He couple, they were first shocked by Yang Xuan’s existence.

Then I saw my child.

“Xiaotian? Why are you here?

“Who is this?”

He Tian’s mother, a woman who looked a little dark and thin, looked at her child in surprise.

At this moment, time was reversed.

Yang Xuan already has the ability to travel through other worlds at a certain time node.

Of course, this will cause backlash in the world.

But now Yang Xuan can bear it.

“Mom, it’s me!

“But there are some things, I’ll talk about them later!”

He Tian looked at his parents excitedly.

“My lord, can I handle it myself?”

He Tian knows that all these are Yang Xuan’s mighty powers.

Although he is happy to see his parents, he is also very angry when he sees his enemies.


“This is your reward!”

Yang Xuan stood in place, and a large number of the five people in front of him.

After he scanned the five people in front of him, he basically understood the experience of the five people.

Obviously it was the first time I saw it.

But from their birth to the present, everything has no secrets to Yang Xuan.

This is the third-level omniscience, and this is the horror that has refined a world of time.

“Thank you, my lord!

He Tian was very happy.

In the next second, his figure flashed and appeared directly behind the three enemies.


Just a punch, one of the three enemies, that is, the mastermind among the three.

He was knocked out in a flash.

As the Holy Spirit, He Tian directly killed the mastermind with just one punch.


“Xiaotian, what are you doing?”

“Xiaotian, are you crazy?”

“Lao Liu? Lao Liu, are you all right!”

He Tian’s parents were shocked.

So are the other two people.

However, He Tian ignored their exclamation at all.

I saw him continue to shoot, aiming at another person.

“No! Xiaotian, I am your Uncle Wang!”

A strong middle-aged man hurriedly declared his identity.

However, He Tian still punched.

This punch directly blasted the opponent’s head.

This bloody picture directly scared He Tian’s parents and the last person.


“I’m Aunt Mei!”

“I’m your Aunt Mei!”

The last woman wanted to ask for mercy.

She even knelt down.

But He Tian came up with a kick and directly kicked the opponent out of the cliff.

Obviously, it is impossible to survive by falling.

Although they are in the middle of the half-wall cliff, they will definitely fall to death if they fall alone.

When they came up, they all relied on the grappling hooks brought from their own world.



After He Tian killed his enemy, he was extremely happy!

“He Tian, ​​are you really real!”

He Tian’s parents don’t understand why their children should be like this at all.

“My lord!

Then, He Tian looked at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan nodded to He Tian, ​​and the two golden lights fell directly into He Tian’s parents’ minds.

Then, they knew everything.

“How come we are dead?”

“This is not sin terrible, the most terrifying thing is that we have been dead for a long time!”

“Moreover, there really is a god in the world!”

“No, it’s not a god, it’s a god!”

“You are an all-knowing and almighty God.”

He Tian’s parents, after knowing Yang Xuan’s identity, and Yang Xuan’s gift to He Tian.

He immediately became a fanatic.

“It’s time to go back!”

“I will arrange for your family to have a piece of paradise in my kingdom of God.”

“Of course you can also choose to live your own lives.

“Everything depends on your own choice!

Yang Xuan looked at their family of three lightly.

Waiting for their answer.

“We have entered your country for reasons!”

“Your kindness is greatly appreciated by us.

He Tian’s parents excitedly said their choice.

They who have become mad believers will naturally enter the kingdom of Yang Xuan.

For them, entering the country of Yang Xuan is the best choice.

Not to mention He Tian.


As soon as Yang Xuan finished speaking this time, everyone in the room turned into starlight.Come on Blue Star!

After Yang Xuan’s figure disappeared, he reappeared in his own kingdom of God.

“Although it consumes a lot of money, it is acceptable!”

“He Tian’s family has become the Holy Spirit and has a piece of paradise in the kingdom of God.”

“The cause and effect between us is over.

“Next, it’s time to deal with the Shuiyun clan.”

“Arrange the people from Blue Star to the Shuiyun clan.

“Since they took the lead in launching the attack, they will have to bear all the consequences.”

“After all, the universe is a dark forest!”

Yang Xuan got up and walked out of his kingdom of God.

Next second.

A huge sacred battleship appeared directly in front of Yang Xuan.

If anyone has been to the Holy Light Civilization, they have seen the battleship of the God King Kaisha.

Then you can definitely find it.

These two battleships have similarities in the same way.

However, Yang Xuan’s battleship is more sacred, and its breath is more magnificent.


At this time, a figure appeared beside Yang Xuan.

As soon as this figure appeared, he fell directly on one knee on the battleship.


The person here is Metatron.

Yang Xuan saw his creation, the thirty-six-winged angel king.

There was a rare soft smile on his face.

“The Doomsday Ark Project is very good!”

“The defense of this Ark is very strong, even the battleship I build with omnipotence now is less than one ten thousandth of his.”

“But to me, the most important thing is that you found Hetian!”

“With He Tian, ​​let me control this world for a long time!”

“Let me get the third level of omniscience.”

Yang Xuan said while rubbing Metatron’s hair gently.

This made Metatron’s body shake with excitement.

Such an intimate action.

She enjoys it very much.

“Thank you father!”

Metatron responded with a trembling voice.

Then, she calmed down for a while, and continued: “Father, you actually re-arranged He Tian’s trial of God, right?”

Metatron actually didn’t know the specific situation of He Tian.

She only knew that He Tian was definitely not dead.


“The trial of God you set for him is a journey and thought, and the trial of God I set for him is willing!”

“Wait! Be willing!”

“You can only have it!

“He gave up the power of time and let me reclaim the wisp of essence he swallowed from the ouroboros of time.

“Although the strand of essence is very weak, if I don’t have that strand of essence, the time control of this world will be somewhat flawed, and it will not be perfect.”

“But He Tian, ​​in order to save Blue Star, is willing to abandon that ray of time.

“Then my control of time is perfect!”

“His trial is complete!”

“For this, I realized what he wanted most.”

“I resurrected his family and let them live a happy life in God’s country.

Yang Xuan still patiently explained to Metatron.

“You are so kind to your followers!”

Metatron praised Yang Xuan sincerely.

Perhaps, what Yang Xuan said was very calm.

But Metatron is very clear that he wants to change time in another world and take away the dead from time.

This requires much capacity, and how much energy.

Even if Yang Xuan’s person is God, even if Yang Xuan has three levels of omniscience.

But to do this is definitely not as simple as it is said.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the water transport galaxy”

“Up to now, I have only shown my kindness, and I have never let the world know what it means to be like a prison!”

“Then use this trip to the water cloud galaxy to let the entire universe know that God must not be blasphemy!”

Yang Xuan himself is a human race.

Therefore, the people of the water transport galaxy actually want to kill the entire human race.

This is naturally an unforgivable sin.

And behind the Shuiyun Clan, there seems to be a stronger civilization backing it.

That civilization is called Poseidon.

They called themselves gods and even caused great trouble to Raphael, the envoy of the blue sky.

After all, she is only a twelve-winged angel.

Even with the artifact given by Yang Xuan, it is still a bit tricky to face the siege of a powerful civilization of level three and four.

Yang Xuan naturally knows the situation on Raphael’s side.

But in order to control the long river of time, he did not go to support Raphael.

However, the long refining time is only one aspect.

On the other hand, although Raphael is difficult, there is no threat of death.

Yang Xuan also took advantage of this opportunity to give Rafael a good exercise.

“Father, I also think this time, you must show your power!”

“The water transport galaxy originally wanted them to bathe your brilliance, but now it seems that they are not a pity to die!

“But it would be extremely wasteful to kill them directly, so why not brainwash them to become holy light wishers!”

“Let them become instrumental people who don’t have wisdom, only know how to pray, and keep asking you to contribute the power of faith!”

Metatron made his proposal to Yang Xuan.

Holy Light Pleaser.

If you just listen to it, you will think this is a good job.

But in fact, the profession it represents is very scary.

Lose yourself, but not completely die.

Just keep praying and contribute your faith.

This is equivalent to pigs in captivity.

For living beings, being the light prayer is the most terrible punishment.

Yang Xuan didn’t plan what to do with the Shuiyun clan at the beginning.

Just want to receive the faith over there.

But who could have imagined that the Shuiyun clan encountered a siege after taking Raphael back to their planet.

In the Shuiyun tribe’s fleet, there is a royal bloodline of the Shuiyun tribe.

He actually restrained Raphael’s bloodline suppression, and then secretly informed the Poseidon civilization behind him.

Ever since, Raphael fell into a bitter battle.


Raphael had a bad time.

But she has also grown a lot and realized the terrible human heart even more.

“Same as I thought!”

“And I want to completely bring the kingdom of God into reality.”

“If you want to build the kingdom of God on earth, create an angel reincarnation pool, and create your own family of angels, you also need a lot of souls.”

“The Shuiyun clan is a level 2 civilization, plus the level 4 civilization seagod clan behind him.”

“It happens to be used as the material for me to build the kingdom of God on earth.

Yang Xuan already has the third level of omniscience, and will soon get the third level of omnipotence.

At that time, he can build his own kingdom of God on earth.

“Is the Kingdom of God on Earth!”

“Once my father completes the kingdom of God on earth, he is equivalent to completing his ascension in this world!”

“At that time, you will be the true creator!’

“One thought creates everything, one year erases everything!”

“Everything will be done according to your will!”

“Creation and destruction will not consume any energy!’

“At that time, you can even get rid of the shackles of faith!”

“At that time, in your kingdom of God, you will be the true-all-knowing and all-powerful Creator!”

“The kingdom of God can even be income into your soul!”

“You can move the location!”

“Once the Kingdom of God is released and the Kingdom of God is expanded, even if a third-level omniscience and omnipotent existence appears, it will be instantly suppressed by you!

Metatron looked at Yang Xuan excitedly.

She was created by Yang Xuan.

Therefore, it is natural to understand what Yang Xuan said the kingdom of God on earth means.

That is the advancement of qualitative change.

Although, Yang Xuan’s personality is still God.

But once condensed the kingdom of God on earth.

Believers have no meaning to him.

A true god will never give everything to believers.

As long as there is a kingdom of God on earth, the existence of believers is just icing on the cake for Yang Xuan.

With believers, Yang Xuan can be stronger.

Without believers, Yang Xuan is still a powerful God.

“Let’s go!”

“Raphael is very depressed now.”

“As a sister, you must help if you see your sister being bullied!”

Yang Xuan was talking.

He also ingested the Ark of Doom in front of him.

The Ark of Doom is a purely shattered defensive artifact.

Therefore, Yang Xuan reduced it to the size of the palm of his hand, and then placed it next to his own sacred battleship.

The Ark of Doom can be changed in size and shape.

Although its exterior has become smaller.

But in fact, its interior is still that big.

As for the car Yang Xuan created out of thin air.

The sacred battleship that exists at the pinnacle of the fourth level of civilization.

Naturally, he also mastered the technology of black hole transition.

Black hole transition is different from space transition.

Even the battleship of King Kyle did not control the end of the black hole transition.

They just can use the black hole to freely enter and exit any place in the universe.

But the space leap, although the hurry is extremely fast.

But in fact, compared with the black hole transition.

Then the gap is one hundred and eight thousand miles.

Water transport galaxy.

On the planet Mercury!

“Attention! All Shuiyun tribes with middle and lower bloodlines, all evacuate!”

“Only the upper ranks and the royal family can participate in the next battle!

“Also, we must capture the other party alive!”

“The king has received the order from the Seagod himself!”

“We must live this angel with our blood.”

“She is the woman the Seagod looks after!”

Among thousands of individual combat mechas, a communication suddenly came.

The person who issued this newsletter is the general of the Shuiyun clan.

Shui Qianxing with royal blood.

Shui Qianxing’s individual strength only has a level 2 peak.

However, they got the help of Poseidon civilization.

At this moment, a full thousand individual armors with four-level technological level were obtained.

The representative of the fourth-level civilization is the shuttle of dimensions!

…Seeking flowers 0…

In other words, these thousand four-level technological level individual battle armors all have the ability to be reduced to strikes.

However, they have not upgraded themselves.

Ascension is the fifth-level civilization in the legend.

This world has not yet appeared in the fifth level of civilization.

Although the Poseidon civilization is very strong, there is still a certain gap compared with the angel civilization.

Therefore, as a fourth-level civilization, none of them will go to the core of the universe.

Instead, stay in this corner.

When Shuiyun’s fleet discovered the Azure Envoy-Raphael.

Directly sold Raphael secretly.

They opened up their civilized position.

Then he sacrificed everything and became an affiliate of the Poseidon civilization.

Put his life in their hands.

In the end, it was supported by a thousand four-level individual armor.

And a promise.

That is, a bottle of Raphael’s blood will be given to the royal family of Shuiyun.

The essence of life in Raphael has a surpassing attraction for the Shuiyun people.

Even if it is to dedicate one’s own civilization, even if it is to become an attachment to other civilizations.

They all want Raphael’s blood.

Of course.

The reason why the Shuiyun clan made this choice.

It’s also because Raphael is too strong.

The royal families of the Shuiyun clan don’t know how many calculations have been made.

If they don’t join the Poseidon civilization, they are not Raphael’s opponents at all.

The suppression of blood is too strong.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the offensive of the individual armor began.

All sorts of blows were reduced to a blow, leaving Raphael’s figure nowhere to hide.

Raphael’s beautiful face also seemed a little embarrassed at this moment.

But I don’t know why, far behind the scenes, watching all the lord of the Poseidon civilization here with the help of equipment.

That is the sea god.

At this time, he showed a disgusting smile.

“It really is an angel!

“Very pretty!””The beauty second only to God King Kaisha!”

“God King Kaisha, a woman I will never get!”

“That woman is too strong!”

“But this twelve-winged angel, since it came to my side, don’t even think about going back.

Poseidon obviously misunderstood something.

However, he is not to blame.

Who can think of it, made by God Raphael?

Although, the Shuiyun clan mentioned this deliberately.

But even the high-levels on the home planet of the Shuiyun clan didn’t believe it.

What’s more, it was the god of the sea.

Poseidon is just like the Ouroboros of Time. He never thought that there would be omniscient and omnipotent people in this world.



Another piece of high-energy blasting.

As Raphael flew out of this planet, she was soon in the universe, bound by a powerful energy chain.

Raphael can travel through the universe physically.

They had known this information a long time ago.

So when Raphael hit the planet all the way from the home planet of the Shuiyun clan.

The Poseidon clan directly mobilized a guard in secret and laid a net of heaven and earth on the periphery.

This is all over the world.

It is a powerful technology of a four-level civilization.

It can block dimensions.

Even if it was God King Kaisha who fell into the net of heaven and earth unsuspectingly, it would take a lot of hands and feet.

Raphael, who is only at the twelfth wing level, naturally can’t get rid of it.

“Damn it! Damn it!

Not long after his birth, Raphael started to explode at this moment.

She felt very aggrieved at this moment.

At the same time, there is also an incomparable hope to be stronger.

“Have you reached the point where you have to ask your father for help?”

“I’m really useless!

“I have agreed before I leave clearly that I want to give this civilization to my father.”

“But I was caught in the end, it’s really shameful!’

Although Raphael was caught.

But she was just angry, without any fear.

after all.

There are people above me.

All over the world.

With Raphael was caught.

Fleets that use stealth equipment have also appeared one after another.

That is not a fleet of water transport civilization.

It is the fleet of Poseidon civilization.

On the flagship.

A snake-headed captain was looking at Raphael who was caught.

“What a nice view!”

“Is this the angel family!”

“Obviously we are not a race!”

“But every time I see the angels, they are absolutely beautiful!”

“I still vaguely remember that the last time I saw the Angels, it was the God King Kaisha who came to the Seagod Civilization in person!”

“Forcing us not to step into the core dimension of the universe.”

“Otherwise, a war of order will be launched against us.”

“At that time, I was just a small soldier.”

When the female snake man said this, not only did she not show any loss on her face, she was very excited.

“That’s since that time!”

“I swear that one day I will catch a single angel, and let her experience the fun.”

“Today my wish is finally coming true.

Although the captain of this fleet is a female snake man.

However, she has a great obsession with angels.

In other words, basically all snake people of the sea god civilization have a great obsession with angels.

After all, when the God King Kaisha came, the impact on them was too great.

“Captain, this angel is what the Lord God King wants!”

“We can’t break her playing!”

The captain’s deputy, cautioned at this moment.

She just said that she couldn’t play broken, she didn’t say that she couldn’t play.

Obviously, like her own captain, she is extremely fascinated by angels.

“I know!”

“Now bring our little cutie!”

“She is so beautiful!”

The two female snake men showed that look, which is really incredible.

As soon as they finished speaking, they began to shrink the sky and the earth, wanting to ingest Raphael on the huge snake-shaped battleship.

Poseidon civilization is dominated by snake people.

But at this time, suddenly a “Dididi” sound appeared in the battleship.

“Captain, high-energy reflection!”

“The high energy ahead reflects that a terrible force is about to come!”

The men in the battleship suddenly began to report.

The captain of the female snake man, immediately made some operations on the battleship herself.


Just less than 0.00001 seconds.

The net of heaven and earth was confined by her.

But when she looked at the picture inside the battleship, she discovered a terrible fact.

That is, even though the nets of heaven and earth came back, they were all broken inch by inch.

It stands to reason that even the powerful weapon that God King Kaisha could trap for a period of time was actually cut.

“How can it be?”

“She is a twelve-winged angel, why?”

The female snake-man captain actually confirmed the situation of the sky and the earth.

Then he passed the battleship and looked towards Raphael.


This look.

Before she finished speaking, she stopped.

Because at this moment, a huge battleship appeared behind Raphael.

It was the battleship of King Kaisha, the god of comparison, and there were even bigger and more magnificent battleships.

Above the battleship.

Sitting on a seat, she just saw it and let her kneel on the ground with a “puff”.


There is also a beautiful female angel with thirty-six wings holding a book in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, floating in front of the huge battleship.

The eyes of this thirty-six-wing angel were filled with endless anger. three,

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