Chapter 71 Angel reincarnation pool, the first step in the kingdom of God (please subscribe!)

Yang Xuan came out of the image.

After directly restoring a long-destructed planet, it turned into golden light and disappeared.

Although he was gone, the spirit of the words left before was also withdrawn.


None of the senior members of the Shuiyun clan stood up.

They know that their civilization is over.

Everyone’s heart is filled with despair.

That kind of great existence is simply not something they can contend with.

Fate is already doomed.

Honestly accepting fate and welcoming death seems to be the best choice.

If you rashly resist, you may endure unimaginable suffering.


The senior officials of the Shuiyun clan had already thought of where the Poseidon battle fleet that had disappeared before had gone.

They were wiped out by real time.

And it must be suffering unimaginable suffering.

“Our civilization is over!”

“Who is it that made the decision to attack the Azure Envoy!”

“who is it!”

“Before I die, I will kill him, I will kill him myself!”

The seniors of the Shuiyun clan couldn’t even imagine dealing with Yang Xuan at this moment.

They just wanted to kill the person who proposed to attack Raphael.

Fortunately, before dying, extinguish the anger in my heart.

Poseidon civilization.

In the sea temple.

The huge sea snake god king who is more than three hundred meters in length is looking at the planet that can be taken out of history in disbelief.


“Is this fake?”

“How could a planet that has been destroyed appear?”

“Also, what was the golden river just now?”

“Why did I just see the endless past and the future when I just saw it?

“Shouldn’t the past be constant?”

“Shouldn’t the future be changeable?”

“Why do I see the revival of a planet that was destroyed in the past!”

“Why do I see my future, it is doomed to destruction!”

“Could it be that someone can really manipulate time?”

“But how can the conceptual existence of time be controlled by people!”

“Who is that person!”

“Why can he do this!”

The sea snake god king’s huge body was already trembling.

He began to turn on his cosmic messenger.

He asked for help.

Think of all civilizations you know, and send for help.

After becoming a fourth-level civilization.

In fact, even if one exposes one’s position, it is difficult to be killed by other civilizations.

This 31 is also why, when God King Kaisha came here.

It just threatened the Sea Snake King, and then left.

But this moment.

He discovered that the fourth-level civilization is not indestructible.

Even if he still has a hole card.

There is also this powerful dimensional strike artifact.

But after seeing Yang Xuan’s hand operation just now.

The Sea Snake King didn’t dare to think that his move could be used as a trump card in front of Yang Xuan.

Now that I have seen the power of time.

He is absolutely not arrogant, thinking that he can deal with Yang Xuan.

Therefore, he asked for help.

But after his cry for help was released.

But no civilization responded to his cry for help.


“Why don’t you help me!”

“If you don’t help me, if our four-level civilizations don’t unite.”

“Who can still be his opponent in the entire universe!”

“Once he destroys our Poseidon civilization, you will be the next one!”

“He deliberately let us see this picture, just to make you all fear each other, and no one dared to take action, so as to defeat us one by one.

“So unite, only unite can make a living.”

The Sea Serpent King began to send this message frantically.

He spread his news to the entire universe.


Even the powerful angel civilization does not have any plans to make a move.

“Damn it! Damn it!”The Sea Serpent King began to roar non-stop.

As the master of a fourth-level civilization, he is in control of dimensional weapons.

At this moment, they can only growl incompetently.

Shuiyun civilization.

With the emergence of a black hole.

Yang Xuan’s real body also came directly to the core of their galaxy.

“It’s a beautiful planet!”

“It’s just that you did something you shouldn’t do!”

“So, go back to the roots!”

“Just use your civilization to build my divine tool. Angel reincarnation pool!

As soon as Yang Xuan’s body appeared.

He stood up from the god seat on the battleship.

He glanced at this civilization blankly.

In the next second, he directly raised his hand and punched Shuiyun Wenming.


A huge roar.

In the universe that should have been extremely quiet, it spread completely.

This punch of Yang Xuan can be said to have shaken the entire universe.

His powerful impact.

It even directly made the holy light civilization far out in the core of the universe clearly aware of it.

A civilization that can use space to leapfrog.

A civilization that only takes a single shot to kill the Blue Star.

In this way, it was destroyed in Yang Xuan’s hands.

In fact, the Shuiyun clan also destroyed many weak civilizations.

Between civilization and civilization.

Before reaching the fourth level, that’s it.

Therefore, they have destroyed a lot of civilizations, and they must be conscious of being destroyed.

“Everything is one!”

“The origin appears!”

“Angel reincarnation pool, success!”

The Angel Reincarnation Pool is the first step for Yang Xuan to build his own kingdom of God on earth.

He wants to refine the world.

Refining the entire universe.

Therefore, it is natural to declare one’s own initiative in this world.

The angel is his spokesperson.

Yang Xuan’s idea is ultimately to transform all alien races into angels.

For this world, Yang Xuan has made arrangements even earlier.

Fusion of all planets, refining all spaces.

Turn the boundless universe into a world where the sky is round.

The world is divided into two.

Mortals live on the ground, and angels live in the sky.

However, there is no separation between the two worlds, and humans and gods can coexist.

Develop faith and develop technology.

Eliminate evil.

And now, Yang Xuan finally took the first step.

Using a whole civilization of creatures as materials, he successfully refined a reincarnation pool that can transform all races into angels.

Of course, once thrown into the angel reincarnation pool, then the soul will be reconstructed.

Ordinary aliens, even their memories will disappear and become a new-born angel.

There are only special, selected, recognized people, or aliens.

Only then is it possible to keep one’s own memory, and then be reincarnated as an angel.

“Congratulations, father, the first step of the kingdom of God on earth has been completed.”

“The next step is to transform a large number of angels and imprint your mark on the biological chain of this universe.

“How offensive the Poseidon civilization is to you, I suggest that after reincarnating them into angels, let them become holy light prayers.”

“In this way, they can become an infinite renewable energy source that can continuously contribute the power of faith.

Metatron obviously hated the civilization of the Seagod clan to a certain extent.

Because they are in the whole universe, and they keep expressing the remarks that they want to fight Yang Xuan decisively.

But in Metatron’s view.

The other party does not have this qualification at all, nor does it have this ability.

“as you wish!”

Yang Xuan nodded to Metatron.

Then he received the angel reincarnation pool into his own kingdom of God.

Sitting on the seat of God again.

The black hole opened again.

This time, the space opposite was the core star of the Seagod clan.



“He is coming!”

“Although the enemy is strong, we also have a hole card!”

“Although I don’t know what the other party is going to do, it must have come with the idea of ​​destroying us.”

“So, all the compatriots of the sea snake civilization, we will fight the enemy together.

“Even if other civilizations don’t support us, we have to stand with the enemy to the end!’

The god king of the sea snake clan.

Still mobilizing for their own civilization.

Countless warships and high-energy weapons were activated at this moment.

Even the Sea Snake King was ready to die together.

It is after this time.

The black hole appeared above their main star.



After seeing this, the Sea Serpent King directly issued the order.

Countless high-energy weapons are aimed at the black hole at this moment.

But when those attacks were about to hit the warship coming out of the black hole.

Suddenly all the attacks disappeared.

Those who launched the attack unexpectedly discovered that their weapons were in a state of just being activated.

Their attack has not yet been sent out.

“What’s going on? I obviously launched an energy attack, but I still hit with all my strength, but why is my current energy state first, and is it full??”

“Mine is also in the same situation!”

“Our attack disappeared, and then the weapon was at full energy!”

“In other words, our attack is equal to not being activated?”

“But I was about to hit the opponent just now.”

“It’s time!”

“Look at the time quickly. There is a problem with our time. It stands to reason that it should be the 40th second, but it is the 35th second.

“Our high-energy attack requires exactly five seconds to hit the target.”

“And we are also predicting the attack five seconds in advance.

“But now, we are back to the situation before the attack.”

“Time has been backtracked.

“But only for us, the other party has nothing to do.”

On the side of the Sea Snake Clan, there are also military divisions who are very clever and use their brains to analyze the situation.

But when this military division, analyzed the correct result.

The entire Poseidon civilization was silent.

The other party can manipulate the time arbitrarily.

Can make their attacks return to the state before the attack.

How big is this?

“Our Poseidon civilization is over!”

A general of the Sea God civilization, responsible for commanding an entire battleship of the Sea Snake family members of the royal family.

All have to tell this fact.

“Do not!”

“We are not over yet!”

“Even if it is death, I will drag you to die together!”

“The fourth level of civilization represents a civilization that can manipulate dimensions.”

“And random manipulation of the dimension will lead to extremely terrible consequences!’

“The consequence is the collapse of dimensions!”

“That is a conceptual level attack!”

“Since you have to be an enemy of our Seagod clan, you want to destroy our Seagod civilization.”

“Then die together!

“Dimensions collapse, chaos annihilates the world!”

The god king of the sea snake clan uttered a crazy roar at this moment.

His voice, his thoughts, his determination.

At this moment, with the help of Poseidon’s technology and equipment, it spread throughout the universe.

The people of the Sea Snake clan also chanted no for the first time.

Although there are some members of the Poseidon civilization, they are willing to die with their own civilization.

But that kind of people are rare.

Most of the civilizations of the sea snake clan are willing to kneel down and pray, hoping for forgiveness.

But it was too late.

The god king of the sea snake clan has already launched this method of dying together.

For a time.

Three-dimensional and two-dimensional are beginning to be chaotic.

As a result, the entire universe began to shake violently.

But Yang Xuan was not surprised at all.

Under the power of the third level of omniscience, he had long known that the god king of the sea snake clan would launch this attack.

It is also very clear what the consequences will be after this attack is launched.

But the same.

Yang Xuan also knows very well how to resolve the confusion of dimensions.

“Your methods are very good!

“But unfortunately, your enemy is me!”

“This kind of dimensional chaos, even the little angel of the Holy Light Civilization will have to die with you.”

“But to me, it doesn’t make any sense.

Yang Xuan whispered to the void.

Immediately afterwards, he walked off the battleship.

The endless divine light began to converge towards him.

A long golden river appeared directly under his feet.Yang Xuan stepped on the golden river for the first time.

The collapsed picture of the entire dimension became completely still.

When he takes the second step.

Time began to go backwards.

In the third step, the dimensional chaos is completely restored.

In the fourth step, Yang Xuan appeared directly in front of the god king of the sea snake clan.

“Back in time!

“The chaotic dimensions can’t stop the flow of time?”

“If this is the case, what is the point of our resistance?”

The god king of the sea snake clan looked at Yang Xuan in horror.

His huge snake body was shaking violently.

Before, even death was not afraid of him, but at this moment.

323 Because in front of Yang Xuan, he couldn’t even die.

In other words.

If Yang Xuan has the heart to punish him, then he will experience unimaginable suffering.

“Let me go!”

“Let me die!”

“I already know that, even if it is to let me die under the most terrible punishment, I am willing!”

“Please let me die!”

The king of the sea snake clan.

At this moment, he begged for mercy to Yang Xuan, who was much smaller than himself.

How hard he was before.

Now he confuses more.

This is the situation where life and death cannot be done by oneself.

Maybe some people are not afraid of death.

But if the enemy can manipulate life and death, you can’t die.

That is another situation.

“too big!”


Yang Xuan looked at the giant snake man more than three meters long and couldn’t help frowning.

As a result, he just finished speaking.

The god king of the sea snake clan was instantly compressed by an invisible force to become a half-meter long snake man.


“kill me!”

“Kill me!”

The god king of the snake-man clan was not voluntarily reduced.

It was forcibly reduced by Yang Xuan’s powerful divine power.

Therefore, such a large volume can be reduced as such.

Even for the fourth-level civilization, the snake-man god king who has transformed his body is an extremely painful punishment.

“You are the king of the snake people.”

“It’s not a god of the snake people.”

“You don’t deserve the word God.”

“It’s not an insult to this artifact to complete the first use of the Angel Reincarnation Pool.”

“So, reincarnate!”

As Yang Xuan spoke, a pool of sacred light appeared in front of him.

As soon as he finished.

The god king of the snake-man clan directly slammed and was taken into the reincarnating pool by a powerful force.

Next second.

A graceful female angel with twelve wings on her back came out of the reincarnation pool.

“I have seen my lord!

This angel is the former god king of the snake-man clan.

All angels who come out through the pool of angel rebirth.

All are female angels.

Moreover, they are not qualified to call Yang Xuan his father.

Because their soul was not created by Yang Xuan himself.

“very good!”

“Your name is Eve!”

“This angel reincarnation pool will be handed over to you!”

“Your mission is to transform all alien races into angels!”

“This will be a long task, but for you now, the most important thing is time.”

Yang Xuan explained this task to the newly born angel, and handed over the angel reincarnation pool to the other party.

The angel that came out of the rebirth of an angel.

It is absolutely impossible to defy Yang Xuan’s order, let alone betray Yang Xuan.

And now, the entire universe.

No one is Yang Xuan’s opponent.

To this end, he can let the newborn angel-Eve, complete this huge work.

Yang Xuan did not stop at Poseidon next.

He returned directly to the battleship.

The black hole was opened again.

Next stop.

Holy light civilization, a family of angels. .

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