: A Large-Scale Event Explodes Something Happened Below

Qin Hao glanced at Master Chuma and asked, “I’m asking you, have you ever done evil in this life?”

The master of the horse was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he said: “No, no, how dare I!”

Qin Hao: “Lie! Liujia Village, Wanli Village, Beiliu Village, didn’t you do those good things?”

Qin Hao took a look at this horse-riding master, and knew what good things he had done before.

Showing off spells for some money, cooperating with evil immortals, and using Baojiaxian’s power to make a lot of money, in the villages Qin Hao mentioned just now, there were many harms.

He also said he did nothing wrong.

If he hadn’t done any evil, where did the black luck lingering around this horse master come from?

Most people don’t know how many good and evil deeds a person has done in his life, but the Dao of Heaven will record them one by one.

He will follow him for the rest of his life, and when he dies, when he arrives in the underworld, he will be settled one by one according to his luck.

Luck is something that ordinary people can’t see, but Qin Hao can.

Even from an ordinary person, you can see anything he has done in his life.

This horse master is not a good thing.

Otherwise, could Qin Hao have just fed the willow celestials to Qingniu as spicy sticks?

Ordinary Baojiaxians are all on the right side.

The green snake and willow fairy just now, the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked.

If you don’t die today, you will become a great demon in the future.

This kind of thing is just right for the ration of green cattle.

The master of the horse did not expect that the celestial master was so powerful.

As soon as he stood here, he could even figure out everything he had done before.

It’s so frightening.

Master Chuma kowtowed again and again, begging the celestial master not to kill him.

He is only in his forties, so he is not guilty of death.

Qin Hao said: “Fortunate life is boundless, you do evil, but I don’t control it. After death, there will naturally be a hell to judge you, but since it falls into the hands of the poor, naturally, it is not so easy to let you go.”

Qin Hao said it.

Go to the front of the horse master.

With a palm, gently press on the head of Master Chuma.

In the next second, a golden light penetrated the body of the horse master.

Then, the master of the horse felt that the dantian in his body was broken.

He has practiced for many years before he developed some qi.


The master of the horse was covered in cold sweat and fell to the ground.


His own cultivation base was abolished by the heavenly master.

Qin Hao said: “You borrowed spells to bring disaster to all directions. Today, the poor will abolish your cultivation, are you convinced?”

The master of the horse knows that this is already the best result.

He nodded again and again: “I am convinced.”

It doesn’t matter if you don’t accept it.

You are a heavenly master!

But if today’s horse-riding master says a word of dissatisfaction.

It is estimated that in the next second, Tianshi Leifa will directly bombard him.

Although the celestial master said just now that he would not judge him.

But he can be sent to hell for trial.

this outMaster Ma refused to accept it.

Qin Hao went on to say: “I am the back kitchen of Qingyun Mountain, and now I still need a woodcutter. From today on, you will stay in Qingyun Mountain to chop firewood, and you will not be able to go down the mountain until you have been chopping firewood for 20 years.”

The master of the horse heard that it would take twenty years to chop firewood.

His face turned ashen all of a sudden.

But Tianshi said all this, he could only nod in response.

Qingyun Mountain is not a place for him to bargain.

Immediately, the two doorkeeper Taoist boys of Tianshi Mansion led the horse-riding master to the back kitchen of the Taoist temple to chop firewood.

Since then, there have been many migrant workers in Qingyun Mountain.

Solved the matter of the horse master.

Qin Hao continued to water the vegetable garden and take care of the vegetables in the vegetable garden.

At this time, Taoist Jingxuan rushed to Tianshi Mansion.

Daoist Jingxuan’s face was very ugly, he ran outside the vegetable garden and said, “Tianshi, something big happened, the outside is in chaos.”

Qin Hao glanced at the flustered Jingxuan, and asked, “Jingxuan, why are you so flustered? What can happen?”

Daoist Jingxuan said: “Many people came down from the mountain, belonging to various parts of Longguang City, and even a small number of people from other cities, all said that the house is haunted by ghosts and evil spirits.

Brothers roughly counted, there are more than one hundred people! There are still many help posts on the Internet, and it seems that many places have supernatural powers. ”

Hearing Taoist Jingxuan’s words, Qin Hao stopped his movements.

His eyes looked down the mountain.

Qin Hao saw that the aura at the foot of the mountain had indeed changed.

There are large swaths of evil spirits, ghosts, and demons soaring into the sky.

Among them, ghost energy has the most energy.

“how so?”

Qin Hao frowned.

Qin Hao couldn’t figure out the previous incident of Ling Ruyue’s transformation into A Piao.

After Ling Ruyue died, why didn’t there be ghost messengers from the underworld to seduce the soul?

Logically speaking, Ling Ruyue’s resentment is not enough to become Ah Piao.

Now there are so many more ghosts out of thin air.

It seems that the aura of the entire Dragon Kingdom has changed drastically.

Could it be

Qin Hao thought of this possibility, but he wasn’t quite sure.

After all, it is the underworld.

The underworld is in charge of the six realms of reincarnation.

Birth, old age, sickness and death on the blue star, and reincarnation after death are all under the control of the underworld.

Under normal circumstances, wherever there is a problem, there will be no problem in the underworld.

So Qin Hao is not sure about this idea.

He washed his hands and walked out of the vegetable garden.

“Go, follow me down the mountain and have a look.”

There was such a big turmoil down the mountain.

Ghost winds and ghost winds are everywhere.

Qin Hao, a celestial master, can’t sit still.

Definitely have to go down the mountain and check it out.

Under the Tianshi Mansion, in the Taoist temple.

Sure enough, there were quite a few people gathered in the Sanqing Hall at this moment.

These people include nearby villagers and people in Longguang City.

Some came from other cities as well.

At this moment, they were all gathered in the Sanqing Hall, looking anxious.

“Master Dao, please help us. The child in the family has been bewitched for two days, and he has white hair growing on his body! No matter how many doctors I have seen, they can’t see the problem!”

“Yes, Daoist, my child has been running a high fever, saying that the ceiling in the house is full of people, and now he dare not sleep at night! It must be haunted!”

“My family is the same. Our old lady has been dead for three or four days. Our custom is to send it to the crematorium after the first seven days. But just yesterday, the old lady came back to life, and she seemed to be a different person. She ate like crazy. Stuff, the stomach is full!”

“My old cat drowned in the river a few days ago. The children buried the cat. Today, the cat came back suddenly and said that he became a fairy, and asked us to offer it with incense. It scared people to death. !”

“Our old lady is over 80 years old. She was in good health and had no problems. Just last night, we found something moving in the kitchen, and my husband ran over to check it out.

At first I thought it was a thief, but I didn’t expect that the old lady was eating raw meat in the refrigerator in the kitchen in the middle of the night, and she still ate it with great relish. She wanted to tie her up, but her strength was stronger than my husband, so she called the neighbors to help. The four of them couldn’t hold her down, what a ghost! ”

In the Sanqing Palace, every family is talking about the strange things that happened in their own family.

There is an eager expression on the face.

There was nothing they could do, so they came to Qingyun Mountain to ask the Taoist priest for help.

I thought it was just a small number of supernatural events, but I didn’t expect to find out that there are so many people who have accidents at home.

The priests of Qingyun Mountain were also dumbfounded.

What’s going on recently?

So many supernatural events happening all at once?

Something is wrong!

It’s so wrong.

Logically speaking, shouldn’t supernatural events be an exception?

Now that it appears on such a large scale, I am afraid it is a bad sign.

But the celestial master did not come, and these Taoist priests could only wait here for the master to come.

Taoist Master Jingchen settled the emotions of these laymen in the Sanqing Hall.

“Everyone, stay safe and don’t be impatient! This matter is of great importance, and we should wait for the Celestial Master to come.”Just as Daoist Jingchen finished speaking, a voice came from the crowd.

“The Celestial Master and Daoist Jingxuan are here!”

Everyone looked at it one after another.

From the mountain, Qin Hao walked down the mountain with Daoist Jingxuan, holding a whisk and leading a green bull.

Came to the Sanqing Hall.

Qin Hao looked at so many people here.

They, more or less, indeed have some evil and ghostly aura.

Among the crowd, these common people saw the Heavenly Master coming.

Everyone is busy talking about their own affairs.

But at this moment, Qin Hao waved his hand to signal everyone to silence.

Qin Hao said: “Blessings are immeasurable, Laymen, don’t be in a hurry to say, for your situation, Pindao has roughly heard what Taoist Jingxuan said.

However, this is the Sanqing Palace, an important place of Taoism, don’t make noise, first let the poor go to get rid of the evil spirits on your body. ”

Qin Hao said it.

The celestial master’s whisk in his hand swept lightly.

In the next second, a gust of wind swept out from the whisk.

The breeze blows over the bodies of these people in the hall.

Clean up all the ghost and evil spirits.

These people also have obvious feelings.

Sure enough, I feel that I am really much more relaxed.

Being haunted by these evil spirits, most ordinary people will feel tired and heavy.

But at this moment, Qin Hao swept away with his fly whisk.

The breeze exorcises evil spirits.

After sweeping away all the evil energy, naturally, the body will feel instantly relaxed and comfortable.

Everyone felt obvious changes in themselves.

I couldn’t help but be amazed.

This Celestial Master of Qingyun Mountain really has real skills.


At this time, Qin Hao went on to say: “Supreme Heavenly Venerable, the laymen present here are now listening to Pindao’s command, and those who live near Qingyun Mountain are now standing on the left hand side of Pindao!

Those in Longguang City stood on the right hand side of the poor road, and those who came from afar from other cities stood in front of the poor road and lined up one by one! ”

To solve things, you must have a plan to solve things.

Qin Hao first had to classify three types of people from this messy crowd.

These people were quickly divided into three groups.

A group near Qingyun Mountain, and a group within Longguang City.

Another batch came from other cities.

Qin Hao went on to say: “Stays from other cities, follow me, the red-robed Taoist priest of Qingyun Mountain, and the red-robed Taoist priest of Qingyun Mountain will meet you one by one later.

The layman who has an accident at home in Longguang City on the right, come with me, the Taoist priest in yellow. At that time, the priest in yellow robe will go to solve the problem with you. The red-robed priest who stayed behind went to solve it.

As for the accident at home near Qingyun Mountain, Pindao will go with you personally! ”

Qin Hao had his plan for such an arrangement.

First of all, the degree of danger of supernatural events that occur in each family is different.

Even Qin Hao can’t tell which family’s supernatural event is serious and which family’s is not serious.

The foreign city is far away from Qingyun Mountain.

It will take some time to rush.

Naturally, it is best to let the red-robed priests handle matters in other cities.

Because the red-robed Taoist leader dispatched, it was basically an immediate success.

If you let the Taoist priest in yellow go to another city.

Maybe there will be unsolvable problems, and it will be even more troublesome to toss back and forth.

As for the supernatural events within the scope of Longguang City, the Taoists in yellow robes can go and see them. ..

Solve what can be solved by yourself.

It is also more convenient to come back and move rescuers if they cannot be resolved.

As for the area around Qingyun Mountain, Qin Hao can clean it all by himself.

No need to spend more manpower.

But even so, after this allocation, the priests on Qingyun Mountain were almost called.

For this large-scale supernatural event, Qingyun Mountain almost came out in full force.

But just like this, the manpower is still a little insufficient.

Accompanied by the Taoist priests of Qingyun Mountain, they came out in full force.

The news of Longguo also reported many supernatural events happening in various places.

These things happen all over Long Kingdom, the kind that can’t be suppressed even if you want to.

“#城城四年儿儿童had a high fever and lost consciousness, claiming that he was an executive of a certain company, in a strange state!”


“#In a residential area, every midnight during surveillance and shooting, there are white-clothed Ah floating all over the area, frightening the takeaway boys, and the residents of this area dare not go out at night.”

“#小少买品手车, drove home at night, the more the car drove, the more lively it was, fortunately wearing the talisman presented by the Taoist priest of Qingyun Mountain was able to escape the catastrophe, and after finding a second-hand car dealer, I learned that there were at least seven souls in the car !”

More and more things hit the news.

Netizens were stunned.

“Fuck! What’s going on recently? A spooky incident broke out?”

“It’s too scary. It’s also happened near our house recently. There are a lot of strange things happening! It’s a big nightYes, when I heard someone singing downstairs, everyone in the building went down to look for it, but they couldn’t find anyone, but it was scary to keep singing! ”

“My side is the same, it won’t be the end of the world, will it?”

“It seems that not only the Dragon Kingdom, but also the Bangzi Kingdom and Benzi Kingdom next door. Ask the Celestial Master, what happened?”

“Look, the whole army on Qingyun Mountain has launched an attack. They are trying their best to solve the supernatural incident. The celestial masters have all gone down the mountain, and there is no time to reply now.”


! ”

This large-scale supernatural event broke out in various places, and it became more and more troublesome.

Many netizens found that the same incident seems to have happened not only on Longguo’s side, but also abroad.

Such as Bangzi Kingdom, Benzi Kingdom, Siam, Dongyue and so on.

But on the west side, everything seems to be safe and sound.

The supernatural event only happened in Eastern Asia.

There are even conspiracy theories circulating on the Internet, whether it is the ghost of the West.

But soon, the rumor was refuted.

This supernatural event, the West can’t figure it out even if it wants to.

Although the two sides are not friendly, they can’t push everything to others.

At this moment, Qin Hao is riding a green bull, going down the mountain with a group of common people living near Qingyun Mountain, to solve the supernatural events near Qingyun Mountain one by one.

The first house Qin Hao came to was the closest to Qingyun Mountain, a family in Majia Village.

According to the owner of this family, it was his own child who had the accident, and he had been bewitched by evil spirits since a few days ago.

He was in a coma with a high fever all over his body, and it was useless to go to the hospital to get water.

And just yesterday, white hair began to grow on my body, and it grew more and more.

Now it has started to grow on the face.

The family members are all anxious.

When Qin Hao arrived at their house, he found that their house was dancing the Great God.

There were bursts of noise and noise from the dancing gods, coming from the rural yard.

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