As he spoke, Youngor picked up his weapon and rushed forward.

A long sword with a cold light.

"Weak dark elf, your opponent is me." A void wanderer stepped out of the void and revealed his figure.

"Crazy." Hearing this, Youngor was so angry that his withered face twisted into a ball.

No one has ever used the word "weak" to describe him. This is contempt for him and the entire dark elf family.

"You're only at the ninth level of extraordinary, but you want to fight beyond the level?"

As soon as the angry voice fell, Youngor activated the talent of the elves and made his figure disappear into thin air.

"In front of the Void Clan, your talents and skills are ineffective."


The Void Wanderer raised the scarlet bone blade in his hand and slashed downwards.

"Void Blade"

Suddenly, a scarlet sword fell from the sky, slashed hard at Youngor, and exploded when it hit the ground.

In an instant, the scarlet sword light dispersed in all directions.

Youngor's figure suddenly appeared in the momentary invisible state.

At this moment, his figure appeared dozens of meters away from the Void Wanderer.

The withered face was full of astonishment.

The racial talent he was so proud of was easily cracked by the enemy?

However, Youngor was only stunned for a moment, and then launched his own counterattack.

Elf combat skill--Death Slash!

In an instant, a black sword composed of black sword light fell from the sky and slashed at the Void Wanderer.

The dark sword light was filled with a terrifying pressure, and the space seemed to be torn apart by this sword light!

"Ha!" Wanderer smiled disdainfully, and the next second his figure disappeared from mid-air.

However, the insect swarm below was not so lucky. A large number of warriors and genetic protozoa died tragically under the sword light. At the same time, the sword light caused a violent explosion after landing.

The warriors and protozoa were blown up in pieces and turned upside down, foaming at the mouth and unconscious.

Soon, more intense fighting broke out.

One is at the ninth level of the Extraordinary, and the other is at the Immortal Realm. The strength of the two is completely different by four realms. The battle should have ended quickly, but it happened because of the characteristics of the Void Wanderer.

As a result, Youngor has been unable to capture him.

Every time he encounters a crisis, the Void Wanderer will hide in the void, causing his attacks to fail.

And when he wanted to kill other insect swarms, they jumped out to harass him.

This feeling of being unable to kill despite being able to beat him made him extremely crazy.

The wanderer in front of him successfully restrained the strongest of the dark elves, and the other wanderers were relieved.

One after another, they appeared and began to silence the elf mages on the wall.

For a time, a large number of elf mages became mute!

The rest of the wanderers transformed into hungry wolves, rushed into the crowd and started killing them wantonly.

With the sword raised and lowered, the first target is those fragile dark elf mages.

In a short time, there were a large number of elven mages on the wall, and they were all gone.

The elven elders are holding weapons to put out fires everywhere, but there are too many void wanderers. Those who can beat them will fight with you, and those who can't beat them will hide in the void, and you have no chance at all.

Not only that, there were snipers firing concealed rifles in the distance.

A group of elders were so anxious at the moment that they didn't know what to do.

As time went by, more and more warriors and protozoans swarmed the walls.

Finally, an elder accidentally seized the opportunity and carried out inhumane parasitism by a genetic protozoa.

This scene frightened everyone on the battlefield.

"What the hell is this and why is it so scary?"

"What kind of existence have we provoked?"

"Where's Rutgers? Send a distress signal quickly. Didn't he lead three thousand hunters out of the camp and said he would harass the insect swarm from the side entrance to reduce our pressure?"

"Damn it, where did this guy die?"

"Asshole, send a distress signal quickly and ask Rogers to come back for rescue."


Two blood-red balls flew into the air and then slowly landed.

This is the distress signal of the dark elves. One orb means that the situation is critical and requires rescue, while two means that the situation is very critical and requires emergency rescue.


"Lord Rogers, you are still taller!"

An elf elder stood on a hillside, looking at the red ball that lit up in the distance, and admired it from the bottom of his heart!

"So, following me out of the military camp is the most correct choice, right?" Rogers looked at the three thousand elf hunters behind him, smiled sinisterly, and then said softly to the elders on the side.

"You have all heard it. I persuaded Youngor to abandon the ancient trees in the forest and move to the rear, but he refused to listen. When the time comes, the Marshal will be blamed, and you have to bear witness for me!"

"And the reason why I don't go back to rescue them is naturally because the enemy insects are so numerous. I can't lead my people to die in vain."

"My behavior is not to ignore death, but to preserve as much vitality as possible."

"When you get there..."

At this point, Rogers paused.

"That's natural." Several elders said with a smile, and they all expressed their understanding.

"Lord Rogers." An elder asked curiously, "Why are you so sure that the military camp will fall?"

Rogers smiled mysteriously, "After Gaza and the elves on the front line came back, I went to find a few returning elves to inquire."

"When they described the appearance and abilities of that group of bugs to me, I had some doubts in my heart."

"I have been fighting with my uncle since I was a child, so I naturally have a wider knowledge."

"Is it Lord Modis?" An elder interrupted.

Logos nodded, "Yes, it is my biological uncle Modis. It's a pity that after he was promoted to the True God Realm, he was sent to the virtual world and has not been heard from since."

"Otherwise... Huh!" He snorted coldly, "Youngor won't be the commander of the advance army."

Rogers waved his hand and continued: "When I was young, my uncle told me about a battle in his youth. He said that the blood and cruelty of that battle left him unforgettable to this day."

"Could it be..." At this time, an elder seemed to understand something and said in shock: "Could it be?" "

"Not bad." Rogers nodded seriously, "That's it..."


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