National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 151 On the first floor of the God Refining Tower, Yin soldiers borrowed the passage

"Then let's go together." Monk Wuxin smiled slightly and pulled Su Fan towards the God Refining Tower.

With a flash of light, Su Fan and Wu Xin disappeared from the spot and escaped into the God Refining Tower.

Almost at that moment, the two of them felt a pressure from spiritual consciousness that was everywhere and aimed at spiritual power.

But Su Fan and Wu Xin were both strong, so this level of pressure was useless to them.

Su Fan looked at the surrounding environment calmly.

Compared with the outside world, the environment of the God Refining Tower is similar to that of the outside world. It is like an infinite nest of dolls.

Looking around again, in addition to them, there were also scattered practitioners scattered randomly. Some practitioners looked pale and showed pain, obviously unable to withstand the pressure here.

"It feels like the number of people is not right. Could it be that there is a cave inside this God Refining Tower and we are assigned to different spaces?" Su Fan looked around and asked with some surprise.

Monk Wuxin nodded slightly, "It's possible, there are obviously a large number of people coming in."

Suddenly, as if he had discovered something, he pointed into the distance and said, "Donor Su, look quickly."

Su Fan's eyes moved and he looked in the direction pointed by Monk Wu Xin.

Not far away, there was an ancient mausoleum. It was very large. From time to time, a stream of Yin Qi rushed out of it and went straight into the sky.

"It's a mausoleum, and it says on the top..." Su Fan narrowed his eyes slightly and used his amazing eyesight to try to read those words clearly. "The entrance to the second level is in the mausoleum."

"Sure enough, this mausoleum is not a decoration. If you want to enter the second floor, you have to go and have a look." Su Fan looked calm, not worried, and even raised the corners of his mouth.

"Donor Su looks very happy." Monk Wu Xin explained: "This big tomb doesn't look simple. There may be something extremely vicious inside."

As soon as he finished speaking, a violent roar came from the tomb.

The next moment, billowing yin energy shot up into the sky, suddenly turning the sky black, like endless dark clouds surging in, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Monk Wuxin's eyes were solemn, "It's more terrifying than I imagined. There are big evil things down there, they have become spirits and demons, and there must be a large number of Yin soldiers. There are probably some beings that we can't deal with."

There was such a big commotion in the mausoleum that everyone noticed it. Su Fan even saw Lei Qianlie from the Immortal Temple.

In addition, the demon girl Zidie, Huntian Xiaopeng king and others also came one after another.

Su Fan, the top saint son level figure, only saw these. It seems that the others must have been assigned to other dimensions.

"Let's go, no matter what, we always have to find out." Su Fan's eyes flashed and he summoned the three pets without hesitation.

In fact, to be honest, there is nothing to hide, it is just taming monsters. There are still many practitioners in the world who can do this method.

As soon as the three pets were born, they attracted the attention of countless cultivators. It's no fault of theirs. Hanhan's terrifying size was too conspicuous.

But they just watched from a distance and did not try to get closer. The trial had already begun. Blindly approaching others might cause unnecessary misunderstandings. Then there would be nothing to say if they lost their lives for no reason.

Monk Wuxin looked at Hanhan, Xiaohuo and Tuntian who suddenly appeared, with a look of interest on his face.

"Donor Su, is this your trump card?" Buddha's light reflected in his eyes, "Haha, what a terrifying lineup."

"Master Wu Xin, I guess part of the reason why you followed me is out of curiosity." Su Fan gave Wu Xin a deep look.

Monk Wu Xin scratched his head and looked embarrassed.

Just as Su Fan was approaching the mausoleum with his pet, a creepy sound suddenly came from deep in the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the Yin Qi that covered the sky and the sun rushed out without any scruples, dyeing the sky black.


The earth shook violently, and in an instant, a black mass of Yin soldiers came out of the mausoleum.

Suddenly, the shouts shook the sky, and endless murderous intent shot into the sky.

These Yin soldiers wore black armor, most of them were armed with spears and iron spears, and a few were riding various wild and ferocious beasts.

"Damn it, I'm exhausted from bearing the pressure of spiritual consciousness, and I have to fight Yin soldiers and Yin generals?!" Someone gritted his teeth and complained loudly.

In just a few seconds, hundreds of Yin soldiers rushed out of the mausoleum, bringing bursts of Yin energy.

One of them was extremely conspicuous, with an inexorable Yin Qi on his body. He was riding a handsome horse in black armor. He seemed to be the leader of the Yin soldiers.

Many cultivators were trembling, and hundreds of Yin soldiers were running around with murderous intent. They were like a torrent of steel, rushing towards them. What's more, they hadn't actually entered the mausoleum yet, so it was hard to imagine what existed underneath.

Many practitioners in front were very miserable. Due to the pressure of spiritual consciousness, their body functions were much worse than usual. They could not react and were broken by the Yin soldiers as soon as they met.

In an instant, blood overflowed and corpses were scattered everywhere. The Yin soldiers trampled on the corpses and turned them into flesh.

Of course, there are also some practitioners who go against the current, such as Lei Qianlie, who has an unparalleled physical body. His muscles are bulging, and he is wrapped in a black and ink-like evil spirit, and he rushes straight into the formation of Yin soldiers.

Wherever he passed, it was like entering an uninhabited land, killing many Yin soldiers and turning their backs on their backs.

Another example is the witch Zidie. Although she stands among hundreds of Yin soldiers, she looks extremely calm and elegant. The white gauze on her body is fluttering, dancing like a butterfly, and she is as confident as a leisurely court.

The Huntian Xiaopeng King was extremely domineering. He raised his hand and transformed into a dark roc claw. Every time the roc claw swept across, a group of Yin soldiers fell.

Although they killed quickly, there were still countless Yin soldiers rushing out of the mausoleum, as if they could not kill them all.

"Master Wu Xin, shoot the man first, shoot the horse first, capture the thief first, capture the king, let's attack the leading Yin general first!" Su Fan said a word and flashed out with three pets.

Monk Wu Xin nodded slightly, with lotus growing at his feet, and walked towards the Yin soldiers.

"Oh, it's so annoying that you want to hit these underworld things." Xiao Huo puffed up her pink and innocent face and said with some disgust.

She said this, but her actions were merciless.

I saw a small fire rising into the sky, and the sacred flame ignited on the jade body in the colorful dress. With her wave of her hand, several balls of golden flames popped up, burning the Yin soldiers in front of her into ashes.

Not to be outdone, Hanhan relied on his huge body to charge all the way and crushed dozens of Yin soldiers to death.

And because of his outstanding defense, the weapons of ordinary Yin soldiers cannot cause damage to him at all.

Because of their actions, the uniform Yin soldiers were quickly swept away with a huge gap.

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