National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 160 The corpse baby in the corpse box

"Brother, look at the side of the box!" Tuntian's eyes were as bright as lightning and he reminded him promptly.

Su Fan squinted and saw that there were some strange footprints on the floor. They looked very new and might be the work of other contestants.

Xiao Huo said with some worry: "Are there other contestants hiding in this place?"

She curled her neck and looked around, feeling that the room without light seemed particularly eerie, and a ball of golden flame immediately rose up to provide lighting.

Su Fan closed his eyes slightly and spread his spiritual consciousness around, "I didn't sense anything."

He paused slightly, then focused his attention on the box and the large porcelain jar again, "Both of these things have the effect of isolating spiritual consciousness. It seems really weird."

Su Fan frowned. Among the chaotic footprints on the ground, there was a very dazzling barefoot mark. The strangest thing was that the footprint was very small. It looked like it belonged to a child, no more than five or six years old.

"I have observed that there is no one with such a body shape among the contestants." Tuntian said with certainty.

As soon as he said these words, Xiao Huo felt a chill down his spine, and he was immediately ready to throw a ball of golden flame to hit the box.

"Wait, don't do it rashly." Su Fan stopped Xiao Huo, he was afraid of causing unnecessary changes. "If this is the second floor of the God Refining Tower, then this room may represent a trial. Please proceed with caution."

Su Fan followed the footprints and found that they extended into the corner of the room and finally disappeared into the small glowing box.

Su Fan's heart skipped a beat, his pupils shrank instantly, and a golden stream of data flashed past.

[Corpse Box (Level 4)]

[Description: Putting corresponding low-level corpses into it to breed for a period of time can create zombies that are comparable to the realm of the box itself. 】

[Level 4 zombies: Also known as zombies with hair growing on their bodies, they are famous for their copper skin and iron bones. They are not afraid of ordinary flames or sunlight, and can be stronger than those in the out-of-body realm (level 31-40). Those who compete. 】

Su Fan looked at the hidden information and his expression changed slightly, "Be careful, the jar may contain a corpse baby that is comparable to the out-of-body realm (level 31-40)!"

"Out-of-body realm!" Even the always proud Tuntian looked solemn, "A strong man in out-of-body realm is called the Demon King in the Mogu Forbidden Land and can gain a territory."

"In addition, beings in this realm have unique abilities, that is, the soul can leave the body and travel to the void!" Tuntian explained that as the son of the Demon King, he indeed has the most say.

"The soul is out of the body and the mind is too empty?" Xiao Huo repeated it subconsciously.

"Yes, beings in this realm can perceive the world with their souls leaving the body. The souls leaving the body are difficult to detect by beings above the out-of-body realm (level 31-40)." Tuntian nodded and added.

Xiaohuo shrank his neck, "No wonder I always feel like someone is watching me secretly. Do you think... could it be the corpse baby in the box?"

"Yeah, it's very possible." Tuntian also responded matter-of-factly.

"Come on." The corner of Su Fan's mouth twitched slightly, "What do you think? Mao Zheng said he was in an out-of-body state, but in fact his body was only comparable to theirs, and he didn't have the ability for his soul to leave his body. Each one of them was made just like the real thing. "

"Hehe." Xiao Huo scratched his head in embarrassment and stuck out his pink tongue playfully.

"Okay, Tuntian, go and see what's inside the box." Su Fan calmly ordered: "You are the fastest, and it is relatively easy to escape if there is danger."

"Xiaohuo, always pay attention to the movement of the box, and provide fire support if there is any abnormality."

"Understood!" "Copy that, Master."

Tun Tian slowly approached the "Corpse Box", but suddenly, the "Corpse Box" shook on its own.

"Master, it looks like the corpse baby must be hiding inside." Xiaohuo also observed this scene.

"No matter what, we still need to confirm, otherwise we really can't feel at ease." Su Fan said calmly. He didn't want to be attacked by the corpse baby when he turned around.

If the level of the zombie baby is not very high, you can still fight with it with the help of the sky-swallowing thunder and the small fire's golden flame, both of which have a restraining effect on evil things.

Although zombies at the level of Mao are not afraid of fire, a small wisp of the Golden Emperor's Burning Sky Flame is no joke, it is definitely enough for this person to drink a pot.

Tuntian nodded slightly and continued to approach the "corpse box". At the same time, he worked hard to prevent being attacked and unable to react.

Attacked by a body comparable to the one in the out-of-body realm, only Tuntian present was able to dodge it with lightning speed.

Tun Tian flew very slowly, fearing that something would suddenly jump out.

When he walked to the "corpse box", he poked it a few times with his paws and found that there was no movement.

Suddenly, Tuntian's eyes narrowed and he fiddled with the box carefully before he dared to pry it open with his claws.

"Hey, brother, is this really a corpse box? There's nothing in it, is it obviously an empty box?"

Tuntian was a little furious, so nervous that it all came to nothing in the end. This was really a big joke.

Xiaohuo raised his head and looked bravely, "Ah, there really is no baby's body."

"No!" Su Fan's eyes flashed with strange colors, "There are a few tufts of black hair inside!"

Tuntian was stunned for a moment, and then he looked intently. In his nervousness, he only looked to see if there was any corpse baby, but failed to notice the other details. This was really unworthy of an eagle's eyes.

"Such a strong corpse aura!" Tuntian was closest to Mao, and suddenly he felt a depressing corpse aura coming over him, and he subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

"No!" Su Fan frowned, keenly aware that something was wrong, "Xiao Huo, use the golden flame to bombard that big porcelain jar!"

At this extremely tense moment, Su Fan didn't care about being careful. If he hadn't guessed, the corpse might be hiding in the large porcelain vat.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and a black shadow rushed out of the large porcelain vat at an alarming speed, attacking Tun Tian who was standing on one side and was stunned by the corpse aura.

The timing of this black shadow's selection was perfect. It was the moment when Tuntian was fascinated, and it was also the moment when Su Fan reminded him.

The speed of the black shadow was astonishing, and the power it carried was even more extraordinary. It cut through the surrounding air and attacked and killed Tuntian's neck straight away.

However, at the moment when the attack was about to fall on Tuntian, his tough body suddenly became illusory, and in the end it became completely transparent.

It was the virtualization ability that Swallowing Heaven gained by devouring the unyielding fighting spirit.

I saw the whole body of the black shadow passing through the transparent Tuntian. The sudden change made him obviously in a daze.

At the same time, the golden flames attacked the black shadow with a strong burning sensation, and the six-tailed golden fox's fire support arrived.

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