Chapter 45 The saint descended to earth (2 more! Seeking flowers, evaluation!)

Yan country.

Secret meeting room.

After seeing the extremely graceful and sacred 36-winged angels descending from the top of the federation countries.

Everyone was shocked.

“so big!”

The first person to speak was a high-level American.

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized his problem.

So, he hurriedly explained: “Ah, I’m talking about a big figure! Not that way!”

But in this person’s heart, he couldn’t help thinking.

It’s really big.

“So divine!”

“Is this the messenger of God?”

“If I’m not in this position, I’m afraid I will directly become a believer.”

“It would be great if such a mighty force could be used by me.”

The last senior from India couldn’t help but say such a sentence.


There are many people who have his idea.

It’s a lot.

Everyone here, more or less, will think that if they have the power of God, there are subordinates like Metatron.

So, what a perfect thing this should be.

But anyone who can become a high-level person is not a fool.

Especially after the director of the special incident response bureau of the joint department of various countries spoke out part of the power of God.

Everyone speaks very carefully.

To know.

Today, Blue Star is the back garden of God.

Although it sounds a little unlikely, special events deal with the bureau’s analysis of God.

That is, from the very beginning, God has reached the level of monitoring the world.

Therefore, the Special Event Response Bureau’s suggestion to the senior officials of various countries is.

You may not be a believer.

You can slander something in your heart.

These gods will not bother.

However, disrespect to God must not be stated explicitly.

Because that will provoke divine punishment.

That’s it.

When the black senior in India, a big black in his fifties.

After saying this sentence.

The expressions of the other high-level people in the conference room changed drastically, and then ran out of the house as if fleeing.

“Huh? What’s wrong with you?”

The black man did not react for a while.

After the last person left in a panic, he thought of a terrible thing.

“Could it be that……”

“I’m sorry, supreme God, I didn’t mean to speak badly.”

“Great King of Angels, please… forgive me!”

The black man fell to his knees in horror.

He kept apologizing and even looked up at the sky carefully.

In the sky.

Metatron tilted his head slightly.

Although, this high-ranking black man in India is far away from Metatron.

But he had a hunch.

That was the person Metatron saw, and that was himself.

“My lord doesn’t mind the existence of unbelievers!”

“But those who blaspheme God will be punished by God!”

“Let it burn!”

A cold and sweet voice.

It appeared directly in the heart of this old black.

Immediately afterwards.

A gentle holy light emerged from his body.

The Holy Light appeared.

From gentleness to scorching heat.


This old black will not be left.

The ashes are gone.

As if the whole person gave back to heaven and earth completely.


Yan country.


In a newly established sacred monastery.

“The supreme God, the sacred king of angels, the holy three holy spirits.”

“I pray for your enlightenment!”

“Pray for your help.”

Thousands of people are praying to Yang Xuan, Metatron, and the previous three holy spirits in this newly established monastery.

And this sacred monastery was the place where the Yan Country girl was among the three previous holy spirits.

This is an orphanage.

But when the girl became the Holy Spirit.

This place was transformed into a sacred monastery overnight.

Now the end is coming.

It has become a gathering point for believers.

“Look! There is light!”

“Ah! It’s really light!”

“Gwanghwa is in the form of a human!”

“This is……”

“The light messenger of one of the three holy spirits.”

“This is the Holy Spirit of our Yan Country, Holy Light Gu Xue!”

When the Holy Spirit above the church appeared.

Everyone knows who the person is.

“I am here on behalf of our lord, and give you the way to redemption.”

Gu Xue was completely deified at this moment.

When she was young, she had emotional defects.

However, in her heart, she has always believed that there are gods in this world.

She has always wanted to find the god that belongs to her.

Want to have a place in the other side’s country.

once Upon a time.

She has been to many small churches, but in the end she found that the gods were false and false gods.

Until Yang Xuan arrives.

When she first knew Yang Xuan, when she first met Yang Xuan.

Gu Xue knew that Yang Xuan was her home.

Yang Xuan’s divine kingdom is his shelter.

Yang Xuan’s will is her mission.

So, she broke through.

With Yang Xuan’s sacred power, coupled with his own strong obsession, he completed his soul ascension and became the Holy Spirit.

This morning, he was the first to complete the advancement of the ladder of God.

Walked in front of the cardinal of the Holy See and the saint.

So she got Metatron’s call.

Get out of the kingdom of God, carry enlightenment, and come back to the world.

Bring salvation to all beings.

“Master Saint, please give enlightenment!”

Below, thousands of believers have knelt to the ground.

The tension and panic from before have disappeared.

Instead, there was tremendous excitement and expectation.

Because they know.

The angel descended and the saint descended to earth.

It means that the road of salvation for believers is about to be opened.

The Doomsday Calamity is by no means a mortal situation for believers. *

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