National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 188 The Immaculate Glazed Body vs. So Close to the End of the World

"So close to the end of the world" does not require the user to actively release it, it is completely passive. On the contrary, only Su Fan's initiative can cancel the effect of "So close to the end of the world".

And the release of "So Close to the End" does not require much energy. Let's put it this way, Su Fan can maintain this state all day and night without taking in any energy.

And after Gu Changqing's experiments, everyone has seen that this ability can resist all attacks, whether it is long-range spells, close-range strikes, or irresistible spiritual attacks.

All in all, this is an almost perfect ability, with low consumption and powerful effects. The only shortcoming is probably the lack of aggression.

This is an almost unsolvable ability, and no spells or tools can restrain "The End of the World".

So Su Fan could say it without any scruples.

If the enemy tries to break the "So close to the end of the world", they can only work in one direction, and that is to hit a blow that truly exceeds the upper limit of the "So close to the end of the world".

This attack can be from any aspect, but it must exceed the upper limit.

So the question is, can Gu Changqing, the first holy son of Wangchen Sect, be able to carry out such an attack?

The interest in Gu Changqing's pupils became more intense, "There is indeed a feeling of touching an entity." He continued to exert force with his palms, but the distance between them did not shrink, and his palms still stopped in mid-air.

"But as long as it is a solid body, it means it can be broken, right?" Gu Changqing smiled confidently, and his body suddenly exuded a jade-like divine light.

Su Fan's eyes narrowed slightly. He knew that Gu Changqing was using the Wangchen Cult's unique technique - the Wugou Divine Art, which meant that Gu Changqing was starting to exert his strength.

But Su Fan didn't take any countermeasures. He wanted to take the risk and test the upper limit of the ability of "so close to the end of the world".

"Untainted Divine Art, Untainted Glazed Body." Gu Changqing shouted softly.

A line like the Milky Way gradually appeared between his eyebrows, which was infinitely mysterious.

When the mysterious river pattern took shape, Su Fan clearly felt that Gu Changqing seemed to erupt with a terrifying pressure that could make the world pale.

At this moment, Gu Changqing's physical body became extremely terrifying. He was not prepared to hold back his hands. He raised his palm like a knife and struck continuously. The void in front of Su Fan trembled, and the distance between Gu Changqing's palms became closer and closer to him.

Gu Changqing's hands shook continuously, and large handprints as clear as glass appeared, almost collapsing the void.

Su Fan stared intently at the non-existent light curtain in front of him. Once the "so close to the end of the world" was broken, he would have to use his spiritual light armor to resist the attack.

As time passed by, Su Fan couldn't help but yawn. He looked at Gu Changqing, who looked a little unnatural towards you, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

"It seems that your Innocent Glazed Body is nothing more than that." Su Fan smiled. He knew that the "Innocuous Glazed Body" was Gu Changqing's strongest attack method.

Moreover, "Innocent Glazed Body" is an explosive move. In other words, it has a duration, and this time will end soon.

Even the most powerful offensive technique failed to break through "So Close to the End of the World", which meant that Gu Changqing was unable to do anything to Su Fan in a short period of time.

"Huh." Gu Changqing let out a breath and released the "Innocent Glazed Body". It was undoubtedly more embarrassing to remove it by himself in advance or to be released after exhaustion.

Gu Changqing felt quite depressed, shook his head and said: "Your ability is too abnormal, I'd better go find other opponents."

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"Hey, I didn't say let you go." Su Fan smiled mysteriously, and flashed in front of Gu Changqing with his unstoppable footwork.

It was so fast, almost like a ghost.

Gu Changqing's heart was shaken. His speed was comparable to that of Tianpeng. This hand alone was enough to stand alone among all the saint-level powerhouses. Coupled with his tricky abilities and mysterious and unused methods.

This suddenly made Su Fan's image become more three-dimensional in his eyes.

"In that case, let's not leave." Gu Changqing smiled lightly. With Su Fan's speed, he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

In this way, the fight between the two formed a delicate balance. Gu Changqing was unable to escape, but Su Fan was too lazy to take action. He believed that his pet could win.

Turning our attention back to other battle situations, although Jiang Cha and Xia Mang's side fought like tea and fire, Jiang Cha's attack power is relatively weak because of Jiang Cha's unique skill in body refining. Although Xia Mang has mastered many offensive and killing techniques, , but they were all swallowed up by Jiang Cha’s divine light, and no one could do anything to anyone for a while.

As for Tantai Xue and Li Ange, although the former is one level weaker than the latter according to the level of beast masters, her spiritual consciousness is actually very powerful, far better than practitioners of the same level, which is enough to make up for this shortcoming.

Although Li Ange's sword was as bright as a dragon, it was blocked by the streaks of auspicious colors that Tantai Xue shot from between his eyebrows.

There are even many treasures in Tantai Snow, and if he throws one out casually, there is a faint tendency to fight back.

As for the part between the demon girl Zidie and Niu Zhuangshou, they are quite "dangerous". The demon girl Zidie is like a willow leaf swaying in the wind. There are many dangers. Niu Zhuangshou's attacks always rub her delicate body slippery. However, Deniu Zhuang was very angry.

But the demon girl Zidie has a good control over her rhythm. Once Niu Zhuangshi rolls his eyes and wants to take the opportunity to leave the battlefield to help others, her attack will follow closely, so that Niu Zhuangshi will not be severely damaged, but he cannot ignore it.

Therefore, Niu Zhuangshi was so anxious and angry that he couldn't beat this bitch to death. Every time he attacked, he missed her by a narrow margin. Once he tried to leave, she wouldn't let him go. It was really nerve-wracking. .

This situation is somewhat similar to Gu Changqing's.

However, the demon girl Zidie worked very hard to maintain this situation, and her expression turned a little pale. It was not easy to not let outsiders discover her true strength, but also to stop Niu Zhuangshu, who was relatively close in strength.

It has to be said that although the witch Zidie has a changeable temperament and is elusive, her abilities are beyond reproach, and she has a high degree of completion of what she promised Su Fan.

It's no wonder that she can stand out from the weakest Hehuan Sect and grow up to face the first saint child level figures. You must know that in the past, the peerless Shuangxie of the Hehuan Sect only relied on dual cultivation of secret techniques to be worthy of being the successor of the great sect. Compete with each other.

And at most they only protect themselves, and are basically unable to fight back, let alone beings like the demon Zidie, whose real combat power is enough to compete with, or even defeat, the top saints.

On the other side, Hanhan's eyes were full of bloodlust. For a time, his combat power was at the bottom of Su Fan's team, but now that he has the "Immortal World", everything will eventually change.

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