Chapter 46 Artificial artifact plan (3 more!)

Gu Xue, one of the three holy spirits.

First glanced at the crowd below, then looked up at the sky.

This is the time.

Metatron in the sky just looked down at her.

A king of angels, a saint of heaven.

After the two looked at each other, they nodded one after another.

Immediately afterwards.

The wings behind Metatron stirred up together, and the whole person disappeared completely.

Because of Metatron’s disappearance, the sky was directly restored into a clouded scene.

The believers who don’t know all are extremely worried in their hearts.

The travellers who have the world chat channel hurriedly asked about the situation on the world channel.


On Gu Xue’s side, there are also traversers.

And the network in this world is very developed.

There are many believers on Gu Xue’s side, in order to spread the glory of the Lord to the entire world.

The live broadcast was started, and the scene of Gu Xue’s arrival was transmitted to the Internet.

To this.

Gu Xue did not stop either.

For her, large-scale publicity is a good thing.

The reason why Metatron has come down.

It is also to attract everyone’s attention.

Because it is related to a plan of hers.

Artifact Project:

Name: Artificial artifact·Ark of Doom.

Grade: Artifact

Forging material:

1. Doomsday crisis, 100%

2. A breath of despair, 70%

3. Obsession to survive, 40%

4. Resonance of faith, 50%

5. World resonance, 10%

Metatron possesses the power of first-class omniscience.

Since Yang Xuan entered the kingdom of God, he began to calculate how to save sentient beings and let the world become believers.

And how to maximize the benefits in this process.

Ever since, through her calculations.

There is also a powerful divine mind covering the entire planet, using omniscience to integrate information.


She came up with a plan.

Artificial artifact.

This is a divine tool that does not consume the power of Yang Xuan’s faith.

It is a gathering of sentient beings who experience despair and usher in hope.

Finally, take advantage of the huge population base.

Together with the power of the book of truth and the power of omniscience.

At the last step, it ended with Yang Xuan’s almighty power.

Create a plan for a powerful artifact.

At that time, a brand new artifact will be born.

It is the Ark of Doom, the Boat of the Other Shore, the Week of Redemption.

This will be a powerful defensive artifact.

It is a world-class artifact.

It will surpass the defenses of all technological creations in this world.

Moreover, because what is needed is the resonance of the world.

So this artifact will have uniqueness in the end.

Metatron is a god-made angel with independent wisdom and personality.

She knew that if she personally guided all sentient beings to complete many conditions.

So the last time.

There will be a condition that will be very difficult to complete

That is the obsession to survive.

Once Metatron takes the shot himself, there is nothing to worry about.

So letting Gu Xue come forward is the best choice.

Gu Xue personally informs all sentient beings.


In the sacred monastery.

“God loves the world, but only those who choose to save themselves can be free when the end comes.”

“I have come with enlightenment and will guide you to build an Ark of Doom.”

“That is your only way out.”

“The building of the Doomsday Ark is very simple.”

“That is to use sand, just use dry sand, do not mix with any other substances, strength, and condense it into the shape of an ark.”

When Gu Xue said this, she was still facing the void a little bit.

Then, a model of the Ark of Doom appeared.

It seems that it is not a difficult task.

But on the Internet, it exploded.

“Sand can make any model, but the premise is that you need to add water.”

“How did the dry sand make an ark model?”

“This model of the Ark looks at least 20 meters long. You can’t add any material, and you can’t do it without using the extraordinary power of those who travel.”

“Is this God’s test?”

“God has given us revelation and given us the hope of redemption, but how does this hope seem to me despair?”

“Isn’t it God who abandoned us?”

“Shut up above, it is because you have such impure and disloyal people that have led to this situation.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, let’s find a way to use sand to build the Ark of Doom.”

All of a sudden, everyone who had the conditions began to buy sand.

People who are closer to the beach ran directly towards the beach.


Special incident response bureau.

This is the department with the largest full force a day ago.

But now, there are only two or three prawns here.

Yi Yun sat at his desk.

Even if the service staff and cleaning staff here have been evacuated.

However, her desk is still extremely tidy.

“Ark of Doom, a boat of sand.”

As a blue star, the brain is the most outstanding, and once regarded God as an imaginary enemy.

She found that this was impossible at the first time.

Then, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

He directly took out a pen and wrote a few beautiful and unusual Yan Guo characters.

“Faith, emotion, resonance, imprint of deification!”*

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