National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 150 The Witch Purple Butterfly, God Refining Tower

Su Fan blinked twice. This Niu Zhuangshi was really a fool. He was extremely high-profile as soon as he came in. He offended King Huntian Xiaopeng and also offended the Holy Son of Heaven, Li Mu.

"Haha." Monk Wuxin raised the corner of his mouth and chuckled a few times, "Donor Su, don't underestimate this strong man. He is called the Little Sage of Pingtian. He is quite stubborn and rigid. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is stubborn. ”

"He is also rough-skinned and thick-bodied, making him extremely difficult to deal with. If he gets entangled with him, Benefactor Su will probably have a headache."

"Rough skin and thick flesh?" Su Fan didn't care. "I like to fight rough and thick guys the most. Giant sandbags, they are also comfortable to beat."

Monk Wuxin was slightly startled and glanced at Su Fan briefly, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

Just when Niu Zhuang was questioning Li Mu, a shrill cry came from outside the palace door.

"Damn tauren, come here and let me die!" A woman shouted angrily.

As the voice came out, the woman who spoke also walked quickly, and Su Fan was able to see clearly what the woman looked like.

There is a red mole in the center of the woman's forehead, which adds a bit of a bewitching look.

Moreover, her whole body was covered with only a white gauze, and her graceful and charming body was looming, unable to be covered at all, and it was very tempting.

Her peaks are towering, her pink arms are like jade, her waist is slim and straight, her white and flawless legs are straight and slender, and her light jade feet move slowly, immediately leading to a beautiful scenery.

"A woman who dresses so boldly and curses Niu Zhuangjian again, I think she might be another one of those two unparalleled evil spirits." Su Fan secretly guessed.

Su Fan guessed correctly. The charming woman was indeed Jiang Zidie, one of the two evil spirits of the Hehuan Sect.

Her temperament was extremely outstanding, and her appearance was at the level of bringing disaster to the country and the people, but now she was like a shrew, and her image plummeted.

Of course, this is understandable. After all, the Holy Son who had been cultivating together for several years was killed. It was normal for Shi Lezhi to be angry.

"Ah, isn't this the witch Zidie?" Niu Zhuangzhen's squinting gaze kept scanning over her curvy figure, "What's wrong, you haven't seen me for a long time and you miss my strong body?"

In addition to his gaze, Niu Zhuangzhi's language is also extremely bold.

"Unexpectedly... I actually took advantage of the moment when my husband and I heard Zizhong was being intimate to sneak attack on him..." At this point, the enchanting girl Zidie's eyes filled with mist, making people feel pity.

"So this is ah."

"It turns out that Niu Zhuangshi succeeded in a sneak attack. I wonder when his combat power became so terrifying."

"Yes, yes, if one can kill one person against two, then Niu Zhuangshi may be the strongest among the younger generation."

The corners of Su Fan's mouth twitched slightly. Sure enough, serious practitioners have different concerns than him.

"No one complained about making out? This kind of making out can be attacked by surprise. I'm afraid it's like making out in the wilderness. I didn't expect that sex is still popular in this spiritual world."

Su Fan was deeply moved. He had been exposed to a lot of short films in the past, and he thought he was open-minded, but he couldn't imagine anyone in the spiritual world who was more open-minded.

Or maybe... this is just the norm in Hehuan Sect?

"Ahem." Su Fan coughed twice secretly with a guilty conscience.

One thing is that as a man, he now has some interest in the Hehuan Sect.

"Oh, it's just a bunch of sluts, what's there to aspire to?" Xiao Huo, the main palace official, said angrily.

"Damn tauren, you ran away after the sneak attack, and now you dare to insult me ​​with words!" The demon girl Zidie's eyebrows were raised, as if she wanted to take action.

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't be so angry." As the host, Gu Changqing, the Holy Son of Wangchen Sect, said, "The competition has not started yet, so don't get angry. If you have any grievances, we will resolve them after it starts." Not too late."

As soon as Gu Changqing spoke, the scene immediately fell silent, including the demon girl Zidie whose eyes were filled with resentment, and she also forcibly stopped the tears that were swirling in her eyes.

The Wangchen Sect may not care about the outside world beating people to death, but when it comes to the competition venue, beating people to death is not appropriate. This is why the saints are so angry among each other that they still do not take action.

Because the participating locations for this ten-year event rotate in rotation. Last time it was the Sword-holding Sect of the righteous path, and this time it was the turn of the Wangchen Sect of the demonic path.

And no matter what, there is an unknown rule, whichever house's turn it is, everyone must abide by the rules of that house.

Of course, these so-called rules must be fair and just, otherwise the other seven major sects will not agree.

"Then please wait for a moment and see if there are any other visitors." Gu Changqing nodded slightly and said.

Half an hour later, a disciple came in and said something in Gu Changqing's ear. Then, Gu Changqing nodded slightly and announced that the competition officially started.

"Everyone, the competition is divided into two rounds. The first round is to break into the God Refining Tower." As Gu Changqing finished speaking, there was a tall tower with a simple atmosphere in the open space not far away, and it contained countless Taoist patterns like waves. Rise from the ground.

"Is this the God Refining Tower?" Su Fan looked at the building curiously, and he felt a terrifying pressure specifically targeting spiritual consciousness.

"The God Refining Tower is a sacred object held by the great elder of our sect. It is dedicated today for all geniuses to compete." Gu Changqing introduced calmly.

"The God Refining Tower is divided into seven floors. Each floor contains extremely amazing spiritual pressure. This spiritual pressure only targets your spiritual consciousness, so when you can't support it, please come out immediately to avoid becoming a fool. people."

Although Gu Changqing said it lightly, everyone smelled a sinister smell from it.

"Holy Son Wangchen, I would like to ask a question." A person asked.

Gu Changqing's voice was cold, "But it doesn't matter."

"Will someone break out of the tower? Can't even stop them on the seventh floor?"

Hearing this, Gu Changqing glanced at him with a strange expression before explaining: "It doesn't exist. Although the Great Elder has reduced the power of the God Refining Tower, if you want to break through the seventh floor, you must have someone who can match the half-step power." Level 40) spiritual consciousness."

When no one asked, Gu Changqing recounted the rules again.

"The way to break through is a multi-person melee. Everyone enters the God Refining Tower together. During this period, they can attack each other." Gu Changqing paused slightly, "Of course, you must withstand the mental pressure first."

"Whoever reaches a higher level will get more points, and the points will be accumulated to the next event. At the same time, after the first round of events, the Grand Elder of our religion will give corresponding rewards based on the ranking."

At this point, the rules have basically been introduced. Many geniuses are gearing up and looking forward to this event.

"Donor Su, will you participate?" Monk Wuxin asked with interest.

"Of course." Su Fan was eager to give it a try. His mental power was already stronger than his physical body. Even with the entire layer of mental pressure, even summoning a pet would have no advantage.

But...just the reason of being interesting is enough.

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