National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 187 Gu Changqing, the Holy Son of Wangchen, has a headache

No matter which direction Gu Changqing, the Holy Son of Wangchen, attacks from, or unleashes a supreme secret technique with unparalleled power, Su Fan on the other side just stands in place, and these attacks are naturally isolated not far away.

It's so outrageous that even if Gu Changqing used Wangchen's secret technique "Pagoda Blood Hand", it would be in vain.

Let's turn back the clock a little bit.

"Why are you standing in front of us?" Gu Changqing stood with his hands behind his hands, a look of regret on his eyebrows, "With the four first-class Saint Son-level combat powers, no matter which genius is here, they will definitely end up in despair. "

As an immortal genius of the Wangchen Sect, he is quite conceited.

"That can't be helped. I really don't want to fight with you at first." Su Fan said nonchalantly, "But if you attack us as soon as we show up, it makes me interested in educating you on behalf of your elders..."

Su Fan touched his chin and said, "Teach you basic etiquette."

"It's a pity. I actually like your rare beasts, and I am even willing to bring them back to the Wangchen Sect as an exception. But you hinder us from conquering the mysterious furnace, so we have to slaughter them." Gu Changqing responded lightly. .

"Hey." Su Fan raised his sword eyebrows lightly, "When it comes to rare and rare beasts, I did think of something. I wonder if Holy Son Wangchen has ever heard of 'Mo Chen'?"

When Gu Changqing heard this, his eyes almost narrowed to a slit, "Mo Chen, I know, he... is my dear junior brother."

"As expected of the same blood, you two both like exotic animals, tsk." Su Fan looked at Gu Changqing, "It's just that he is more exaggerated and likes experiments on human and animal sutures."

"Yes." Gu Changqing sighed a little, his eyes were extremely deep, as if he was caught in some kind of reminiscence, "That boy has always liked to follow me since he was a child. Whether it is talent, IQ or ability, he is the first-class existence in the teaching. Because of these...he was once a strong contender for the First Son."

He paused slightly and continued to mutter to himself: "It's just a pity that this kid focused entirely on the human-animal suturing experiment, and his cultivation has dropped a lot."

After speaking, Gu Changqing glanced at Su Fan gently, "You know this, you must have met my junior brother."

"I want to ask one thing." Gu Changqing's pupils were filled with blood flames rising from the depths of his eyes. "Did you kill Mo Chen in the end?"

Su Fan didn't care about his dangerous gaze and grinned, "Yes."

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Gu Changqing's breath softened, and his eyes looked a little melancholy, "Then I have to thank you, thank you for allowing Mo Chen to be freed."

Su Fan was a little surprised when he heard this. The development of the plot seemed to be a little different. According to common sense, Gu Changqing would definitely rush up and kill him out of hatred.

Su Fan was able to observe through the "Eye of Deception" that the emotional fluctuations emanating from Gu Changqing were extremely real and he was not lying. He really wanted to thank himself in his heart.

"Don't worry, no matter what, at least your life will be saved by me." Gu Changqing said lightly, his body turned into a shadow, floating over like a figure in a painting.

"The premise have to fall into a position where you can't resist."

As soon as Gu Changqing came up, he used the secret technique of forgetting the dust. He raised his right hand high, showing a blood-red halo, which was sinister and strange, making people feel dizzy.

This is the "Buddha Blood Hand" that Mo Chen once used, but in Gu Changqing's hands, this move is a little different. These bloody halos make people look dizzy, precisely because Gu Changqing has attached spiritual consciousness to it. attack.

It has to be said that as the first holy son of the Wangchen Sect, Gu Changqing is very qualified in terms of combat consciousness and his own strength.

Previously, Shangguan Xingyun tried to use the vision "blood moon rising from the sea" to kill Su Fan, but for some unknown reason, it was hindered and the moonlight did not fall.

Therefore, Gu Changqing guessed that maybe Su Fan's unknown ability could block long-range magic attacks, but it might not be able to deal with melee attacks and attacks against spiritual consciousness.

In order to verify his guess, Gu Changqing flashed directly in front of Su Fan and used two types of attacks at the same time. As long as Su Fan showed the slightest thought of resisting, he would use these two types of attacking and killing techniques one after another, killing Su Fan suppressed it temporarily.


The sound was very loud, like a thunder blast, which spread throughout the ancient bronze palace. Gu Changqing blasted out with a palm, causing blood-red ripples. The strange halo fluttered like gauze, drowning Su Fan directly.

The blood was like mist, and divine power overflowed. The strength of this palm was terrifying.

Gu Changqing's brows widened, "I have a real feeling that this blow really hit him."

"It seems that the weakness of this ability is melee attack or spiritual attack." After performing a shocking blow, Gu Changqing was very calm, "Well, which one is it? Forget it, both at the same time Use it."

However, when the blood mist dispersed, Gu Changqing was stunned.

Looking at Su Fan, who was unscathed and still had a calm expression and his trademark smile on his face, Gu Changqing raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What's going on?" Gu Changqing's face showed a strange color.

"To put it simply...missed." Su Fan explained with his hands in his Taoist robes.

"Missed?" Gu Changqing was a little confused, "My move is different from the strange phenomenon 'Blood Moon Rising from the Sea'. I use my palms to attack. Since it touches the entity, I clearly feel that it hits you. That’s right.”

Seeing Wangchen's first saint son Gu Changqing looking confused, Su Fan couldn't help but secretly lamented how useful "So Close to the End" was.

"What you hit is actually just the infinity between you and me." Su Fan stretched out his index finger and thumb to measure distance.

"To put it simply, you can imagine that there is a barrier in front of me that has no blind spots and is as solid as a barrier." Su Fan chuckled and stretched out a palm, "Here, you can try it."

Gu Changqing smiled lightly and said, "Interesting."

He did not feel murderous intent from Su Fan. Furthermore, even if Su Fan wanted to attack, he was confident that he could completely block the attack.

Gu Changqing took a few steps forward, slowly moved his right hand, and pressed it down on Su Fan's outstretched palm.


A strange sound sounded. It was so subtle that you couldn't hear it unless you listened carefully.

At the same time, Gu Changqing narrowed his eyes slightly, and he clearly saw that his palm could not touch Su Fan's palm at all, and was directly blocked in mid-air.

And that strange sound came from the contact between the two, and the void there trembled slightly, as if it was affected by something.

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