National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 186 The stars reflect the night, I am the world

Li Mu and Hanhan's side.

Li Mu looked indifferent. He looked at the small Hanhan in front of him and said, "Get back quickly. Don't waste my time. Maybe I can spare your life."

What he meant was that he was rushing for time. He probably didn't plan to fight Su Fan's team honestly, but wanted to go over secretly and subdue the Void Furnace.

"Don't even think about it." Hanhan didn't give in. He tilted his head with an expression that said, "What can you do to me?"

Seeing that his persuasion was useless, Li Mu stopped wasting his words. He shot out two beams of light from his eyes, which were very sharp and compelling, contrary to his usual indifferent attitude. Only at this moment did people feel his terror, his eyes as sharp as knives.

"In that case, just stay here honestly." Li Mu swiped his hand, and the space near them darkened on the spot.

Originally, there was soft light in the ancient bronze palace, shining in all directions, but with a flip of his hand, night fell near Hanhan. Such a method made people feel awe-inspiring.

In the dark night sky, the sky is full of stars, like diamonds set in the night sky, constantly twinkling.

"Just stay in there. I won't play house with you anymore. Conquering the Purple Furnace first is the business." Li Mu looked at Hanhan who was swallowed by the darkness, his posture calm and calm.

This is exactly the trick derived from the Tianji Sect's supreme secret technique - the Shining Star Technique. It has to be said that Li Mu, as the first holy son of Tianji, is indeed extremely talented.

Previously, Beidou only knew that there were dozens of stars surrounding him, but Li Mu was different. He made full use of the Shining Star Technique, and even derived various new stunts.

This move is called "Stars Reflecting the Night", and it is extremely powerful. This alone is enough to suppress Beidou, who is also the Holy Son, but he wielded it casually, simple and casual, and the combat power of the First Holy Son was fully demonstrated.

At this moment, Hanhan seemed to be in the starry sky, with stars shining all around him.

This is similar to the login space of "Under the Starry Sky". It makes people feel like they are in the vast starry sky, and at the same time, it is surrounded by shining stars.

But this trick of "stars reflecting the night" gives Hanhan a stronger sense of oppression than the "under the starry sky" login space.

Because the twinkling stars around him were gradually enlarging, and then slowly pressing towards Hanhan.

The sky is shattering and the earth is shattering, and every star is rapidly magnifying, as heavy as a mountain, and dazzling, illuminating the entire starry sky! It no longer looked like stars, but more like rounds of blazing sun.

Hanhan's eyes were cold, and he felt that every star was very resentful, as if it could completely destroy the earth, and it had unparalleled majestic pressure.


Hanhan roared, with a ferocious look on his face, he raised his right limb high into the shape of a claw, and directly swung his claw in the air!

Tear it apart!

A golden giant claw visible to the naked eye appeared between the sky and the earth, a giant claw made purely of earth element energy.

The giant claws tore it apart, and the whole night began to tremble, as if it could not bear the pressure, and the dazzling stars fell down one after another, and were torn apart by Hanhan's claws.

I saw Hanhan moving like lightning, waving out countless claws and destroying the falling stars one by one.

Hanhan's movements were very fast, he struck mercilessly, his claws were as sharp as a knife, and he completely cut open a star. Mysterious stones flew away, and he continued to rush to the next one without stopping.

While countless stars were not setting, the entire night also emitted a dazzling light, putting pressure on Hanhan.

Hanhan's body sank, and he felt as if he was carrying Dayue on his back, with the blue sky above his head. The earth beneath his feet was cracking, and his bones were shaking constantly, like sonorous music reverberating.

Hanhan's expression was a little solemn. The strength of Tianji Saint Li Mu was really terrifying. The spells he cast with a single wave were so powerful, which greatly increased his pressure.

At this point, Hanhan had no choice but to use the abilities he gained from the Void Furnace.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that this ability was obtained from the Void Furnace. To be precise, this ability seems to be hidden deep in Hanhan's memory, and it was only now inspired by the Void Furnace.

The name of this ability is called "Original Heaven and Earth".

To put it bluntly, it is a special secret technique that can make Hanhan's body larger or smaller!

When the body shrinks, the weight of the whole body will not change, which will greatly increase the density, bone density, and muscle density.

The claws, sharp corners, etc. have become sharper. The power of a punch with a force of 100 kilograms is very different from that of an embroidery needle thrust with a force of 100 kilograms!

So... once it shrinks, Hanhan's claws will become even sharper.

Normally, Hanhan can maintain his reduced body, but his strength will not change. Only by using the "Original World" will his strength increase greatly.

The flow of time in the night seemed to be different from that in the outside world. When Hanhan was showing off his power and destroying countless stars, Li Mucai just turned his attention to the mysterious furnace.

His eyes were as deep as water, and almost everyone was being held back at this time, so no one had time to stop him from taking off the purple furnace.

Once the Purple Furnace is truly conquered, everyone, including Su Fan, will probably hate it. After all, Su Fan has tried before and it was impossible to teleport into the "under the starry sky" login space in the furnace.

Taking advantage of the moment when the night stopped Hanhan, Li Mu once again stretched out a big hand and grabbed it towards the purple furnace. Dozens of stars were flowing in the palm of his hand, releasing dazzling starlight.


Suddenly, there was an unspeakable sound of "stars reflecting the night". Li Muruo looked towards the night with feeling, and found that Hanhan's claws had torn him open.

"This is really beyond my expectation." Li Mu looked calm. He saw that his body shape had not changed, he was still so petite and naive, and his expression was a little solemn.

It was different. The strange spiritual beast opposite gave him a completely different feeling.

"It seems that I don't have time to get the Void Furnace. That's a pity." Li Mu turned around and looked at Hanhan with a serious look on his face. The aura emanating from the other person's body made him understand that he had to go all out.

The last battlefield is between Su Fan and Gu Changqing, which is a bit weird.

Su Fan carelessly put his hands in the Taoist robe. It was obviously a simple robe with patterns carved on the great road. Not only did it not let him wear the celestial spirit that a practitioner should have, but it gave him some inexplicable scornful energy.

It really looks a bit nondescript.

On the other hand, his opponent, Gu Changqing, the Holy Son of Wangchen Sect, frowned and looked at Su Fan with a grimace, as if he was chewing a hard bone and didn't know where to start.

"What a headache." Gu Changqing looked at Su Fan who was busy and relaxed, and tapped his eyebrows in depression.

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