Tuntian used virtualization and accidentally escaped this wave of fatal attacks. This is why Su Fan sent Tuntian to detect it.

The fastest, the most life-saving ability, and the most terrifying strength. All these reasons combined make it very difficult for Tun Tian to be killed instantly.

On the other side, Su Fan saw the moment when the black shadow appeared, and ordered Xiao Huo to use Jin Yan to provide fire support. He himself was not idle, using the "Eye of Destruction" for observation.

【Corpse Baby】

[Race: Zombie]

[Level: Mao Zong]

[Level: Level 31]

[Ability: Copper skin and iron bones (level 4), invulnerability (level 4), corpse aura (level 4)]

[Description: Mao Zheng does not have many special abilities, and relies solely on his physical strength to fight, which is comparable to a practitioner in the Out-of-body Realm (Level 31-40). 】

Su Fan breathed a sigh of relief. The level of this corpse infant was level 31, which was barely comparable to the physical body of a strong person in the Out-of-body Realm. This undoubtedly reduced the difficulty of suppressing it.

"Tian Tian, ​​Xiao Huo, don't let him get close to you, use long-range attacks to consume him!" Su Fan took a few steps back to distance himself from the corpse baby again, and explained the tactics.

His eyes were cold. He really didn't expect that someone would turn a five- or six-year-old child into a zombie. I don't know if it was the method of the great elder of the Wangchen Sect. It was really an unforgivable crime.

Xiao Huo fired several balls of golden flames, but the corpse baby's physical fitness was too strong, and his body turned into a shadow, and he easily dodged it with a few moves.

Tuntian's eyes were as bright as lightning, he found the gap where he could dodge, and fired out several thunderbolts from his mouth, which was huge and powerful.

The jet-black thunder was extremely fast and had a stronger power to intimidate the corpse infant than Jin Yan. After all, Xiao Huo's level was not as good as that of Tuntian, and his casting speed was also incomparable.

The corpse baby is short in stature and extremely nimble. He uses mysterious footwork on the soles of his feet, trying to dodge the dark thunder just like he dodges the golden flames.

But Su Fan who was behind found the right opportunity, took out the three-foot sword of time that exuded hazy divine light, and just slashed lightly at the corpse infant. Suddenly, countless clear and cold sword lights stabbed towards the corpse infant like flowers blooming.

Narrow black thunder and cold white sword light came one after another. There was no expression on the corpse baby's purple face. However, no matter what, he could only choose one to avoid.

It didn't take much time, just 0.01 seconds, and the corpse baby made his choice.

He taught mysterious steps, narrowly avoiding the dark thunder that contained awe-inspiring righteousness, and turned around to face the overwhelming sword light.

This is what he thinks is the most correct choice. After all, thunder suppressing corpse energy will cause a lot of trouble, but with this level of sword light, there is no such concern.

"Bang." "Bang." "Bang."

After stabilizing his body, the corpse baby swung out his fists continuously, shattering the flying sword lights one by one.

However, when the corpse infant shattered the first sword light, his expression, which was so stiff that it seemed that he would not be affected by anything, instantly changed.

The corner of Su Fan's mouth raised. The three-foot Time Sword, which had been upgraded to a level 4 spiritual weapon, could now kill an enemy's lifespan of a month with one stab. Compared with the previous day, it was undoubtedly in the sky and on the earth.

In addition, even the detached sword light also carries the power of time. If a sword light hits an enemy, it can shave off a day's life.

Don't underestimate this day. The sword light that Su Fan just threw out was more than sixty. The total number of these lifespans is enough to make the corpse infant uncomfortable.

Moreover, Su Fan keenly observed that the effect of the power of time on zombies is different from that on living creatures. Instead of shortening the life span, it has changed to shortening the moral conduct.

This attack alone weakened the corpse infant for two months. Over time, he would even degenerate from a hairy zombie to a green zombie.

At that time, it was really up to Su Fan and others, and it was no wonder that the corpse baby's expression changed drastically.

The corpse baby smashed all the sword light with a cold face, and then gave Su Fan a sinister look. His green pupils were full of resentment, mixed with shocking murderous intent.

The way of zombies is different from that of practitioners. In addition to using extremely rare treasures of heaven, materials and earth, they also spend a lot of time absorbing the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon.

The degree of difficulty and danger involved can be imagined.

After all, creatures like zombies have never been tolerated by humans and monsters. Once they are born, everyone will yell and beat them like a rat crossing the street.

And within just a few seconds after he shattered the sword light, he actually felt that his realm was unstable, and there were signs of falling to the Void Realm (Level 21-30).

The corpse baby glanced around with a cold face and grasped all the information around it. The strongest one was the eagle with jet-black wings wrapped around its body and covered with electric arcs.

As for the remaining two, their strength is almost the same. However, whether it is the little girl who defeated Jin Yan or the man who controlled the power of time, they all have the means to restrain him.

While the corpse baby was observing everyone, Su Fan across from him was also secretly observing the corpse baby. In just a few seconds, Su Fan came to two conclusions.

First, even though the corpse baby was a child during his lifetime and even turned into a zombie after his death, he still has the thinking ability and wisdom that is no weaker than that of a normal person.

Secondly, the corpse baby looked at him with murderous intent, and Tuntian was more difficult to deal with. With his strength, he might be difficult to kill in a short time.

So... Su Fan narrowed his eyes slightly. He had a guess that the Corpse Infant would probably ignore Tuntian's obstruction and give priority to killing himself who was a serious threat to him but whose overall strength was weak.

The corpse baby suddenly let out a sharp howl, and corpse aura with a strong irritating smell emerged from its body.

Tuntian was the closest and bore the brunt of the attack. He couldn't help but flap his wings and create strong winds in an attempt to blow away the corpse aura that disrupted his perception, sight, and even his sense of smell.

At the same time, Tuntian was vigilant in his heart and was ready to use "virtualization" at any time. The speed of the corpse infant with the physical body of the out-of-body realm was similar to that of him with the lightning speed. However, it would be difficult for him to seize the opportunity to sneak attack. Use lightning speed to dodge.

Unexpectedly, the corpse infant ignored the bright swallowing sky nearby, and its speed soared to the extreme. In just an instant, it arrived in front of Su Fan at the farthest distance.

Obviously, he wants to attack the weak first.

"Not good!" When Tun Tian, ​​who had blown away the corpse aura, saw this scene, his expression changed slightly and he felt nervous inside. Even if it was only comparable to the physical body that had just reached the out-of-body realm, it was not something that his relatively weak elder brother could stop.

What's more, if he is calculating mentally or unintentionally, the eldest brother is afraid that he will be slapped to death by the corpse baby!

However, Xiao Huo's spiritual consciousness was powerful, and she instantly noticed the corpse baby flashing behind her. However, her physical body could not keep up with the speed of her spiritual consciousness. Her spiritual consciousness reflected it, but her physical body was unable to take effective actions.

At this moment, Su Fan was completely isolated and helpless. With his level 27 cultivation, he had to fight alone against the extraordinary level 31 corpse infant.

is it possible?

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