"Gasha!" Youngor's angry voice sounded.

Upon hearing this, Gasha hurriedly knelt down on the ground in fear.

Youngor looked down at the man kneeling on the ground and said angrily: "You made such a big mistake for me when I asked you to lead the troops for the first time. If it weren't for you just now, why would I let Rutgers lead the troops?"

"You really disappoint me!"

Youngor slowly took a few steps forward, his eyes slowly moved down, and he caught a glimpse of Gaza's proud breasts through the loose collar. He slowly stretched out his big withered hand, reached in from the collar, and pinched it hard. .


A soft sound sounded, and Youngor's blood surged.

The other party shouldn't be able to fight so quickly. Three minutes should be enough.

Seeing that there was no one around, Youngor directly dragged Gasha into the grass nearby...and was about to start brutally punishing her for three minutes.


Outside, the horn of war has sounded, and the swarm of insects has gradually begun to approach.

Walking at the front was the tall Gene Queen, while the Devourer was hidden among the insects, secretly observing the situation on the other side.

This group of dark elves had never seen such a ferocious-looking insect.

In their eyes, these insects were like evil creatures from the bottom of the abyss, with a bloodthirsty and cruel aura gleaming all over them.

For a moment, the dark elves on the wall felt fear in their hearts, especially as the mountains and seas of insects slowly approached, this panic began to spread.

Suddenly a figure suddenly landed on the wall.

"Tsk, tsk, the bugs are finally here." Youngor curled his lips in disdain, lifted his pants, and his eyes fell on the leading queen in the distance, with a proud look on his face.

The elven elders looked solemn and frowned one by one: "The strength of these insect swarms is evenly distributed. We can feel that they are almost all close to the extraordinary peak, but the cold and strange aura is really chilling."

"No wonder they were able to break through the Boneyard in a short period of time and defeat the five thousand elves led by Gaza."

"It seems that this is a Zerg with extremely high growth potential and powerful combat power."

"No matter how high their growth limit is, it is for the great dark elves and the great elven goddess."

"Kill these disgusting bugs and let the light of the Elf Goddess spread throughout the world."

Each of these dark elves spoke impassionedly and with indignation, as if they were the embodiment of justice.

"You are clearly an aggressor, but you dress yourself up as a victim. You are worthy of being a dark elf!" Queen Gene slowly moved forward, speaking human words, and said coldly: "You slaughtered my Dongli soldiers and invaded my Dongli territory. Now you are dressing yourself up as a warrior who protects your home and country. What you are doing really disgusts me.”

"You all have to die and be buried with the dead Dongli soldiers."

The low, cold and hoarse voice came from the Overlord's mouth, making all the elves shudder, as if they were facing the devil from hell.

A layer of frosted armor instantly filled the Queen's body, and then all the insect swarms, led by it, charged towards the fifth post.

"Hmph! Pretending to be a ghost." Youngor said disdainfully, "If you want to fight, then fight."

"I would like to know whether the claws in your hands swing faster, or whether our elves' arrows are faster."

"Fire arrows."


Suddenly, all kinds of brilliant skill lights filled the wall.

Various buffing skills were used on the shooters. The elves on the wall used parabolic shooting methods, and various arrows with different effects were thrown out by them.

Explosive arrow.

Penetrating arrow.

Frost Arrow.

Shadow Arrow.

Etc., etc......

At the same time, dozens of crossbows that were ready to go fired in a progressive manner. The powerful arrows instantly penetrated the bodies of the warriors in the front row, like a string of candied haws, piercing several in a row, and then...

There was a "boom" and it exploded.

Under the double blow of crossbows and arrow rain, the insect swarm at the front suffered a devastating blow.

If it were another race, it might be timid when encountering this situation, but the Zerg would definitely not!

Death will only arouse their bloodthirsty desire!

Each one rushed faster.




One bullet after another accurately hit the giant crossbow on the wall, smashing it to pieces.

In an instant, dozens of giant crossbows were destroyed by the Ember of the Void after firing a round of arrows.

Without the suppression of the giant crossbow, the casualties of warriors are greatly reduced. It often takes seven to eight arrows or even a dozen arrows to successfully kill a warrior.

After destroying the giant crossbow, Jhin looked at the elf shooter on the wall and started to pull the trigger.

For a while, the elf hunter on the opposite side did not dare to show his head.

They were determined to fight back, but even the dark elves with excellent vision could not clearly see the position of the opponent's sniper.

The elf archer had no choice but to vent his anger on the warriors.

In this way, the corpses of three thousand warriors were sacrificed.

The first warriors to charge finally scaled the wall built by the dark elves.


An elf archer reacted very quickly. He drew out three arrows in an instant and fired three consecutive shots at the warrior in front of him.

Unfortunately, the warrior's strong carapace withstood a large number of attacks. Only one arrow hit the joint, causing its movement to be blocked and it fell to the ground.

Before the elf archer could be happy, the moment the warrior fell to the ground, as her body leaned forward, a sharp barb pierced her chest.

It gave her a chill.

"Xiweimei!" The elf swordsman on the side roared with his eyes about to split, "You bed bug, you go to hell."

After saying that, he waved a sword light fiercely at the warrior who was still crawling hard and trying to achieve another great achievement.


The sharp sword flashed across like lightning, and the sword energy brought by the sword's edge was extremely sharp, splitting the warrior in half, and even continued to cut in subtle ways, finally killing him completely!

It ended his heroic but short life of serving the country and the people.

Seeing that the warrior was completely dead, the elf swordsman hurried forward, helped the elf archer up and shouted sadly: "Warlock, someone is injured, someone is injured."

"Now I know how uncomfortable it is. The lives of you dark elves are important, but the lives of our Dongli soldiers are not?" A cold and deep voice came from the side.

The elf swordsman suddenly broke into a cold sweat before he could make the next move.


A giant tail shot directly from under the wall, instantly blowing his head off and killing him immediately.


Blood mixed with brains spilled all over the floor.

The next second, a huge figure jumped up from the wall, and then landed steadily on the city wall.


Rending Claws.

Super bloodthirsty.

Activating various skills, the Queen was like a black lightning on the wall, killing everyone.

In an instant, a clearing cleared.

Then a large number of warriors climbed onto the wall following the Queen's direction and began to spread to both sides.

In an instant, the wall was in chaos.

Most elves are not good at close combat, but there are dozens of elven elders scattered on the wall.

An elf elder continued to wave his sword energy, slashing at the raging insect swarm.


Warriors continued to be cut in half, but the number of elf elders was limited.

Once a gap is opened, it is difficult to plug it.

"Damn it, where did the damn Logos go with the elf hunter?" Youngor cursed angrily, picked up the sword and rushed towards the queen.


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