Chapter 44 The king of angels comes to the world (1 more! Ask for flowers and comments!)

The first day of extinction warning.

this day.

The umbrella company released a set of data.

The content of the data is incomprehensible to many professionals.

The result of the final data announcement is actually that after seven days, there will be a monstrous flood sweeping the entire world.

All glaciers will melt.

The humans on the blue star still have seven days to save themselves.

If they no longer find a solution in these seven days, then humanity will perish.

Of course.

Followers of Yang Xuan, don’t worry too much.

Those loyal believers will be blessed by Yang Xuan.

Although, they don’t know how Yang Xuan will protect themselves.

But death will not die.

But those unintentional, the high-levels of the federation countries, panicked.

The end is coming.

They must quickly find countermeasures.

Ever since.

A meeting at the highest level of the nations was held.


Boundary of Yan Country.

The end of the first ‘Doomsday Redemption’ meeting of the Federation.

“Next, I announce that the Ark Project is officially established.”

“The nations of the Federation will do their best to build the Ark of Doom in the remaining six days.”

“According to our calculations, the plan of the Doomsday Ark can save at least…3 million people in seven days.”

When the person in charge of the report talked about this, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The nations of the Federation faced this disaster.

Give all your strength.

In the end, only three million people could be saved.

This population, if you try to compress the living space.

It can actually be expanded to four million.

But even for four million people, this number sounds a lot.

But for the whole world, it’s a drop in the bucket.

Now on the Blue Star.

The population is always more than 25 billion.

Today, the number of people who believe in Yang Xuan has skyrocketed, reaching a terrifying 20 billion.

But there are a full fifty people, and they still don’t believe in Yang Xuan.

This fifty-year-old population.

Even if you remove the 500 million of the traversers, there is still a full 4.5 billion.

From a population of 4.5 billion.

The selection of four million people is a terrible disaster for all countries.

They believe.

Once he publishes this data.

The Blue Star is bound to become extremely chaotic.

At that time, the riots will be the only end.

Of course, everyone will have a choice at that time.

That is to be a believer in God and be blessed by God.

“So, the choice this time is a choice between faith and reality.”

“Choosing reality means choosing death.”

“Choosing faith means choosing to survive.”

“God really brought us a huge test.”

The people in charge of various countries feel extremely heavy at this moment.

When things have reached this point, they don’t know what to do.

when! when! when!

This is the time.

Suddenly, a quick knock on the door came.


Soon, a sweaty young man opened the door directly, walked quickly to a person in charge, and reported something to the other party.

Then the person in charge hurriedly opened the curtains of the secret meeting room and looked up at the sky.


Above the sky, there are dense clouds.

Today, the entire Blue Star sky is in this state.

The umbrella company also made an explanation for this situation.

That was the attack of the alien warship, which changed the ecological environment of Blue Star at a super long distance.

After seven days, Blue Star will become an ocean world.

Today, changes should occur.

This obvious change is Xiaoyu.

The next seven days.

Every corner of the Blue Star will be constantly raining.


The rain will get heavier day by day.

But just a few seconds ago.

A vision suddenly appeared in the sky.

Above the gloomy sky.

Suddenly came a faint golden light.

At the beginning, Jinguang was not very dazzling.

But over time.

Jinguang becomes stronger and stronger.

Even at the very end, it directly dissipated the clouds in the sky.

The sky is clear again.

The sun reappeared in everyone’s eyes.

But at this moment.

The most dazzling thing is not the sun.

It was a beautiful angel that emerged from countless golden lights.

This angel.

Wearing a sacred armor, his eyes are cold, and his left hand is emptied of a book that contains all the truths in the world.

Behind her, there are thirty-six wings.

Her body, although extremely huge, but the proportions are perfect.

Both men and women, young and old, are conquered by its perfect image the moment they see this angel.

And believers of those gods.

He put his hands together and prayed to the angel in the sky.

As a believer in God.

The moment they saw the angel, they knew each other’s name.

“Clerk of God, Metatron!”

“You are the King of Angels under the Lord’s Seat!”

“You are a divine envoy who records information about everything in the world.”

“You will bring salvation to the whole world.”

“We pray to you for enlightenment!”

The believers of Yang Xuan, the moment they saw Metatron appear, they all gave birth to a sense of enlightenment.


They began to pray to Metatron.

Pray for the king of angels.

Tell the way to get salvation.


PS: Today I received a lot of rewards, flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluations.

Thank you for your support.

The author of Xiaopujie said nothing, add more!

It is still 6 more today.

Since publishing the book, the author of Xiaopujie has never been less than six.

Therefore, I hope most readers will support it. *

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