The rabbit at this moment is somewhat desperate.

It waited for several days, and finally found a night walker on this road.

The good news is that as soon as you wait, two passers-by can talk about it.

The bad news is that one of the people it stopped was Qingyun Mountain Celestial Master.

Qin Hao skillfully picked up the rabbit ears of the big wild rabbit.

Tied to the back of the green bull.

Such a big wild rabbit must taste good when brought back to the mountain for additional meals.

Cleaned up the ghosts who came out to beg for silence while taking advantage of the chaos.

Qin Hao stepped onto the green bull, patted the man on the shoulder, told him not to be afraid, and then led the way.

After walking for another ten minutes, Qin Hao and the man arrived at the village where he lived.

This village, as the man said, is very remote.

The village is not big, and there are probably about forty people in the whole village.

In a village of the size of Longguo, it was pitifully small.

When Qin Hao and the others entered the village, most of the households had already turned off the lights and went to sleep.

This is the case in the countryside, going to bed early and getting up early.

Led by the man’s motorcycle, Qin Hao came to the end of the village, the last family.

From a distance, the lights were still on at home, obviously the man’s wife and children were waiting for him to come home.

The man parked the car in the yard, and then shouted to the house: “Daughter-in-law, come out quickly, the Celestial Master is here in person! Come out and meet the Celestial Master!”

However, after shouting for a long time, he found that there was no movement in the room.

The man walked in and took a look.

No one in the room?

The man panicked a little.

Could something be wrong?

At this moment, Qin Hao walked in, patted him on the shoulder, and said, “Blessed life is boundless, layman, don’t worry, your family’s yin is not heavy, and nothing will happen.”

Hearing what the Heavenly Master said, the man’s heart relaxed a little.

After a while, sure enough, the woman came back.

I saw my wife come back.

The man asked: “Daughter-in-law, where have you been? Where’s the child?”

The woman was very happy at first seeing her man come back.

But in the next sentence, I heard my man say that the child is missing.

The woman looked visibly panicked.

She said: “I went out to use the toilet! Isn’t my son at home? I let him go to bed first!”

Rural houses, some backward areas, toilets are not built in the home, butToilet built separately outside the yard.

So if you want to go to the bathroom at night, you have to go out.

When the woman saw that her man hadn’t come back so late, she put the child to bed first.

After the child fell asleep, she felt uncomfortable in her stomach, so she went out to use the toilet.

When I went out, I watched the child sleeping soundly on the bed.

How could it be possible to come back and disappear?

The woman panicked all of a sudden.

She said anxiously: “This kid, where can he go at night?”

The man is also in a hurry.

“Don’t look for it, we’ve searched here and there just now, and there’s nothing in the yard!”

The man was in a hurry to find a child, so he naturally had a bad temper.

Increased intonation.

But after a while, they discovered that the Celestial Master suddenly disappeared.

The man searched around the house, and soon found the figure of Tianshi.

At this moment, the Celestial Master and the green bull are standing in the backyard of their own house.

Outside the backyard, there is a row of big poplar trees planted here.

The Celestial Master stood in the middle of the yard, looking at the trees.

Seeing Tianshi standing in the yard, the husband and wife of the main family came out and asked, “Tianshi, why are you here? Our child is missing, let’s go out and look for it!”

Qin Hao shook his head and said, “You don’t need to look for it, your child is right here!”

“At this?”

The husband and wife looked around, but there was no such person, how could it be here.

Qin Hao pointed at the tree, and the husband and wife suddenly looked up.

Only then did I realize that my son had been carried away by something.

And lifted up the tree.

At this moment, he was lying on a thick poplar branch.

The poplar tree itself is tall, with an average height of about 40 meters.

Where their son now lies,

At least twenty meters above the ground.

The husband and wife saw their son appearing in such a high position.

All terrified.

The woman was even more limp on the ground, as if all her strength had been drained.

The man’s psychological quality is slightly better, but he is also in a hurry.

Just about to climb up the tree and hold the baby down.

Qin Hao stopped him: “Don’t worry, your son will be fine for the time being, there are things in this tree protecting your son, they just treat your son as a playmate.

But if you go up rashly, you may be in more danger than your son. ”

The man was confused.

I don’t understand what the master said.

Then, Qin Hao pointed at the man’s eyelids.

Chanting in the mouth: “The law of the sky is clear, the law of the earth is spirited, the essence of yin and yang is combined, and the spirit of water is manifested.

Emmanuel light and water photography, reaching heaven and earth, promoting Dharma, mirroring yin and yang, revealing the true form quickly, quickly revealing the true form! ”

As soon as the eye-opening spell was cast, it came out.

There was a golden light in the man’s eyes.

Then, Qin Hao asked him to look at the poplar tree again.

The man was immediately petrified.

Because he saw it on the poplar tree.

Not only his son.

And other kids.

There are seven or eight of them in total, and they are sitting around their son.

They all sit on poplar trees.

The man trembled and said, “Are these children all ghosts?”

These are the things you usually play with your son?

It’s too scary.

Qin Hao said: “These children have no malicious intentions. Speaking of which, these children are actually attracted by your own family. Do you know that this poplar tree is a tree that attracts ghosts among trees. It is easy to attract unclean people when it is planted behind the house. thing.

Fortunately, these kind-hearted children were recruited. If it is some ghosts, let alone children, you will all have accidents. ”

Poplar, when there is wind, its leaves will be blown to make a rattling sound, which sounds like clapping hands.

And it has more branches and leaves, and the tree shape is also very tall, because poplar is also called ghost clapping hands in the folk.

Once the wind blows, the poplar tree will make a rattling sound, which will naturally attract nearby ghosts.

Therefore, poplar trees are not planted near common houses.

But there is a row of poplar trees planted behind the yard of this family.

I only recruit ghosts now, I can only say that I am lucky.

And Qin Hao also noticed the children recruited this time.

These children are not malicious.

Just treat this place as my own home.

Became a playmate with this man’s son.

If not.

These ghosts have been around for so long.

The master’s son must have died long ago.

As for why it was carried to the poplar tree today.

It is estimated that these ghosts also thought it was more fun to go up the poplar tree, so they just carried the child out.

And why did Qin Hao stop the man from climbing the tree?

That’s because in the eyes of these little ghosts, a man’s son is their playmate.

But adults are not.

The child is in no danger with them.

But if a grown-up climbs up a tree, things may not be all right.

say noKick him off the tree with one kick.

At a position of more than twenty meters, if he fell, it would be enough for this man to drink a pot.

Although he heard what the celestial master said, the man was still in a hurry.

Asked: “Tianshi, but it’s not an option to keep doing this! What should we do now? I’m scared when I see a child at such a high place.”

An altitude of more than twenty meters.

It is equivalent to the height of the 7th floor of a residential building.

If it accidentally falls, is it still alive?

Who is not in a hurry as a parent?

The child’s mother was already frightened and sat on the ground.

Qin Hao patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly, “It’s okay, the poor have their own way.”

After finishing speaking, Qin Hao patted the horns of the green bull beside him.

“Niu’er, go, take that child next.”

Those little ghosts, see adults are afraid.

But when you see a big green cow, you will not be afraid.

Children will only be happy when they see Niu Niu.

Qin Hao took advantage of this and asked Qingniu to go up to pick him up.

Watching Tianshi talk to this cow.

Even let the cow pick up the child.

Both the husband and wife think that Tianshi is crazy?

How could this green bull run to a height of more than 20 meters to pick up the child?

Isn’t this a joke?

However, in the next second.

The green bull seemed to understand what Qin Hao said.

He raised his head and let out a “moo”.

Then, it took two run-ups, above its four hooves, like a cloud of smoke.

A streak of purple smoke spread from its feet.

Stepping on the purple smoke, the green cow unexpectedly soared into the air and ran in the air.

In a few clicks, he has come to the poplar tree.

Gently head on the son of the master’s couple, and put the child on his back.

And those little ghosts saw a green bull galloping over.

He didn’t stop him, and was busy applauding Niu Niu.

It also allowed the green bull to carry the child on its back.

The green bull returned to the ground.

The husband and wife of the host family saw that their son was rescued.

She also wept with joy, and hurried over to take her son down.

The child was still asleep, not knowing what had happened.

After saving the child.

Qin Hao looked at these little ghosts on the tree at this time.

Qin Hao threw out a green talisman.

He said in his mouth: “Jade Emperor Yuzun, one breaks the path of heavenly plague, two breaks the gate of earth plague, three breaks the way of people, four breaks the way of ghosts, five breaks the road of plague, six breaks the road of pilfering, and seven breaks the road of evil masters.” , eight breaks of disasters and five temple gods, nine breaks of wizards and evil religions, and ten breaks of my teacher’s way.

Since the death of the teacher, there is a way for people to come, and all evil masters and evil methods have nowhere to go. If there are blue-faced people who come to use the method, they will not be merciful if they step on the net of heaven and earth.

I obey the Taishang Laojun to be as urgent as a law. ”

As soon as the spell of the net of heaven and earth comes out.

In the next second, a golden light shot from Qin Hao’s fingertips on the green talisman.

The green talisman in the air instantly turned into streaks of green light and spread out.

In the blink of an eye, a net has been formed.

The French Open is not missing!

These little ghosts on the poplar tree had no time to escape, and were directly caught by Qin Hao.

All of them were caught in the talisman law net, and were taken into Qin Hao’s hands.

The little ghosts were frightened.

They all started to struggle.

Watching these little ghosts be taken in by the celestial master.

The husband and wife of the master’s family met the little boy who had just woken up from the master’s family.

Also some can’t bear it.

The master and his wife came over to intercede: “Tianshi, didn’t you just say that? These children have no malicious intentions, or let them go. It’s quite pitiful to leave at such a young age.”

These children, although they brought their sons to the tall tree tonight.

It is indeed scary.

However, it involves soul flying and scattered.

The two couples couldn’t bear it either.

Qin Hao glanced at them.

It seems that these two couples are also kind-hearted people.

Qin Hao said: “Blessings are boundless, two laymen, don’t worry, these little ghosts, the poor will not do anything to them, but there is no way to stay in the world like this, the poor will send them to the underworld to reincarnate.”

He didn’t intend to do anything to these little devils.

But at this moment, Qin Hao was in the Skynet in his hands.

Suddenly there was an older kid cursing: “Smelly Taoist priest, let go of me! If you have the guts, let’s fight one-on-one! What kind of skill is a sneak attack? You may not win me in a one-on-one fight! I am Han Xin of the national server!”

Qin Hao glanced at this little kid.

Wearing a school uniform.

It looks like a primary school student.

He was wet and looked as if he had fallen into the river and died.

When he was dying, he was still holding the mobile phone in his hand to play ranking.

Qin Hao couldn’t laugh or cry.

One finger condenses thunder.

“Crack!” Two whips hit his ass.

Shout again?

If you shout again, I will beat you twice more.

that gets spankedThe little devil in the ass rubbed his nose, but he still refused to accept it.

“Damn, you dare to spank my ass, stinky Taoist priest, the bullying uncle is young, just wait, my wild horse has nowhere to go, but I have to get rid of you villain!

You wait for me to be successful in cultivation in the future, I am not afraid of tigers with a straight body, I will bet my life on you! Sir, I will come to seek revenge on you! ”

Qin Hao: “…”

This elementary school student ghost, people are cold, but his mouth is still stubborn.

Still a spirit guy.

Qin Hao didn’t even know what to say.

The only thing that could answer him was two more whips.

Then, Qin Hao stopped talking to the elementary school student.

It’s getting late.

Qin Hao raised a green talisman, recited the supernatural mantra, and prepared to send these little devils to the underworld.

Afterwards, he thought for a while, and asked the master for a pen and paper.

Wrote a letter to the judge.

“This son is rebellious, and he needs to be disciplined in the next life. Let him be reincarnated into a strict family. In addition, his game talent will be curtailed, so he will be less likely to fight the king!”

The national server Hanxin, right?

Qin Hao sneered.

He greeted the judge himself.

Cut off your game talent, let alone the national server,

In the next life, you will not even be able to get gold.

That stubborn primary school student saw Qin Hao write this.

Eyes widened, dumbfounded.

“Fuck! Black hands! It’s too much! How can you do this!”

The elementary school students were about to cry.

Isn’t it killing him not to let him play games?

This stinking Taoist priest!

Wait for me!

However, he didn’t wait for him to put out two more ruthless words from spiritual quotations.

Qin Hao has released the green talisman.

The green talisman carried the group of little ghost heads, and flew away in an instant, towards the gate of hell.

Send them to reincarnate. ..

Send these brats away.

Qin Hao said to the husband and wife of the main family: “Supreme God, you two, as long as you cut down the row of poplar trees behind the house tomorrow, nothing will happen in the future.

It’s getting late, Pindao has a guest at Qingyun Mountain, so I won’t bother him, I’ll leave first. ”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he had already sat on the green bull.

He patted the green bull’s horns.

Immediately, the green bull soared into the sky, and took the celestial master towards Qingyun Mountain and stepped on the clouds.

The husband and wife looked at the back of the celestial master and bowed deeply.

Heavenly Master is really a supernatural power!

What is a living immortal?

This is the living fairy god!

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