Which wild mountain did you cultivate as a Taoist priest?

Qin Hao walked out of the courtyard with his hands behind his back.

Behind him, the green bull followed.

I only heard the sound of dancing gods coming from the courtyard in the countryside.

“When the sun sets and the western mountains become dark, every household bolts their doors.

On the road, the gentleman rushes to the inn, the bird flies to the mountain, the forest and the tiger return to the mountain.

Birds fleeing to the mountains and forests have a safe place, and tigers want to return to the mountains to be safe.

There are seven-star glazed tiles on the top of the head, and octagonal purple-gold bricks on the feet.

With feet on the ground and head on the sky, stride forward and walk in circles.

Stand firmly on the camp with both feet, set up the incense table and invite the gods~”

Accompanied by the lyrics and singing of the great dancer.

Then came the huge sound of beating gongs and drums.

Looking in from the courtyard gate, a group of old folks watching the excitement stood in the courtyard.

Qin Hao looked at this scene, and glanced at the master next to him.

The master’s man covered his forehead a little bit, and said with a painful face: “Don’t blame the heavenly master, I didn’t invite this, it should be my grandfather. His old man believes this.”

The man in the main family believes in science and often reads news on the Internet.

The one who believed was the Zipao Celestial Master of Qingyun Mountain.

So after confirming that his child was bewitched by evil spirits, his first reaction was to go to Qingyun Mountain to ask the Taoist priest for help.

But his grandfather didn’t think so.

Taking advantage of the master’s man’s time to go to Qingyun Mountain, he went to the next village to find a team of dancing masters.

The man didn’t know it beforehand.

Now that the celestial masters are here, it is also quite embarrassing to see another group of people in the courtyard of the main house.

If someone else saw this scene, they must be angry.

You invited me, and others?

Are you looking down on yourself?

The most taboo of inviting gods is to invite two gods.

The two gods are at odds with each other, and it’s just a matter of harmony. Once something happens, it will cause big problems.

But Tianshi is still relatively easy to talk.

He said: “Fortunate life is boundless, it’s okay, the old people in the village generally believe in dancing gods more, and it happens that Pindao has never seen it, so it’s good to see it.”

Qin Hao was not angry.

A celestial master must have the bearing of a celestial master.

Immediately, he led the ox into the yard and watched it with relish.

In the very center of the yard, three or four middle-aged people in strange clothes were walking and dancing in the yard with weird footwork.

The leader was a middle-aged woman with makeup on her face and a small leather drum around her waist.

Every time she takes a step, she hits the leather drum with the mallet in her hand.

At the same time, a child followed behind him, and a bell was tied to the child’s feet.

There was a jingling sound, and the child held a clean bottle in his hand.

Accompanied by the sound of the drum, the child was dipping the water in the bottle with a willow branch and sprinkling water on the door of the house.

Watching the child dip a willow branch in water and sprinkle it on the door of the house.

Qin Hao asked: “Layman, what are you doing?”

Qin Hao, a celestial master, couldn’t understand it.

What does it mean to sprinkle water on the door of the house?

The man in the house explained embarrassingly: “Tianshi, this is one of the magic weapons of the great dancer, called Jingping and willow branches.What is contained in the clean bottle is called Shenshui by Tiao Dashen, and it is said that spreading it at the door can drive away evil spirits. ”

Qin Hao nodded upon hearing this.


That’s what happened!

It can also exorcise evil spirits.

However, when Qin Hao looked at the water in the bottle, there was nothing unusual about it!

There was no mana blessing at all, and no aura was produced when it was sprinkled on the ground.

I’m afraid it’s not a tap that connects to the tap water?

These great dancers danced for a while.

After a while, the leading woman stopped, beat the gavel rhythmically, and walked towards the house.

The child next to her is holding a willow branch, followed by the Jingping Shenshui,

After they go in.

Among the several great dancers who stayed in the yard, the one who sang the lyrics just now had the loudest voice.

Shouted: “The sorceress enters the house, the good things come home, the ghosts and ghosts, there is no way to hide, the master’s house looses money, the more the better~”

This sentence is over.

Hearing the sound, the oldest man in the main family immediately led the family to kneel down.

The old man respectfully took out a big red envelope and put it in Tiao Dashen’s pocket.

The great jumping god weighs the red envelope.

It is very thick, with a satisfied look on his face.

After receiving the red envelopes, these dancing masters continued to beat the gongs and drums outside the house.

Listen to the sound of drums and gongs.

In the room, the sorceress seemed to have received a signal before starting to practice.

She first asked the child to take a clean bottle and sprinkle water all over the house.

Then, the sorceress put on a robe for herself, and walked into the room mysteriously.

To see the evil child of the master.

After the sorceress entered the room, she didn’t know what to do in it.

After ten minutes, there was a sudden loud commotion in the room.

It was also accompanied by several mouse calls and the screams of the sorceress.

After a while, the sorceress ran out in a panic.

When she ran out, the villagers realized that the witch who had been mysterious before had become very embarrassed at the moment.

It doesn’t matter if you get unkempt inside, the robes and clothes on your body are scratched.

His face was also scratched and bleeding.

The sorcerer’s face was flustered, apparently she was still in shock.

After leaving the house, he brought these dancers to kneel down and worship.

At the same time, he said in his mouth: “The younger generation of the Wuxing Yinshan School has no intention of disturbing the Great Immortal. The Great Immortal calms down and leaves now, now leaves!”

After kowtowing, the sorceress was lifted up tremblingly.

Her face seemed to turn pale after kowtowing.

The master’s old man got up and asked: “Several great immortals, how is my grandson?”

The sorcerer said: “It’s not good, it’s not good! This matter is hard to handle. Your grandson has been favored by a great immortal, and he is going to be converted into a fairy!”

I think your family should release this doll as soon as possible. The person Daxian likes can’t be saved. I can’t help you with this matter. Let’s go first. ”

After the sorceress only said a few words in a hurry, she seemed to have lost her soul and was about to run away.

Obviously frightened by something.

The old man’s expression also changed.

These witches are the most spiritual in the nearby villages.

Even if she said that, did she really meet some powerful immortal?

Seeing that the witch was about to leave, the old man quickly grabbed her robe to prevent her from leaving.

But the witch doesn’t care about that.

She is also afraid of the things in it, and the money cannot be earned.

Or run away quickly.

The sorceress pulled back her clothes and was about to leave with her.

At the same time, he murmured brokenly: “Your master is unreasonable. I have already said that I can’t save it. Why do you keep pestering me? Your child should have this calamity. I lost my life for a few years here today, old lady.” Damn, I’m at a big loss, if you pester me again, your whole family will be unlucky!”

Listen to what the witch said.

The old man was frightened.

He didn’t dare to tear the witch’s clothes anymore.

Seeing that these great dancers are about to slip away.

Qin Hao flicked the whisk in his hand.

“Bang!” With a sound, the door of the rural compound was closed in the air.

The sorceress let out a ‘huh’ and turned to look at Qin Hao.

She is a great dancer.

Nor is it a pure charlatan.

Still a bit of a monk halfway.

It belongs to the kind that has practiced seriously for a few days.

If you can see the immortal in the house, you can also see the strangeness of the courtyard gate.

It was made by this kid with a whisk.

The witch looked over, but she didn’t know Qin Hao.

She said, “Young student, what do you mean by closing the door and not letting us go?”

Qin Hao leaned on Qingniu, holding a whisk in one hand, and said: “Supreme Heavenly Venerable, there is no other meaning, it’s just that since the layman took money from the lord’s family, he hasn’t solved his problem yet, why did he leave?

And just left, the matter is not resolved, do I have to return the money I took from others? You haven’t settled this matter yet, and you need money againTake it away, isn’t it too bad manners? ”

Listening to Qin Hao’s words, and listening to Qin Hao reciting the colloquial Taoism.

The sorceress sneered and said, “You little Taoist priest, which wild mountain did you cultivate? This is a matter between this fairy girl and the head of the house. What’s your business? I want you to waste your time here? Be careful that your tongue will be cut off by the kid at night.” have no idea!

You said Ben Xiangu didn’t do anything with money? Do you know which immortal this family is provoking? Do you know that just now, when Ben Xiangu met with that great immortal, his lifespan was sucked away for several years. Is it wrong for Ben Xiangu to accept this little money? ”

The fairy girl said, snorted, and stopped talking to Qin Hao.

Then she turned her head and glanced at the master’s house.

The master’s old man hurried over.

This witch is a well-known efficacious in ten miles and eight towns.

Even if his family’s business didn’t work out.

The old man didn’t dare to offend, so he ran over and quickly stuffed money and cigarettes and said, “Don’t get angry, Fairy, don’t be fussy like a child, the money for cigarettes should be regarded as honoring you! Keep it!”

The sorceress took the cigarettes and money, and the expression on her face softened a little.

She went on to say: “Some things should not be said indiscriminately. There are taboos in them. This little Taoist priest is not knowledgeable and doesn’t understand the routines in it. Today, I don’t care about him. I will talk nonsense in the future. When I meet an expert, there will be him.” Bitter taste.”

After Xiangu finished speaking, she kicked the door with her shoes.

The old man was about to open the door to see him off in person.

But no matter how hard the old man tried, the door just wouldn’t open.

Seeing this scene, the sorceress knew that this little Taoist priest must have made a name for himself.

She said angrily: “What? Little Taoist priest? Are you planning to let me go? Do you want to see my methods? Once this Fairy makes a move, you have to kneel down and beg me!”

The master’s old man became angry when he heard the sorceress.

He quickly glanced at his son beside Qin Hao.

“Where did you invite the Taoist priest? Are you so rude?”

The host man was very wronged.

Just wanted to say something.

Qin Hao spoke.

“As for your Wuxing Yinshan sect, Pindao has never heard of it. I don’t know if it is a small sect on that wild mountain? You should not show your methods in front of me. Don’t be ashamed.

He couldn’t even deal with a white-haired mouse spirit, and he kept yelling at each other. How dare he cheat for money under Qingyun Mountain with this little skill? ”

Hearing the Taoist’s words, the sorceress turned pale with fright.

His face turned livid all of a sudden.

She glanced at the house where the master’s child lived.

There seemed to be a slight sound of pinging, bang, bang, and bang in the room.

The witch’s face became even uglier.

He said again and again: “Bastard, do you dare to call the Great Immortal by his real name? You, you, you… You are so bold! Today you not only want to kill yourself, but also implicate us! If the Great Immortal takes action, we will all die today!”

After finishing speaking, the sorceress directly brought a few dancing masters to kneel in the direction of the room.

He kowtowed non-stop, and said in his mouth: “The Great Immortal calms down, the Great Immortal calms down, an ignorant idiot who does not know the power of the Great Immortal has offended the Great Immortal’s real name and taboo! You don’t need to do anything about this trivial matter, I will help you, old lady!”

The sorceress said.

Get up from the ground.

Shout out.

Then, in the backpack on the back of a dancer.

A gust of wind blew by.

A black urn flew out of nowhere.

With billowing black smoke, the black smoke floated in the air holding the black urn.

The sorceress muttered a few incantations.

Then, something like thunder came out from the black urn.

A group of black and black creatures who don’t know what it is surged out of the black urn.

To kill Qin Hao.

The sorcerer looked at Qin Hao, and said in her mouth: “Little Taoist priest, you have offended the great fairy with your words. You can’t blame me. If I don’t kill you, everyone here will suffer. If you kill one of you, I will also die.” It’s an act of kindness!”

Qin Hao didn’t even look at the witch.

He said: “A big fat white-haired mouse spirit dominates here, and a half-baked witch who walks the rivers and lakes, with a mere trick, dares to show off in front of others.

Supreme Heavenly Venerable! ”

Qin Hao gave a shout.

Then, he patted the back of the green bull, and the green bull nodded, very spiritually, and walked towards the house where the child of the master’s family was.

At this time, Qin Hao pulled out the hairpin on his head.

Confront the monster in the black urn of this half-witch.

Qin Hao didn’t even bother with the sword.

With the celestial master hairpin in his hand, Qin Hao recited a congratulatory speech.

“The sword is hidden in the box, and the dark room is always bright at night. If you want to know that the sky is about to rain, there is a sound of the sword.

The dragon is originally a thing, and the sense of air is the sound. I am often afraid of jumping out of the box, and sometimes open it temporarily.

The brilliant seven-star text shines on three feet of ice. This sword exists in the world, and Bai Yaoye takes shape.

Treacherous and sycophantic, even terrified. Try to shoot the gun at Xingyue and Feiguang.

Hidden in the arsenal, you can rest the world’s soldiers! ”


Qin Hao threw the hairpin into the black urn in the air.

next second.The originally ordinary hairpin turned into a blue light sword.

With a volley of swords, he slays demons and destroys evil spirits.

The black thing in the urn, when it saw the blue light sword, it was like seeing a ghost. It was still aggressive at first, but now it frantically shrank into the urn.

It’s like seeing a natural gram.

However, before all the black things in the urn were hidden in the black urn.

Qin Hao’s blue light hairpin has penetrated the black urn.


The black urn that the sorceress was so proud of was directly pierced by the hairpin.

The black urn lost its balance, fell from the air, and smashed into pieces on the ground.

After the black urn was shattered, the contents inside were also revealed.

The dark yellow liquid, slimy in appearance, is the black matter in this vat raised by these liquids.

I don’t know what it is.

However, it is extremely disgusting to look at, and it is not a treasure of righteousness.

No more black urns to hide in.

The black matter in the urn shriveled up instantly as if it had lost its life.

In less than thirty seconds, it was already shriveled into a layer of skin.

Qin Hao broke the black urn with a sword.

The blue light hairpin was guided by Qin Hao and returned to his hands.

And at this time, the sorceress saw that her black urn was broken.

Sitting down on the ground, she looked at Qin Hao in front of her at this moment, as if seeing a god.

“You, you, who are you?”

Who is Qin Hao?

It is definitely not something that ordinary monks can do.

Definitely a wise man!

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