
Rogers said word for word.


There were those who had some knowledge and looked shocked, and there were those who didn't know and looked confused.

But this didn't stop her from letting out a "hiss" along with the others to show their shock, and then asked naively, "What is that? Why haven't I heard it before?"

The elder on the side hurriedly explained, "I don't know much about it, but I have heard the elders in the family talk about it accidentally."

"It is said that that battle can be said to be the most pinnacle battle in all the worlds."

"Countless races have put aside their past grievances and joined forces to fight against a common enemy."

"Is that an exaggeration?" The elder who asked the question obviously didn't believe it. "Is it possible that angels and demons can live in the same room?"

"That's right." Rogers took over the words, "Not only are angels and demons living in the same room, but we dark elves and light elves."

"No... it should be said that angels, undead and demons; we dark elves, light elves, forest elves, and even all intelligent races in the world have abandoned their past grievances."

"Being in the same room, sitting at the same table, discussing how to deal with the same enemy."

"What kind of race is this? It can actually make all the races in the world join forces to fight against the enemy." The elder who asked the question at the beginning was full of shock, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Several elders on the side also looked at Rutgers with curiosity, because they only knew that there was such a battle, but they did not know much about the real enemy of this battle.

Because there is no information to record the occurrence of this battle, let alone the process and results.

If several elders in the Ting clan hadn't accidentally woken up, they wouldn't have even known about it, as if this battle had never happened.

"This is also because the losses in all the worlds in that battle were too great. Countless gods died like ants, and very few people survived, so there are no relevant records."

"Maybe there are records, maybe it's because our strength is too low and we can't get in touch with it."

Several elders nodded.

"And my uncle, who had reached the realm of demigod back then, could only serve as a logistics worker during that battle."

All the elders were shocked that the demigods could only serve as support staff.

"Yes, it was precisely because I was a logistics worker that I was lucky enough to save my life. At the same time, I also witnessed the horror of that battle with my own eyes."

Rogers' voice trembled slightly and his face was solemn. His uncle's expression at that time was still clearly engraved in his mind. It was an expression of extreme fear.

He couldn't believe that his uncle, who had become a god, would also show that kind of fear.

"The tragedy of that battle at that time cannot be described in words. It can only be said that the stars were shattered and the void was shaking."

"Swarms of angels and demons poured into the front line of the battlefield like dumplings, and then were crushed to death as easily as ants."

"The broken corpses are like snowflakes, floating so gently in the deep space of the universe, like garbage."

"Even powerful gods were nothing more than slightly stronger ants in that battle."

"It is said that the mother goddess of our elves, the Elf Goddess, also suffered extremely serious injuries in that battle and has not recovered yet."

"And now the star fields and space nodes that our various races compete for are said to have been the territory of the Zerg."

"The ability of the Zerg is even more bizarre. No matter what method or skill you use to attack it, it won't take long for the opponent to evolve a way to resist."

"If you burn it with a thousand-degree fire, it will evolve a carapace that can withstand a thousand-degree heat. If you burn it with a 100-million-degree fire, it will evolve a carapace that can withstand a 100-million-degree heat."

"That's all. According to my uncle, they also have all kinds of weird methods. Some of them suddenly appear next to you like ghosts. Before you react, your head has already moved. ”

"That's nothing. Some of them can even directly change into your appearance. They first absorb your memories, and finally kill you, replace you, and use your identity to lurk behind."

"At that time, all races were simply in panic. No one knew whether the people around them were humans or ghosts."

Everyone was shocked, this was simply too scary!

Kill you, replace you, and finally become you.

Your family, your friends, even your wife and children can't tell the difference.

And the other party can use their identity to do whatever they want, poisoning, spreading rumors, and stealing military secrets.

Several elders simply did not dare to think about what kind of punishment their family members would receive in the end if the other party replaced them and did such irresponsible things.

A feeling of panic began to permeate the hearts of several elders, and they already had some speculations in their minds.

"As for my uncle, he was in charge of logistics at the rear of the battlefield. His location at that time was absolutely confidential and no one would know about it. But suddenly one day a group of enemy troops suddenly came to the rear."

Several people's hearts moved, and they looked at Rogers with some surprise.

"Yes, someone in their army was already being controlled by the other party at that time, which led to the coordinates being leaked. Fortunately, my uncle's escape skills were so strong that he was able to avoid being poisoned."

"And what he told me at the time was that they were attacked by a group of men with ferocious faces, wearing purple robes and holding scarlet bone blades..."

Several elders looked stunned, with goosebumps all over their bodies. Isn't this the appearance of the enemy that Elder Gasha just described?

Rogers said word by word, "Yes, what Elder Gaza encountered today is what my uncle met at that time."

Everyone was terrified.

"You mean, the enemy in that battle was the Zerg?" An elder couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, exactly." Rogers nodded. "Before, I only suspected it and didn't dare to confirm it until I passed this just now."

As he spoke, he dropped a bead on the grass, and a scene suddenly appeared in mid-air.

On the screen, it was a group of void wanderers who were slaughtering the elf hunters on the wall, and their erratic figures were exactly the same as what Rogers had just described.

"This is the image transmission stone I kept there. The picture you see now is the real-time picture."

"These Zerg are not the ordinary Zerg in the Zerg Domain, but Zerg with divinity. Each of them has the appearance of becoming a god."

Several elders looked at the picture, and saw only one Void Wanderer clinging to their legion commander, making it impossible for Younger to go to support.

I was sad for a while.

They thought that if they stayed there, they might...

Everyone looked at Rogers gratefully.

"Originally, I wanted to leave alone, but we have been together for so long, and I really couldn't bear to let you ruin the tiger's mouth, so I tried my best to get Younger to give me three thousand hunters and take you away with me."

"Now you understand my good intentions!"

Several elders were very moved.

"Lord Rogers, I won't say anything more from now on." An elder stood up and expressed his position, "From now on, if you ask me to go east, I will never go west. If you ask me to go to Daoshan, I will never go." Don’t put it in the frying pan.”

"As long as we give this image stone to the Marshal, we will definitely do a great job!"

"Not only now, we have also reported three thousand elf hunters. When the time comes, that old immortal Younger will definitely step down, and the position of legion commander will definitely belong to you!"

The other elders also echoed their congratulations, and the atmosphere was peaceful.

Logos picked up the image stone on the ground and wiped the dust on it, "Without further delay, all the elders will accompany me to the main city in the rear. Younger, his strength has reached the late stage of immortality. If he wants to get rid of those insects, Can't stop it."

"So everyone, let's hurry up and get on the road and meet the Generalissimo as soon as possible." At this point, Rogers paused, "When the time comes..."


"Wonderful, really wonderful." A purple scorpion slowly climbed up from the other side of the cliff, mouthing human words as it climbed, "I wonder why there is a group of dark elves quietly hiding aside, without any support. , nor kill the enemy."

"So that's what I had in mind."

"Now that you know my secret, then... I won't let you stay."


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