National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 189 Purple Star Divine Eyes

Li Mu's eyes were indifferent. Now that he had determined that Hanhan was qualified to take action, he no longer had any reservations.

"The Shining Star Technique!" Li Mu shouted, his black hair dancing wildly, his eyes like lightning, and hundreds of dazzling stars lit up around him.

Li Mu, who had used the supreme magic, had extremely strong energy and blood, as strong as a furnace. At this moment, stars were surrounding him, and he seemed to have turned into a god, and the sky was filled with stars.

There were two divine rays of light shooting out of Li Mu's pupils. He patted Hanhan with his palm. In the palm of his hand, he could clearly see dozens of stars moving in their own trajectories.

The palm of the hand gradually pressed forward, and continued to grow in mid-air. Before it fell even an inch, the space vibrated, and strong pressure rushed towards the face.

Hanhan's eyes were filled with bloodthirsty, and he suddenly raised his hoof claws. The sharp claws on the hoof claws were like giant swords striking at the palm prints that fell from high in the air.


Hanhan let out a low roar, and khaki air flow danced around him. With the infusion of his spiritual energy, his sharp claws released an astonishing snow-white light, directly resisting Li Mu's pressing palm of the stars.

The air wave exploded, and the strong impact turned into an astonishing shock wave that spread in all directions, blowing away a lot of the mysterious fog in the ancient bronze palace.

Li Mu's expression changed slightly. He did not perceive it wrong. The aura of the small alien beast opposite him completely changed when it came out of "Starry Night". He blocked his attack with a wave of his claws, calmly and calmly.

"It seems that you are a little impatient." Hanhan smiled honestly, and he finally took the initiative. The flesh wings on his back vibrated slightly, and he stepped in the void. After a few accelerations, he arrived in front of Li Mu.

Li Mu's eyes were solemn, and he used Hanhan in "Original Heaven and Earth" at an incredible speed. He could only observe a burst of afterimages from the void, unable to discover Hanhan's true location.


Li Mu's whole body burst into bright starlight, and the stars around him gradually grew larger, protecting him within them. Each star was as blazing as the sun, which was really shocking!

Hundreds of stars kept shining, seemingly irregular, but actually there was something mysterious about them, as if they were a world of their own, protecting Li Mu at the center.

Hanhan lurked in the void, turning into hundreds of phantoms, attacking Li Mu from all directions, roaring sounds continued, and for a moment, bright stars splashed everywhere, hundreds of stars as big as a bowl, Being beaten by Hanhan kept trembling.

Stardust was scattered everywhere, and some stars were even hit with many small holes by the high-intensity attack.

There were thousands of afterimages, and with Li Mu's eyesight, he didn't even have time to see Hanhan's figure clearly. If he hadn't made a prompt decision and sacrificed all the stars, he would have been severely injured by this blow.

But for Li Mu, the Holy Son of Heaven, the effort that could stop him for a moment was enough.

At this critical moment, when hundreds of stars were crumbling and almost unable to hold on, Li Mu closed his eyes calmly and calmly.

Hanhan's eyes reflected a cold light. He also used real fire. Even though he used the supreme holy technique, he was still unable to break through the stars around Li Mu for a long time, which was more or less humiliating.

I saw Hanhan's sharp horns and sharp claws emitting a dazzling light.

Immediately, the golden stream of light quickly began to flow all over the body along those strange golden secret patterns. His wings, hoof claws, sharp horns, and tail all underwent subtle changes. Even the scales seemed to be denser, and the hoof claws also became Sharper.

Hanhan further displayed his "Immortal World", and his strength soared again.

While Hanhan was using his secret technique for a moment, the dozens of stars that he had almost shattered were constantly glowing with light, and there was a faint tendency that they were about to be repaired.

This "Glory Star Technique" is really an extremely terrifying secret technique. Hundreds of stars are like one body, forming a world of its own. The defense is ridiculously strong. It can block Hanhan's high-intensity attacks, and it also has its own repair function.

It can only be said that Li Mu is worthy of being the number one saint in Tianji. This skill alone is enough to give headaches to many practitioners of his generation.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The hoofs and claws kept trampling, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen stars turned into powder.

Li Mu, who closed his eyes and seemed to be working on some secret technique, raised his eyebrows slightly. He could not remain calm. At this speed, the repair speed of the stars evolved from the "Glory Star Technique" could not match the speed of Han Han's destruction.


Hanhan let out an excited growl.

The tail as fast as lightning swung past, the speed was extremely fast, and hundreds of stars that formed the world were directly chopped and trembled, showing signs of being crushed on the spot.

In this wave, it was because they united to resist the pressure from the outside world that no stars were broken. However, according to the intensity of the attack that Hanhan displayed, hundreds of stars would not be able to hold on in just a few hits.

Hanhan was keenly aware that the aura on Li Mu was getting stronger and stronger. He knew that Li Mu was about to perform an unknown secret technique. He immediately roared even more crazily and waved his golden hooves.


A deafening sound came out, and hundreds of stars that formed the world trembled at the same time, and cracks appeared on their bodies.

One or two more times, hundreds of stars will definitely not be able to protect Li Mu.

At this critical moment, Li Mu's eyelids suddenly turned purple, almost transparent, crystal clear, and very magical.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, two purple lights flashed past, and his eyes were as deep as the stars.

Hanhan was startled, and his extremely accurate spiritual sense reminded him that there was great terror in these purple pupils. Sure enough, just a moment of contact made him feel dizzy.

Hanhan turned his head slightly, not looking at the mysterious purple pupils, and the uncomfortable feeling weakened slightly.

What Li Mu used was also the secret technique contained in the "Glory Star Technique", called the "Purple Star Divine Eye".

Li Mu knew that the stars were almost about to shatter, so he immediately and decisively activated the "Purple Star Divine Eyes" and looked at Hanhan, with a bright purple light in his eyes.

Hanhan's heart skipped a beat, and he realized that this pupil technique was very unusual. Even if he didn't look at Li Mu's eyes, he would still be affected.

At this moment, he felt as if the flow of time around him had slowed down.


Hanhan howled angrily and swung his right hoof and claw down, intending to tear Li Mu in front of him into pieces.

However, Li Mu just stood there quietly with indifferent eyes and did not use any moves to effectively resist.

It turns out that Hanhan's claws were incredibly fast, but now he was as slow as a turtle. Not to mention Li Mu, who was at the top of the Void Realm (level 30), even a low-level monk could easily dodge it. Open his attack.

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