National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 159 The entrance to the second floor appears

Lei Qianlie also sensed this scene with his spiritual consciousness, and immediately felt the hairs on his hair stand on end and his whole body felt cold.

He never imagined that Huntian Xiaopeng King could escape into the void.

"It's over now, I can't run away!" Lei Qianlie looked ugly, stopped running, and vigilantly observed the fluctuations in the void around him.

Huntian Xiaopeng King instantly appeared behind Lei Qianlie, and his right hand turned into a dark sharp blade several meters long, with cold light shining as it struck at Lei Qianlie fiercely.


Lei Qianlie passively resisted, and his fist filled with purple evil energy shot up into the sky, hitting the sharp blade with a sound of piercing gold and cracking stone.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Huntian Xiaopeng King, and he used incredible speed to turn into hundreds of phantoms. He continued to attack and kill Lei Qianlie's body.

"Tianpeng secret method shadow kill!"

Huntian Xiaopeng King shouted loudly, and he transformed into thousands of people. His shadows were everywhere, all of them were killing Lei Qianlie among them.

Lei Qianlie gritted his teeth and resisted, but it was difficult to change the fact that there were more and more wounds on his body.

This made him despair.

Having practiced the Primordial Body Tempering Technique and used the Three Mysterious Transformations of the physical body, even if it resists attacks from monks of the same realm, it will not suffer much damage.

However, this Huntian Xiaopeng King is simply a freak, with fast attack speed, and each attack is powerful and heavy, leaving indelible wounds.

"King Huntian Xiaopeng, I am willing to cooperate with you in the God Refining Tower. I will obey your command in everything, and I will dedicate all my secret treasures to you!"

Lei Qianlie felt the severe pain coming from his body, his face suddenly changed, and he begged for mercy in shock.

This is the highest price he can offer. As a member of the first rank of the Supreme Sect, if he comes up with more stringent conditions, not to mention the others, even the elders of Immortality View will not let him go.

The elders always hate this kind of disciple who has lost the sect's face the most.

"Tianpeng's secret method unites all the shadows into one!"

Huntian Xiaopeng King's eyes were cold and stern, and he ignored the conditions given by Lei Qianlie. Not only did he not stop, but he intensified and used other tricks.


Lei Qianlie shouted loudly.

In the end, all the phantoms merged into one eternal true body, with black light illuminating the heaven and earth, and the killing technique was like thousands of waves, constantly hitting Lei Qianlie.

The wings were like knives, the divine wings split the air, and they kept slashing and killing. In just a moment, Huntian Xiaopeng King used the Tianpeng to attack and kill tens of thousands of times!

Every blow made the void tremble, and in the end, under Lei Qianlie's vicious eyes, he was cut in half.

"Oh?" King Huntian Xiaopeng stopped instantly and looked at Lei Qianlie's body with an indifferent expression, "It turns out that the duration of the Three Mysterious Transformations of the Prehistoric Age has expired."

"Ha, is this the number one saint son of the human race?" King Huntian Xiaopeng's eyes were full of sarcasm. He shook his head in disappointment, "He only deserves to be killed by me in a few minutes."

Su Fan raised his eyebrows, "Three minutes, from meeting Lei Qianlie to killing him, it only took three minutes."

The corners of Xie Mei Wu Xin's lips raised, "You stay here and don't move around, I'll kill him!"

"Hey, hey, hey." Su Fan stopped Monk Wuxin, who was about to leave, and helplessly covered his forehead and said, "You guy, I don't even know what to say to you."

"What?" Monk Wuxin glanced at Su Fan lightly, "It's just a toy. Just keep an eye on it. My hands will be stained with Peng's blood in three minutes."

"The Soul Crying Beast is about to die, and the entrance to the next level will probably appear. The situation will be too chaotic at that time, and it will be difficult to take action." Su Fan shook his head slightly, "Besides, this birdman is my prey, and I can only control it." Come and kill!"

Monk Wuxin narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Fan quietly. After a few seconds, he chuckled and said, "Haha, whatever you want."

"Anyway, there are so many toys in the God Refining Tower, not to mention, there is the most interesting one around." Monk Wuxin smiled evilly and said to himself.

Tun Tian, ​​who was on the side, received the order and dropped a bolt of thunder to kill the Soul Crying Beast in advance.

The entire underground mausoleum shook violently, and all the surviving contestants stopped their movements in unison, wanting to see what happened.

The contestants found that the surrounding scene suddenly began to distort, and finally collapsed like a mirror.

At the same time that the mausoleum disappeared, an illusory light door appeared near the body of the Soul Crying Beast, which seemed to be the portal to the second floor of the God Refining Tower.

Su Fan and Monk Wu Xin looked at each other and sneaked into the light gate together with a tacit understanding.

Xiaohuo Tuntian from behind was not slow to react and followed closely behind.

After a few seconds, a purple butterfly appeared quietly. Its figure was always between virtual and real, and it looked very mysterious.

"I didn't expect that besides the Holy Son of the Supreme Religion, there are two such troublesome people." The purple butterfly actually made a human voice.

If there are any familiar people here, they will immediately recognize that this is the voice of the witch Zidie.

I saw the purple butterfly spread its wings lightly and quietly escaped into the light door, becoming the third contestant to enter the second level.

The illusory mausoleum disappeared, and everyone gradually discovered the light door to enter the second floor. The first one to grab it was the extremely domineering Xiaopeng King Huntian.

His speed was so fast that no one in the room could compare with him.


Su Fan was slightly startled. He didn't see Monk Wuxin. It seemed that the killer embryo might have been teleported to other places.

Immediately afterwards, Su Fan once again felt a pressure directed at his spiritual consciousness.

The pressure of this layer is much stronger than that of the first layer. Even Su Fan, who is level 27, cannot ignore it. He must build a mental barrier within the sea of ​​consciousness to resist it.

Xiaohuo and Tuntian are similar. The former is more proficient in spiritual consciousness, while the latter is the highest level. After setting up a barrier, it has no effect.

Compared with the scene on the first floor, this place is somewhat different. It seems to be a sealed room.

Su Fan squinted his eyes and observed the room. It was blocked in all directions, except for something similar to a portal in one direction.

"Why is this trial in the God Refining Tower so weird?" Su Fan said with some confusion.

"Ah, Master, look at that." Xiao Huo seemed to have discovered something and exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Su Fan frowned and looked in the direction she pointed.

"A small box and a large porcelain jar. What's all the fuss about?" Su Fan said with some disapproval.

"But...but I just saw that the box seemed to be glowing." Xiao Huo said with some fear.

The relatively dark room and the mental pressure made Xiao Huo like a frightened bird, so she noticed the movement of the box in an instant.

"Really?" Su Fan raised his eyebrows and muttered to himself.

"Brother!" Tuntian suddenly shouted.

"I saw it." Su Fan looked solemn. Just now, the inside of the box glowed again, and it seemed to be a vague outline of a baby.

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