National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 185 Huntian Xiaopeng King vs. Tuntian, a fateful showdown

While the demon Zidie, Dayan Saint Tantai Xue and Immortal Guan Jiangcha were blocking their opponents, Su Fan was also secretly sizing up the four enemies in front of him.

Shangguan Xingyun, Huntian Xiaopeng Wang, Gu Changqing and Li Mu.

These four have strengths comparable to level 30 beast masters and pets. Even judging from their panels, they possess many offensive techniques and advanced spiritual weapons. Their combat power is probably more difficult than that of ordinary level 30 pets. entangled.

But it's a pity that the three pets in Su Fan's team have high qualifications and extraordinary combat power.

Under Su Fan's guidance, they successfully found their opponents.

Huntian Xiaopeng King vs. Tuntian, Shangguan Xingyun vs. Xiaohuo, Li Mu vs. Hanhan, Gu Changqing vs. Su Fan.

"It turns out it's you." King Huntian Xiaopeng looked at the flash of lightning coming from the opposite side, his wild pupils filled with a little surprise.

He recognized that Tun Tian was the eagle-like spiritual beast he encountered on the first floor of the God Refining Tower. After all, Thunder Speed ​​was a rare ability that was only slightly inferior to Tian Peng Speed. It was no wonder that he was not impressed by Tun Tian. .

"To be honest, this is the first time I have seen a demon clan like Tianpeng since I was born. My claws will definitely be stained with roc blood today." Tuntian raised his head high, extremely arrogant.

"Interesting, wait until I break your wings and cut off your eagle claws to see if you can still be so tough-talking." Huntian Xiaopeng King strode forward a few steps, with a hint of excitement on his brows.

There are basically no opponents in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, and a lonely life like snow is really meaningless. At this moment, Swallowing Heaven's realm is similar to his, and he also has lightning speed, so he is definitely the most suitable opponent.

"Now you are even more qualified to be my whetstone." Black light shone on the swollen body of King Hundian Xiaopeng, and his voice was powerful and powerful.

"But you are no longer good enough for me." Tuntian's eyes were like lightning, and he was tit for tat.

In the soft light of the ancient bronze palace, King Huntian Xiaopeng's body was cast like steel, shining with a faint brilliance, and his black hair fluttered in the wind, possessing an indescribable magical nature.

His eyes were stern and strange, like two bolts of lightning shooting out of hell, piercing into people's souls, devouring their hearts, and murderous intent raging like a sea wave.

On the other side, Tuntian stood calmly, standing in the void, his black feathers swaying, his eyes as thunderous as lightning, motionless, looking at his opponent calmly and calmly.

Invisible murderous thoughts stirred between the two. Before the war started, the void gradually began to distort, and the powerful fighting and killing intentions became more and more solid.

The expressions of Xia Mang and Jiang Cha who were fighting not far away changed at the same time. They were too close, and their shocking killing intent made them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and they were both physically and mentally cold.


Xia Mang's pupils were filled with disbelief. The dragon shadow behind him, which was swaying but not lacking in majesty, couldn't bear it anymore. A crack actually appeared due to the pressure of this terrible murderous intention.


The crystal luster on Jiang Cha's body kept flashing, and she was also frightened by the invisible murderous intention. Without this protective layer of precious light, she would most likely have been seriously injured.

The two soared into the sky and were instantly away from the place where Huntian Xiaopeng King and Tuntian were fighting. If they stayed there any longer, there was no guarantee that they would be safe and sound.

Xia Mang and Jiang Cha looked a little lonely. They were both descendants of the Supreme Sect, but they didn't expect that the gap in strength was so huge.

At this moment, Huntian Xiaopeng King moved, and he let out a clear whistle.


The void trembled, and with a flash of dark light, Huntian Xiaopeng King suddenly disappeared into the void. He obviously used Tianpeng's extreme speed as soon as he came up.


The terrifying electric light instantly covered Tuntian's whole body, and a sarcastic look flashed in his eyes. At the same time, he used lightning speed and left through space.


A sound like the intersection of gold and iron sounded, but only the sound could be heard, and the true figures of the two could not be distinguished.

I saw that the Huntian Xiaopeng King was incredibly fast. He transformed into thousands of phantoms, and kept taking action, blasting towards the swallowing sky in front of him.

Not to be outdone, Tuntian transformed into a thunderbolt and evolved thousands of electric lights, taking all the attacks from Huntian Xiaopeng King.

For a moment, sounds continued to be heard from where the two were fighting, but it was unclear how the battle was going and who had the upper hand. All that was known was the faint black light and purple thunder snakes flying everywhere.

On the other side, Shangguan Xingyun, the holy son of the Blood God Sect, also faced off against Xiao Huo.

Shangguan Xingyun didn't know Xiaohuo, so he naturally had nothing to say to him, so he immediately used the vision "Blood Moon Rising from the Sea" to kill the opponent.

He snorted coldly, this vision didn't work on that human being, but now it must have some effect on the little half-demon girl in front of him.

Xiao Huo looked at the shining bloody moonlight and snorted unhappily.


The ocean composed of the spiritual energy in Xiao Huo's body was turbulent and flowing rapidly, and an equally astonishing vision appeared from behind her.

It was a nine-tailed fox, with evil energy billowing from its body, shaking the sky, and the moonlight instantly stopped due to its appearance.

It stood there with a demonic aura, and its whole body was full of nobility and pride. It waved its claws lightly, and the bloody moonlight that flashed was shattered into pieces.

Shangguan Xingyun's eyes almost popped out of his sockets. Forget about the human race, how could this little girl simply block the "Blood Moon Rising from the Sea"?

He is not bragging, but the power of this vision "Blood Moon Rising from the Sea" is really amazing. Even the old seniors of the Blood God Sect and practitioners who are also at the top of the Void Realm (Level 30) were beaten by the vision. were retreating steadily.

Even when he was vying for the position of the Holy Son of the Blood God Religion, he managed to break out of the encirclement among countless favored sons based on this vision alone, which is not surprising.

Although he has not used all his strength, the little girl opposite is resisting with a bit too easily.

Xiaohuo looked at Shangguan Xingyun, who was still calm just now, and said sarcastically: "Just - this?? Do you know why my dress is red?"

Shangguan Xingyun was still a little shaken in his heart at this moment. He even fell into strong self-doubt. He wondered if there was something wrong with the vision "Blood Moon Rising on the Sea". Otherwise, why would anyone just pop up and block it with a wave of his hand?

There was even a human being who was motionless as the vision stopped in front of him.

So when he heard Xiao Huo's sudden question, he subconsciously asked, "Why?"

As soon as he said this, he felt that he had been fooled by this operation. Do you still need to ask why the dress is red?

The little girl opposite would probably tell you what kind of blood it was stained with.

Xiao Huo shook his head in disappointment, and the shocking demonic energy rushed out of his body without any reservation.

Now it was Shangguan Xingyun's turn to feel a little uncomfortable, "Hey, so what is the answer?"

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