I Have Something to Say

The sorceress was already terrified.

Qin Hao pierced his own black urn with a hairpin.

My strongest magic weapon is gone.

The sorceress lost all confidence, and fell to the ground, not daring to move for a long time.

I’m afraid that Qin Hao will also strike her with a sword.

Facing the witch’s question, Qin Hao didn’t ignore her.

At this time, there was a sound of pinging, bells, and bangs in the room, which seemed to be the sound of rummaging through boxes and chests.

After a few minutes, the sound finally stopped.

Then, there was a sound of “mooing” from the green cow.

Everyone saw that the little green cow that had entered the house just now came out again.

It’s just not the same as when you went in.

When you go in, you go in empty-handed, and when you come out.

In the mouth of the green cow, there is a white-haired mouse the size of a human head.

Qingniu mooed at Qin Hao twice.

It seemed to be asking Qin Hao for credit.

Qin Hao glanced at Qingniu and flicked the whisk in his hand.

He said, “Niu’er, well done!”

Then, the villagers who were watching the commotion in the yard gathered around and looked at the big white-haired mouse held in the green cow’s mouth.

They all commented: “My mother, such a big mouse!”

“This must be a spirit! It turns out that Mr. Yu, your grandson was bewitched by this big white rat spirit?”

“It’s so evil, is this the gray fairy among the five Baojiaxians?”

“But isn’t the old saying that Baojiaxian is the one who protects the family and settles down? It should protect the family, so how could it harm people?”

“A monster is a monster after all. There is an old saying that chickens are no more than six and dogs are no more than eight. After a long time, they will become spirits. To become spirits will harm the master, let alone rats!”

“This green bull can catch such a big mouse, this little Taoist is really amazing!”

“What little Taoist priest! This is a celestial master! I recognized the celestial master as soon as he entered the house, you really don’t know Mount Tai!”

“Holy shit! What a celestial master! I didn’t even dare to recognize the celestial master today without wearing a purple robe. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“How did I know that the celestial master would come down the mountain and come here? I didn’t dare to recognize it when I first saw it! I thought it was just a resemblance, but I didn’t expect it to be true! Besides, the celestial master didn’t say anything, so why should I interrupt?”

Muttering among the villagers.

This word spread to the mouths of the sorceress and the old man of the master’s house.

The complexions of the sorceress and the master’s old man changed.

Celestial Master?

Good guy!

It can’t be the one on Qingyun Mountain!

The sorceress’ complexion suddenly turned into a liver color.

Damn it, I said that this little Taoist priest looked familiar at first glance, as if I had seen it somewhere.

Now think about it, Heavenly Master!

Some time ago, it was on the news every day!

You’ve seen pictures of him yourself, haven’t you?

I didn’t recognize it before.

Recall that I just called the celestial master the little Taoist priest.

I also asked which wild mountain people practiced in?

It is said that people don’t know the depth and can’t grasp it!

The sorceress felt that she was fast.

I’m about to pee.

The good times are coming to an end.

And the master’s old man also looked embarrassed.

Just now I also said something about Tianshi.

Only now did he realize that the real capable person was the Heavenly Master.

Not this witch.

The master’s old man was so ashamed that he even wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

But at this time, Qin Hao did notIgnore the witch.

Go to Qingniu.

Said to the host man: “Go, bring a bowl here.”

The host man nodded, and quickly ran to the kitchen to fetch a bowl.

Afterwards, Qin Hao swiped his fingers across the mouse spirit.

The mouse spirit trembled, and drops of blood flowed from it.

Qin Hao caught the big mouse’s blood with a bowl.

After taking half of the bowl, Qin Hao handed the bowl to the man in charge.

He said: “After the demon is eliminated, take a handful of black rice every day, cook it into gruel, mix it with this blood, and take it in three days. After three days, your child will return to normal, and the white hair on his body will also be cured.” Fade.”

Qin Hao said.

This white-haired mouse spirit.

It was originally Baojiaxian of his family, that’s right.

Originally, it would indeed protect the safety and health of the master’s family, and make money every day.

But during this period of time, the world was in chaos, and the atmosphere in various places was unstable.

The white-haired mouse spirit had evil thoughts because of this.

I feel that I have practiced hard for many years, but I still have no human form, and I have not achieved a positive result.

Now that the world is in chaos, its opportunity has come.

It’s better to take advantage of the chaos and go to evil ways.

If you want to occupy the body of the master’s child and take away the human body, you can save it hundreds of years of penance.

That’s why the white hair grows on the child.

This is the change of being assimilated by the white-haired mouse.

When every inch of skin on the body is covered with white hair, the child will no longer be a child.

It is a white-haired mouse after being taken away.

The sorcerer had been muttering in her mouth before: This child has been favored by the Great Immortal.

That’s what it means.

It’s just that this witch is not good enough to beat the white-haired mouse, so she chooses to ignore this nosy business.

After all, she only earned 10,000 to 20,000 yuan for dancing a fairy.

For the 20,000 yuan, it is not worth offending a big white mouse spirit who has practiced for a hundred years!

I may not be able to beat myself.

Ten to twenty thousand yuan, not one to two million, what are you desperate for?

Simply said a few words to the master.

At this time, Qingniu saw that Qin Hao had already taken blood.

After showing the white-haired rat spirit.

It doesn’t keep this big mouse anymore.

A roll of beef tongue.

He directly rolled the big white-haired mouse essence into his mouth.

With two clicks, it chewed and ate a huge white-haired mouse alive.

Seeing that the blue cow actually ate the essence of the big white mouse.

The sorcerer was petrified.

Several dance masters were also terrified.

“This, this… is this eating the Great Gray Immortal?”

What the hell!

This cow is too natural!

A hundred-year-old mouse immortal!

It is definitely a big white mouse that has become fine, and it just ate it alive.

If Master Chuma and the gray fairy from Honzi Kunitamiya’s good faith family were here at this moment, they would watch Niu Niu eat mice.

It is estimated that he will call the insider directly.

Because his willow celestial being and the gray celestial being in this country were also fed by the celestial master.

Don’t call this Niu Niu Qingniu anymore.

Change its name to Baojiaxian Recycling Bin. ..

Niu Niu finished eating the big white mouse.

Very satisfied.

With a moo, he walked back to Qin Hao’s side.

It seems that at this moment, it has become an ordinary cow again.

Deal with this troublesome evil thing.

At this time, Qin Hao walked up to the group of dancing gods with a cow.

Facing the sorceress on the ground, she said: “Fang Xuemei, 72 years old, is from Longxian Town, she did grave digging when she was young, but was caught by the police in the antique market and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

In the prison, I met a disciple of the Five Elements Yinshan School. I studied here as a teacher in the prison, and learned heresy for several years.

This child was also kidnapped by you from a village in Ziyang City. As for the black urn, it contained Dahei Taisui, who was raised by you with the corpse refining method of the Five Elements Yinshan School.

On weekdays, I often dig up other people’s ancestral graves to refine oil. Just because of these few crimes, the poor will not be able to keep you! ”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, under Fang Xuemei’s horrified gaze.

Fang Xuemei’s cultivation was abolished with one palm.

After abolishing her cultivation base.

Fang Xuemei, who originally looked very young, suddenly became shriveled like that black Tai Sui.

The whole person is aging rapidly.

Changed back to her original appearance.

Watching Fang Xuemei aging like this in an instant.

The villagers in the yard were all terrified.

“This witch, how did it become like this?”

“Zhuo! I always thought she was very young, but I didn’t expect her to be in her seventies! It’s outrageous!”

“I just said how my ancestral grave was dug up a few months ago. It turned out to be you bastard! I’ll kill you with a hoe!”

“This sorceress looks kind and friendly on weekdays, but I didn’t expect her to be a child abductor, damn it!”

“But she looked too young to be seventy at all.How old do you look! ”

“I don’t care how old she is, I just want to know, how does this guy stay so young?”

Qin Hao glanced at the group of villagers.

A way to stay young?

It is a sorcery in the Yinshan School of the Five Elements.

It is to eat the Hei Tai Sui raised in the black urn with corpse oil.

Eat once a month.

Maintaining a youthful face with magic can not only maintain the appearance, but even prolong life.

It’s just that doing this kind of thing that is extremely damaging to morality and exploiting loopholes.

Once dead, there will be no good end in the underworld.

Qin Hao abolished the cultivation of this sorceress, so that she can no longer do evil in the future.

At the same time, hand over the witch to the villagers for care.

After a while the police will come, just send her to the police station.

These crimes are probably enough to kill her from stepping on her sewing machine.

And those great dancers.

Neither was a good person.

They all followed this witch to dig the grave together.

Just one crime is enough for them to squat in there for more than ten years.

As for the little boy who was kidnapped.

Has been poisoned by the sorceress.

Qin Hao drew a talisman and gave it to the man in charge.

He also calculated the little boy’s home address and wrote it down on the paper.

Let him wait for the police to come and hand it over to the police.

After helping the little boy find his own home, let the little boy’s family members light the talisman with their own incense.

Then it turned into talisman water for the boy to drink.

It can cure dumbness.

Finish these.

Qin Hao sat on the back of the green bull and went to the next house to eliminate the demon.

Until Qin Hao walked out of the courtyard.

The old man of the main family just remembered that the funeral money has not been paid yet.

Snatched away from the sorceress the big red envelope that was given to the sorceress before.

Chasing after Qin Hao’s back will cost him money.

Qin Hao waved his hand.

The green bull under him kept walking.

If you come, you will not take a cent, and if you go, you will not take a cent.

These villagers looked at Qin Hao’s back in a hurry.

Can’t help but sigh.

This is the real master!

It’s different from these witches who swindle money.

The sorceress is greedy, and making less money is like killing her.

A real expert, with a sense of immortality, doesn’t matter if he doesn’t charge money.

Qingyun Mountain also dispenses medicine for free every day.

Comparing the two, it is right to judge instantly.

The next family.

What happened was even more appalling.

The old lady who died for several days suddenly came back to life.

Not only that, but also like suffering from binge eating disorder, eating like crazy.

Grab something and stuff it into your mouth.

Whether raw or cooked, fishy or smelly.

The old lady’s mouth was full of meat.

At the end of the meal, my stomach was round and almost exploded.

The old lady’s family couldn’t stand it either.

I know that my old lady must be bewitched.

She must not be allowed to eat like this!

It took seven or eight adults to pin down the gluttonous old lady and tie her up at home with iron chains.

When Qin Hao arrived, the old lady was already haggard and gray all over, it was frightening.

Not only that, but he was howling in the house.

“Let me go! Let me eat! Let me eat! Don’t let me eat, I’ll eat you all!”

Hearing the old lady’s shrill and piercing cry.

The neighbors around here are all pointing.

They all said that the old lady was crazy.

Been calling like this all night.

Even the neighbors were terrified when they heard this.

And he hadn’t eaten all night, yet he was so hungry.

It’s scary.

If this is not a society ruled by law, it is estimated that someone has proposed to burn this old lady to death.

Qin Hao came to this family’s house.

Looking at the almost crazy old lady tied up and hungry.

The host’s family couldn’t stand it anymore, and wanted to bring some food to the old lady.

He was stopped by Qin Hao.

“Supreme Tianzun, your old man died a few days ago, and now he is possessed by a starving ghost. If you give him more food, your old man’s body will not be safe.

Moreover, what you eat will only make the hungry ghost, and it is your old man who suffers. ”

What Qin Hao said is correct.

This old lady is already dead.

And died for days.

Corpse spots have appeared on the body.

In this case, how could it be revived?

This kind of gluttony behavior is just being possessed by a starving ghost.

The starving ghost was using the old lady’s body to eat like crazy to satisfy his own desires.

Feed it some more.

Its cultivation base has soared.

But the old lady’s body couldn’t take it anymore.

At that time, it is estimated that I will eat straightThen explode.

Like a burst ball.

As for the old lady who is starved and skinny now, it is all a deceptive trick of the starving ghost.

If you don’t make yourself pitiful, how can the owner give it something to eat?

After the real person dies, the contents of the stomach are not digested at all.

The old lady’s belly has long been rounded.

Listening to Qin Hao’s words, the master nodded repeatedly.

Still listen to the heavenly master.

The starving ghost possessed the old lady and watched the master want to give it something to eat.

It was overjoyed.

Drooling over food.

But at this moment, it saw the food that the Taoist had blocked.

Persuade the host family to take away the food.

The starving ghost was furious.

“Damn! Who are you? Standing in my way? Are you courting death?”

Qin Hao: “Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, bold evildoer, who is this poor man? You’ll know right away!”

Qin Hao stepped forward directly, without any fuss with this ghost.

Five fingers formed into claws, and they were directly clasped on the old lady’s celestial spirit cover.

Then, grab it.

He actually directly pulled out the starving ghost who was possessing the dead old lady’s body.

Then, the starving ghost was thrown outside by Qin Hao.

With a sweep of dust, the golden light hit the starving ghost.

The starving ghost was swept away in an instant, leaving only half its life.

The starving ghost was petrified.


I have never seen such a fierce person in my life.

This Taoist is too fierce.

I am still possessed!

Logically speaking, it is one with the old lady’s body.

The average person simply cannot separate them.

But for this Taoist priest, he just pulled it out, and it was as easy as eating and drinking.

What kind of morality is this?

The starving ghost has never seen such a ruthless Taoist priest in his life.

At this moment, the starving ghost was thrown out of the door by Qin Hao with one hand.

Watching Qin Hao approaching it step by step.

The starving ghost was terrified.

“It’s easy to say, I was wrong just now! Don’t come here!”

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