I See You Like a Spicy Rabbit Head (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival Everyone)

The starving ghost was pulled out of the old lady’s body by Qin Hao.

The old lady lost her soul, and naturally fell down all at once.

Generally speaking, the old lady of this family is already dead, and now she has lost the upper body of the starving ghost, and she is still a corpse.

Seeing the old lady fall down, the owner hurried to help her.

On the other side, Qin Hao beat the starving ghost back to its original shape with a whisk and swept it into the yard.

Show your original shape in front of people.

A group of villagers watched the starving ghost show his true colors.

They were all terrified.

But some people recognized the starving ghost.

After all, you can find the upper body of the corpse around here.

This starving ghost must also be someone from around here.

“Hey! Isn’t this guy Li Laizi who starved to death at home last year?”

“This old rascal, he’s been lazy all his life. Last year he starved to death in his own home. He didn’t expect to turn into a ghost and come out to harm people this year!”

“This old Laizi Li is really not a joke. He was hurt by the old lady Niu. She seemed to have helped him before. He pitifully gave him rice. Now that the old lady is dead, she can’t live in peace.”

identified by the villagers.

This starving ghost is obviously Li Laolai who starved himself to death at home last year.

This Li Laolai is a well-known lazy man in the village.

When I was young, I couldn’t make money because of laziness, and I couldn’t marry a wife.

Either sleeping at home or bragging to others every day.

When I get old, every household in the village has built a new house.

He slept alone in his rotten brick house.

When the owner’s old lady Niu was alive, she felt sorry for him and gave him food and rice.

After Li Laizi died, the old lady Niu’s family collected his body.

Unexpectedly, good people will not be rewarded. After the death of Mrs. Niu, this old Li Laizi returned to her body, which can be described as insatiable greed.

At this moment, many villagers can’t stand this kind of bastard, cursing.

It is estimated that after this incident, this bastard will not even think about having a grave.

Grace will be revenged, and the old lady Niu will be tossed like this.

The Niu family will not take away Li Laizi’s ashes when they turn around, and don’t hang out in the village in the future.

At this moment, Li Laizi, in the yard, doesn’t care about the villagers’ pointing and pointing at all.

Instead, he looked at Qin Hao who was walking towards him with a look of horror.

Li Laolaizi got up and rushed towards a woman.

He still wants to get up.

As long as he got on a human body, the Taoist would not dare to do anything to himself.

The woman was terrified when she saw that Li Laizi, who had turned into a ghost, rushed towards her at this moment.

Look at this starving ghost still dying.

Qin Hao was furious: “Fortunate life is immeasurable, and the celestial master is here, how dare you do evil? The crime will be aggravated! Cut it to death!”

In fact, originally, forQin Hao didn’t intend to touch this kind of brat.

Because he can kill monsters at will.

But little ghosts and the like are the work of the underworld.

It is inconvenient for him, the Celestial Master of Qingyun Mountain, to intervene.

Lest colleagues on the other side of the underworld gossip.

He said that the Taoist priests of Qingyun Mountain robbed them of their business in the underworld.

But this kid still wants to hurt people.

Belongs to restlessness.

Qin Hao stopped being polite to it.

Even if this kind of harmful ghost is put in the underworld, there is no chance of reincarnation.

Animals don’t accept this kind of stuff.

Qin Hao grabbed the void with his right hand.

A thunder and lightning sword condensed out of thin air from his hand.

Then, he slashed at the starved ghost Li Laolaizi who was still looking for someone to get on his body.

The thunder and lightning directly split Li Laolaizi’s body in half.

Li Laolaizi fell to the ground, his ghost body burst, and his eyes were wide open.

It seems that I can’t believe it.

Laizi Li: “I’ve already died once, and now I’m dying again?”

Li Laolaizi was split in half by Qin Hao’s lightning sword.

Afterwards, Qin Hao patted Brother Niu’s horns.

Qingniu walked over immediately, lowered his head and rolled the two ghost bodies of Li Laolaizi with his tongue.

Like noodles, he chewed Li Laizi directly.

Li Laolaizi’s ghost body was directly used as rations for Qingniu.

Niu Niu smacked his mouth.

The monster ate a lot before.

This soul is still trying for the first time.

The taste is different from the texture of monsters.

It has no flesh, and it is soft and smooth after being sucked into the mouth, just like jelly.

It just doesn’t taste very good.

The black-hearted ghost is bitter.

But green cattle are not picky eaters.

Regardless of whether it is fishy or smelly, there is meat in Niu Niu’s mouth!

After Li Laizi was sucked by Qingniu as noodles.

I can’t go to the six realms of reincarnation.

It is equivalent to the nutrition of the soul flying away and turning into a green cow.

Before Qin Hao left, he also drew a Taoist talisman for the old lady.

After the starving ghost died, the blindfold on the old lady was also automatically removed.

After the old lady who looked thin and shriveled didn’t have any tricks to hide her eyes, she really had a round and swollen belly just as Qin Hao said.

In this state, one cannot live in peace even after death.

Qin Hao picked up a pen and drew a talisman for the old lady.

Let her family stick to the old lady’s stomach.

After 12 hours, the food in the stomach will automatically disappear.

Finish these.

While the main house is still busy.

Qin Hao has already left with Qing Niu.

Most of the next few families were caused by ghosts and ghosts.

But there are also very few houses that are troubled by monsters.

Qin Hao cleaned up after three strikes, five divisions and two.

Until eleven o’clock in the evening, there is still the last family left.

The owner said: “Tianshi, why don’t you wait until tomorrow? I’ll take you to a hotel in the town to rest for the night. It’s getting late now. My house is relatively remote, and the old roads in the countryside are not easy to walk at night.”

Qin Hao shook his head and said: “No need, get rid of your last family, Pindao has to go back to Qingyun Mountain overnight, let’s go.”

The host nodded.

The celestial master didn’t say anything, what else could he say?

Hurry up and lead the way to the Celestial Master.

The family lives in a relatively remote village.

The man was riding a motorcycle, while Qin Hao was sitting on the back of a green bull.

Motorcycles drive on a rural road.

The owner was afraid that his motorcycle was going too fast, and the celestial master would not be able to keep up while sitting on the back of a bull.

But every time he looked back, he was surprised to find that the Celestial Master was closely following him.

That green bull is indeed not a mortal thing.

Every step it takes, it seems that there are rules under its hooves.

It has the ability to shrink the ground into an inch.

Seeing this, the man felt relieved.

Rest assured to lead the way ahead.

Along the way, the man told Qin Hao about the strange things that happened in his home.

A man has a son.

Seven years old this year.

Usually there is no problem.

But just a few days ago, the man discovered that his son was not in the right state.

My son usually likes to watch TV and watch cartoons.

But just a few days ago, he found that his son didn’t watch TV either.

Run out to the yard to play all day.

I don’t know what I’m playing.

He didn’t take it seriously at first.

Until one day, at the dinner table, the man’s son said something that made everyone in the family shudder.

The man’s son came to the dining table and first moved a stool over.

The man thought it was moved for him, and while lamenting that his son was sensible, he just sat down on his buttocks.

Who knew that his son was crying loudly.

The man was startled and asked what happened.

His son said that the stool was not made for him, but for an older brother..

I crushed the so-called brother flat with my own ass.

And according to his son, seven or eight older brothers came to his family recently, and they always play with him.

This is also the reason why his son has not watched TV recently. He just plays with these brothers in the yard.

After hearing this, the man was horrified.

Although I was afraid, at first I thought it was a child with a rich imagination who made it up by himself.

But just last night, the man woke up and woke up to urinate at night.

But suddenly found that the son under the blanket was gone.

After waking up their wives together, the two searched at home for a long time but couldn’t find it.

Finally, I found children laughing from the yard.

Only then did the man realize that it was his son playing in the yard in the middle of the night.

And taking advantage of the moonlight, the man really saw several children following his son.

But after rubbing his eyes carefully and looking again, those children disappeared again.

The man was so scared by this that he didn’t sleep all night, so he went to Qingyun Mountain to find a Taoist to exorcise the evil spirits.

Qin Hao listened to what the man said.

He didn’t say much.

In this case, it is very likely that you have hit a ghost.

But how exactly, you have to go to the scene to see it.

Qingniu and motorcycles are moving forward on the mountain road.

However, at this moment, the man noticed a small commotion in the weed pile by the roadside.

Then, a shadow jumped out from the grass and onto the mountain road.

The man was startled.

Almost overwhelmed this thing.

He slammed on the brakes and stopped the car.

Qin Hao watched the man stop, and he patted the bull’s head to make Qingniu stop.

The eyes of the two of them looked at the shadow jumping out of the grass at the same time.


Come out to block the way at night?

The man took a closer look and saw clearly.

It turned out to be a wild rabbit.

This wild rabbit is huge.

A pair of red eyes just stared straight at the man driving the motorcycle.

In the next second, the rabbit stood up straight with its legs upright.

With hands clasped together, he asked, “Fellow townsman, why are you still walking at night at this late hour! I need your help with something!”

As soon as the rabbit opened its mouth, the man on the motorcycle was too frightened to move.

What the hell, walking at night in the middle of the night, hitting something evil, this is it?

He had never encountered such a thing before walking at night.

The man was too frightened to breathe.

Glancing at the celestial master next to him, he felt a little safe.

The bad news is that he ran into an evil spirit at night, but the good news is that the man in the purple robe is by his side.

Compared to this man’s fear.

Qin Hao sat on the back of the green bull, quietly watching the big rabbit.

See what the hell it does.

Looking at this man was frightened by himself.

The big rabbit had a smug look on his face.

Then, it asked: “Fellow townsman, look at me carefully, look at me, am I like a man or a god?”


As soon as this question is asked.

The motorcycle man was sweating profusely with a swipe on his back.

He himself grew up in the countryside.

This situation has been heard too much among the elderly.

The monsters in the mountains, after cultivating to a certain level, some goblins with evil intentions will choose to go to the middle of the road to beg passers-by.

The so-called begging is to give ordinary people the ability of the emperor of heaven for a short time.

If at this time, passers-by say that it looks like a human, the begging monster can immediately transform into a human form, and its cultivation base will greatly increase.

And if passers-by get hot for a while, they say they look like gods.

That’s even more powerful.

I’m afraid that the ghosts who beg to be sealed can directly ascend to the Tao and become a real god.

However, it will be miserable for the person who seals the ghost.

It doesn’t matter if you say it looks like a human being or a god.

Passers-by who are sealed will bear karma.

It’s equivalent to taking the blame for the spirit monster.

It’s okay to say that it looks like a human being, but the cause and effect of enlightening spirits and monsters is relatively small.

Some people with great fortune and fate can survive by losing ten or twenty years of life at most.

But if it is like God.

Then the cause and effect will be great.

That cause and effect is not something you can afford.

You will die suddenly on the spot, even your family, friends and relatives will die suddenly.

Because they are also implicated by you, everyone recites the karma of immortality together.

Seriously, even the next life will continue to pay back the karma of this life.

If the begging ghost becomes a human or a god, you have to treat it as a beast.

When the karma is over, can we continue to be a human being.

So when you come across something that is difficult to keep silent, you can’t talk nonsense.

And generally those who come to ask for a seal, even those with a bit of conscience will not ask such a question.

The general question is: “My fellow countrymen, do you think I look like a human being!”

At this time, if you answer like a human being, at most you will lose more than ten years of life.

But after Jingguai became an adult, his cultivation base soared, Anyone with a conscience will repay you, such as teaching you a few ways of practicing Wild Fox Zen.

Let you make up for the life yuan you lost.

Some even try to get you valuable things to repay your kindness.

And like this, when you open your mouth, you will be asked whether you look like a human being or a god.

That’s no fun.

This is to reach the sky in one step.

Can motorcycle men not be afraid?

The whole person was stunned, not daring to say a word for a long time.

Big Wild Rabbit looked at the man in shock, with a hint of hatred in his eyes.

Then, it had no choice but to turn around and ask Qin Hao who was sitting next to the cow.

“Fellow townsman, tell me, am I like a human or a god?”

The wild rabbit’s face was already anxious.

It can’t wait to hear the human mouth seal. ..

At this time, Qin Hao walked over leading the green bull.

At the same time, he said: “Supreme Tianzun, let Pindao take a closer look, what do you look like?”

Qin Hao approached the wild rabbit.

Then, with lightning speed, he slammed it up.

He grabbed the rabbit’s ears directly.

Pick up the big fat rabbit.

The rabbit screamed, obviously it didn’t expect the human being to be so courageous, and he came out to beg for silence.

It actually caught itself.

The wild rabbit was furious, and it was about to cast its spell immediately to teach this stupid human being a lesson.

But then, Qin Hao put his finger on the big fat rabbit’s forehead.

It was sealed by the wild fox meditation it had cultivated on the spot.

This rabbit spirit turned into an ordinary rabbit in an instant.

Qin Hao held the rabbit and said, “Like a man like a god? Poor people look at you like a spicy rabbit head, cold-eating rabbit meat, dry-stir-fried rabbit, ginger and double-pepper rabbit!”

This big wild rabbit really knows how to die.

Even before he understood the situation, he dared to jump out and talk to others.

Still discussing with the celestial master?

You are looking for death here.

If it’s an ordinary yellow skin, a python, or a mouse, it’s fine.

Qin Hao abolished his cultivation and kicked him flying.

But you are such a big wild rabbit.

Do you really not know how delicious your meat is?

Isn’t this Chunchun out to deliver meat?


happy mid-Autumn Festival!

The other authors are all on vacation, tsk tsk! I just started rolling in!

Take a dash today! It’s over guys!

I am the number one among my peers! ! !

Ask for a wave of Mid-Autumn Festival monthly tickets, everyone!

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