National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 152 Xiaopeng King is delighted to see Hunter

The Yin General, who was like a star overshadowing the moon, naturally saw this in his eyes. The Yin energy in his body was strong, and he drove the tiger talisman in his hand. Suddenly, many Yin soldiers rushed out from the underground palace, constantly filling the gap and being created. gap.

It seems that as Su Fan guessed, the Yin general among the countless Yin soldiers is the key.

As long as the Yin general does not die, he will continue to activate the tiger talisman and give birth to endless Yin soldiers.

In fact, although these Yin soldiers are powerful, they are really not much of a threat to the top Saint Son-level practitioners. Even if they bear the pressure of spiritual consciousness, they can be killed after taking some time.

But the real purpose of the Yin soldiers was to increase the time they needed to reach the second level.

Of course, basically there are similar traps in other areas. All in all, the purpose of the trial is not just to test the contestants' combat power, but also to test their ability to handle things.

At this moment, although General Yin has activated the Tiger Talisman in time, there are too many gaps created, the largest of which was created by Xiaohuo Hanhan and the others, and it is also the most difficult to fill.

As for why the remaining Tuntian didn't take action? Because his mission is to carry out beheading operations.

At this moment, Tuntian's eyes were as bright as lightning, and the dark wings on his body stood upright. He used the gap made by Xiao Huohanhan to silently arrive in front of General Yin.

Thunder's speed is so fast that it's so fast that ordinary people's eyes can't keep up with his speed.

Tun Tian acted extremely decisively. His sharp knife-like wings wrapped around a small arc of electricity and sliced ​​horizontally towards the Yin general, cutting it in half along with the tiger talisman in his hand.

King Huntian Xiaopeng, who was killing the Yin soldiers at the side, had his eyes shining brightly. He caught the figure of Tuntian and couldn't help but feel happy to see him.

You know, Tianpeng is extremely fast and unparalleled in the world!

King Huntian Xiaopeng has cultivated to an extremely advanced level, so his speed is also very amazing.

But with a casual glance, he discovered someone whose speed was almost as fast as his own. How could he not be shocked?

As Tuntian penetrated deep into the enemy's formation and killed the Yin generals together with the Tiger Talisman, hundreds of Yin soldiers instantly turned into rich Yin energy and spread to all sides.

Not only them, but also the Yin soldiers who kept rushing out of the mausoleum were also twisted and dissipated between heaven and earth.

The shouts of death disappeared, and the scene fell into an eerie silence.

Many practitioners stared at Tuntian with strange expressions on their faces, but they did not say anything more, but rushed into the tomb at a faster pace, including the Immortal Sequence Lei Qianlie.

Even though he has the idea of ​​​​comparing his physical body with the huge Hanhan, for now, it is obvious that passing the level is the most important, and the rest can only be put aside.

However, one person didn't think so.

King Huntian Xiaopeng's black hair was flying, and he exuded a kind of wildness. His eyes were like daggers, staring fiercely at Tuntian in the distance.

He slowly approached Tuntian step by step. Even though he knew that Hanhan, Xiaohuo and Tuntian were in the same group, he was still fearless.

This is an extremely crazy character who will kill people for any reason. His eyes are full of crazy killing intent, which is frightening and terrifying.

"Brother Peng, the competition is the most important. It's not the critical moment yet, so wasting your energy is not the best choice." Monk Wuxin arrived in time, stood between Tuntian and Huntian Xiaopeng King, and spoke to dissuade him.

"It's just an ordinary demon clan, just kill it. Even if you do this, Master Wuxin, you still have to take care of it?" King Xiaopeng of Huntian frowned slightly, but the murderous intention in his eyes was slightly restrained.

Monk Wuxin did not reply, but looked at him firmly.

"Okay, Master Wuxin, I'll give you face and not kill him here." Huo, the Huntian Xiaopeng King, turned around and walked towards the tomb, saying: "But it only takes three things. Master Wuxin, you stopped me twice. I won’t listen to you next time.”

Su Fan narrowed his eyes slightly and was about to speak, but saw Monk Wuxin shaking his head slightly, signaling him to be silent.

After Huntian Xiaopeng King disappeared into the mausoleum, Su Fan frowned and said, "Master Wuxin, there is actually no need for you to stop him."

Su Fan paused for a moment, "I can't stand this arrogant and domineering birdman. He wants to take action, which is exactly what I want. I plucked his bird feathers and cut off his wings to see how arrogant he can be."

"Yes, yes." Xiaohuo also agreed with his hands on his hips. "Birds, monsters and so on, they are really annoying, each one smells worse than the last."

Even Tuntian was unhappy, "Then Huntian Xiaopeng King looks at me and makes people angry. Why do you, a monk, want to stop me? Really, this is the first time I have seen someone bigger than me." Arrogant demon."

Hanhan nodded his huge head and said honestly: "The four of us will fight him one by one. I don't know who is going to beat whom."

Monk Wuxin shook his head. He looked at the three pets and said, "I can see the strength of Donor Su and you, but if you touch Huntian Xiaopeng King, even if you don't kill him, you will definitely suffer consequences afterwards." The revenge of King Lao Peng."

"Old Peng King has achieved great power a long time ago. His speed is terrifying and unparalleled. Even the leaders of the major religions are very afraid of him. He is hunted down. I am afraid that it will be difficult for you to have a place to protect you in the whole world."

"Not to mention, there are also those Demon Saint brothers of Old Peng King."

Su Fan was a little surprised. It was Old Peng King and other demon saints. Huntian Xiaopeng King was really the second generation demon. The power behind it was unimaginable.

But he didn't have much fear. Regarding the main world, he always came when he wanted. At worst, he escaped into the Mogu Forbidden Land. He must have given Old Peng King some courage to go in and chase him.

If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter if you return to the login space of "Under the Starry Sky".

"Besides..." Monk Wuxin smiled softly. At this moment, his demeanor changed instantly, from an enlightened monk who was harmless to humans and animals, to a strange and evil demon monk.

Even if it was just a momentary change, Su Fan keenly captured it.

"Besides, it would be a good thing to let Huntian Xiaopeng King in to explore traps for us and get rid of the enemies."

Su Fan was slightly startled. He couldn't tell that this pink little monk had a black heart when cut open.

"Haha, Master Wuxin, after saying so much, I'm afraid this last one is the most critical reason." Su Fan asked with a laugh.

The corners of Monk Wuxin's mouth raised, with an unpredictable expression on his face. He turned to look at the mausoleum and said, "Of course, I said, this mausoleum is not that easy to break into."

"Tsk, tsk, the Wangchen Cult is really cruel. They even set up such a terrifying secret realm on the first floor."

Su Fan raised his eyebrows and said helplessly: "Master Wuxin, what do you know exactly? Don't hide it, can't you tell it?"

"Haha." Monk Wuxin showed his signature smile, "The poor monk has read many ancient classics, and he can deduce that the mausoleum in front of him is most likely the palace of the ghost king."

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