Heavenly Master, give me face

At this moment, Ling Ruyue felt ruthless in her heart.

She has made up her mind that no matter what the price is, she will take revenge.

Otherwise, I can’t swallow the breath in my heart.

It doesn’t matter if I have to go to ten hells later.

Ling Ruyue looked at Tianshi at this moment.

I’m already thinking about it.

If he fights against the Celestial Master, what are his chances of winning?

After his death, he became a ghost and possessed some abilities that he didn’t have before.

Ling Ruyue felt that even if she couldn’t beat the Celestial Master, she wouldn’t be too far behind.


Just when Ling Ruyue was pondering whether her plan was feasible,

Qin Hao stood on the top of the mountain, looking at Ling Ruyue, a wealthy woman who was deeply obsessed.

After a long time, he sighed.

Then, Qin Hao took out the Soul Cultivation Ring.

On the soul nourishing ring, a blue light lit up.

Su Huining’s figure came out from the soul nourishing ring.


Su Huining was in the middle of cultivation, but was suddenly called out by the celestial master. She didn’t know what happened.

Qin Hao told her the matter, and then said: “Fu Sheng Wu Liang, Hui Ning, you can go with Layman Ling, remember, you can beat but not kill, otherwise, no one can help you!”

Since persuasion is useless.

Qin Hao didn’t stop Ling Ruyue either.

Let her go to find Wang Bucai, but Qin Hao asked Su Huining to follow her.

While protecting Ling Ruyue while watching her, it is okay to teach her a lesson, but not to kill her.

Su Huining nodded.

express understanding.

Then, he looked at Ling Ruyue.

Su Huining said, “Lady Ling, let’s go.”

At this moment, Ling Ruyue looked at Su Huining in front of her.

There was already a storm in her heart.

Although I don’t know who Su Huining is.

But Ling Ruyue knew that the other party was also a ghost just like herself.

However, Su Huining’s strength and cultivation base are a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than her!

This point, Ling Ruyue felt it when Su Huining first appeared.

Ling Ruyue is now, at best, in the realm of a fledgling Ah Piao.

But Su Huining was already the peak ghost king.

Ling Ruyue was beside Su Huining, and she didn’t dare to breathe.

Looking at Su Huining, Ling Ruyue instantly felt that her thoughts just now were very naive.

Still thinking about fighting against the Celestial Master?

How dare you?

people casuallyThe strength of a summoned subordinate is more than a thousand times that of his own.

If he had fought against the Celestial Master just now, his soul would probably be gone now.

At this moment, Ling Ruyue knew how small she was.

Looking at the backs of Su Huining and Ling Ruyue flying in the direction of Wang Bucai.

Qin Hao turned around and went back to Tianshi Mansion.

Since Ling Ruyue’s matter was decided by herself, Qin Hao didn’t bother to take care of it.

Anyway, Wang Bucai is not a good person.

It can only be said that it is self-inflicted!

After Qin Hao returned to Tianshi Mansion, he started writing in the mansion.

Meanwhile, the other side.

Ling Ruyue has just become A Piao, her strength is weak, and her flying speed is also slow.

In order to save time, Su Huining simply grabbed Ling Ruyue and took her to fly.

The flying speed of the ghost king realm is extremely fast.

Ling Ruyue felt that in just a few minutes, she had already arrived at the villa she lived in before her death.

Of course, now this villa has become Wang Bucai’s property.

Su Huining brought Ling Ruyue into the villa.

Go directly to Wang Bucai’s room.

At this moment, Wang Bucai had just finished exercising in the room and was in the state of smoking a cigarette afterwards.

Su Huining and Ling Ruyue were standing beside Wang Bucai’s bed.

Looking at Wang Bucai, Su Huining asked, “Lady Ling, what are you going to do?”

When the celestial master came, he said that a beating is fine, but murder is definitely not acceptable.

So Su Huining would not let Ling Ruyue kill Wang Bucai.

Ling Ruyue gritted her teeth and said: “I won’t kill him, but I can’t make him feel better either. First scare him, and then beat him severely.”

If you can’t kill him, you have to scare him half to death.

Then the life of being beaten again cannot take care of itself.

Otherwise, Ling Ruyue’s resentment would be hard to dispel.

Su Huining nodded and asked, “How are you going to scare him?”

Ling Ruyue immediately expressed her thoughts.

Her realm is too low.

It can only affect some small objects, such as opening and closing doors, turning on the TV, making footprints on the wall and so on.

Really want to make a big scene, such as creating an illusion or something.

Ling Ruyue couldn’t do it.

Therefore, Su Huining is still needed to help.

Su Huining listened to Ling Ruyue’s thoughts.

She glanced at Ling Ruyue, this girl has a lot of imagination!

To describe it in five words: a stomach full of bad water.

However, Su Huining was not soft-hearted when dealing with this kind of scumbag.

She waved her hand.

An evil spirit controlled the lights in the room.

Suddenly, the originally bright lights became flickering at this moment.

In the next second, the room lights turned green directly.

At the same time, the floor and wall of the room seemed to be boiling.

It started to boil.

Ling Ruyue liked watching all kinds of ghost movies before she was alive.

Proficient in ghostly scary moves.

When it comes to creating a scary atmosphere, Ling Ruyue said that she is definitely an expert.

I only watched it on TV before, so it’s a pity that I can’t practice it.

But now, Ling Ruyue has a chance.

At this moment, she was even a little excited.

Ling Ruyue: If I don’t scare you couple to death today, I’ll be the loser!

With the help of the illusion created by Su Huining.

Wang Bucai, who was still smoking and singing, and the young woman.

Respond immediately at this moment.

Looking at the lamps that suddenly turned green, as well as the strange scene of bubbles on the ground and on the wall like boiling.

The dog and man were terrified.

“Fuck! Damn it! What’s going on?”

Wang Bucai almost jumped up, he was quite frightened.

Next, something horrible happened.

On the ceiling of the room above your head.

Accompanied by the sound of a heavy rain.

Wang Bucai looked up, and then he could see a drop of red liquid dripping from the ceiling.

Then, the second drop, the third drop!

On the ceiling of his house, blood rained down.

At the same time, there were boiling bubbles on the walls and floor.

Every bubble exploded, and now a ghostly hand with dry veins protruded from it.

Countless hands stretched out from the walls and the floor, trying to salvage something.

It seemed that he wanted to grab Wang Bucai and the young woman.

Just drag them away.

The entire villa was immediately filled with the screams of young women.

She is just a mistress, usually pretending to be a famous lady.

But when have you seen such a horrible scene.

I don’t dare to act like this in ghost movies!

At this moment, Wang Bucai and the young woman, where are they as comfortable as before?

His whole body was drenched by the rain of blood on the ceiling.

There was a lot of blood all over his body.

It looked extremely hideous.

But now, whatever the young woman called it.

There is Su Huining here, set the soundproof field.

There was no sound at all from the outside world.

Even if you call your throat broken today, no one will talk to you!

Just then.

Ling Ruyue spoke.

A sharp voice echoed in the room.

“Wang Bucai! I died so badly!”

The next second, Ling Ruyue showed her real body in Wang Bucai’s room.

She changed her look.

On Ling Ruyue’s face, blood flowed from seven orifices at the same time.

Lie on the young woman’s back.

When Wang Bucai saw this scene, he didn’t faint from fright on the spot, which is considered to be a strong psychological quality.

“Ahh! Wife, I didn’t mean it! Don’t scare me!”

Listen to Wang Bucai’s heartless words.

Ling Ruyue blinked her eyes, and in the next second, her head fell off her neck with a plop.

Then, like a rubber ball, it rolled to Wang Bucai’s feet.

Looking straight at Wang Bucai from bottom to top.

Ling Ruyue laughed wildly in her shrill voice: “Look, my head fell off, please help me put it back on, I didn’t mean to!”

The young woman Ling Ruyue lay on her stomach.

Seeing this scene, he was so frightened that he passed out on the spot.

Wang Bucai’s heart was also thumping, and a heart almost didn’t jump out on the spot.

Wang Bucai cried out: “My wife, I am obsessed with ghosts. I am greedy for money, but I don’t want to do this. It is all this woman who taught me! If you have anything to do, go to her, don’t come to me !”

When Ling Ruyue heard this, the expression on her face became more serious.

She said, “Both of you must die! Neither one can escape!”

Ling Ruyue inserted both hands into the chests of Wang Bucai and the young woman at the same time.

With one stroke, the hearts of the two of them were drawn out.

Su Huining watched this scene, but did not stop it.

Because she knows that all this is an illusion.

With her watching here, Ling Ruyue would not kill him.

The so-called digging out the heart was just an illusion created by Ling Ruyue.

Then, in front of Wang Bucai, Ling Ruyue chewed the two hearts in his hands, gaba gaba, as dry food.

Wang Bucai vomited out of fear on the spot.

His face was extremely ugly, as if his heart had really been ripped out.

However, at this moment, a blue light burst in from outside the room door.

Directly split open the door of Wang Bucai’s room.

With the blue light shining, all illusions in the room were broken.

At the same time, a male voice came from outside the room.

“Go out and go out, the magic soldiers arrive quickly.

Please come down to the real fairy, listen and observe.

Patriarch above, protect Zhou Za.

The holy decree supports, the ax is evil and the hammer is evil.

Respectfully invite Liu Xian to come to me! ”

Hear the mantra.

He also saw that his illusion in the room was broken.

Su Huining’s expression changed.


Go out and ask for a spell?

How could there be a horse fairy from the north here?

Su Huining vaguely felt that something was wrong.

At this time, outside Wang Bucai’s room, a middle-aged man surrounded by blue light had already walked in.

On his shoulder, nestled a small green snake.

From the looks of it, he is from the Liu family.

That little green snake is the big fairy he raised.

At this moment, the middle-aged man belongs to the state of borrowing the law.

With a blue light, you can get rid of falsehood.

As soon as the man entered the room, he yelled at Ling Ruyue who was threatening Wang Bucai: “Bold ghost, dare to harm people here? Liu Xian is here, let’s see how I accept you!”

The man yelled out.

The illusion in the room has been completely broken.

Wang Bucai also reacted.

It turned out that he was still fine, but he was caught in an illusion.

This bitch dared not kill herself.

Wang Bucai was terrified, seeing Ling Ruyue who had turned into a ghost, he hurried to the back of the master.

Wang Bucai said: “Hurry up! Kill her! Make her lose her mind! I’ll add another million to you afterwards!”

This is a horse master.

It was Wang Bucai who paid a lot of money to invite him here from his hometown.

It was a backhand he left for himself.

It was because he was afraid that Ling Ruyue would really come to him to pay for his life.

Just arrived this evening, I didn’t expect it to come in handy.

However, looking at the master of horse riding now, he looks like a divine soldier descending from the sky with a blue light on his body.

Wang Bucai instantly felt that his money was worth it!

Just get rid of Ling Ruyue.

Ling Ruyue’s money is enough for him to live comfortably for several lifetimes.

Seeing Wang Bucai’s heartless look, Ling Ruyue became even more angry.

I can’t wait to take out Wang Bucai’s heart and eat it now.

As a husband and wife, I have never treated you badly before!

Eating his own and his own, now Ling Ruyue died in Wang Bucai’s hands and it was fine.

You really asked a master to kill me?

And it’s driving me out of my wits?

You alsoIs it a person?

Ling Ruyue said: “Wang Bucai, you are so cruel!”

Hearing this, Wang Bucai still had lingering fears, and said with a sneer, “Hmph, if you are not ruthless, you will not be able to stand firmly. For the happiness of the rest of my life, don’t blame me! Master, act quickly!”

Ling Ruyue shouted: “I want your life!”

As soon as Ling Ruyue finished speaking, Master Chuma laughed.

“It’s just a newly formed Ah Piao, who dares to act fiercely in front of the Great Immortal! Let’s see how my master will concoct you today!”

Master Chuma looked at Ling Ruyue at this moment.

This Ling Ruyue’s breath was very weak, it was clearly just a newly formed Ah Piao.

Although I don’t know what method she used to create such a big illusion just now.

But at this moment, the master of the horse is dealing with a Piao, isn’t it casual?

Wang Bucai gave him three million yuan, which was a lot of money for a master.

Immediately, he decided to take people’s money to eliminate disasters with people.

Master Chuma confidently said to Wang Bucai who was behind him: “Don’t worry, Mr. Wang, with Liu Xian and I here today, all monsters and ghosts will be punished! Look out!”

Master Chuma said, cast a curse in the air, and then pointed directly in the air.

A cyan demonic light shot out from his hand.

This finger is enough to make a Piao’s soul fly away.

Originally, the master of the horse thought that the job this time was quite simple.

However, in the next second.

A more terrifying and thicker ghostly aura came from another corner of the room.

A black mist directly blocked Ling Ruyue’s face, blocking the blue light attack of the horse master for her.

Seeing this powerful black mist of ghost energy, Master Chuma jumped in his heart.

For some reason, he could feel that the ghostly black mist was extremely terrifying.

The blue light on his fingertips borrowed the mana of Liuxian, one of the five great immortals.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for ordinary A Piao and Li Gui to resist this blue light attack.

Even if the ghost is coming, you have to avoid the edge for the time being.

What’s going on with this black mist?

Was it blocked easily?


At this time, the master of the horse found that the green willow fairy on his shoulder seemed to sense something, and suddenly became uneasy.

Been sending him that message all the time.

Seeing this scene, Master Chuma’s face was ugly, because he knew it.

This willow celestial green snake that I have raised all year round.

With advanced skills, even ghost generals can fight.

I’ve never felt so uneasy in all these years.

This time it suddenly became like this, which means that there is more than one ghost like Ling Ruyue in this room.

And other shit!

Moreover, the strength is not weak!

At least, not lower than the ghost general!

Is it the peak of ghost generals?

The master’s face turned ashen.

At the moment, I don’t dare to pretend anymore.

He looked back at Wang Bucai.

He cursed secretly in his heart.

What the hell, how many people have you offended, you bastard?

Didn’t it mean that Ling Ruyue was the only opponent?

Master Chuma just thought so in his heart.

Then, beside Ling Ruyue, a ghost figure appeared.

It was Su Huining.

At this moment, Su Huining was sitting on a chair in the room.

Just like that, he quietly met the eyes of the master of the horse.

However, as soon as Su Huining appeared.

The extremely strong ghost king’s aura on her body directly frightened the willow celestial green snake on Master Chuma’s shoulder to soften.

He didn’t even dare to lie on Master Chuma’s shoulder, and with a swish, he got into his clothes, not daring to stick his head out.

And the master of the horse instantly felt that the power in his body was being quickly deprived of it.

Did Liu Xian take away his power?

That Willow Immortal Green Snake: Hiss! Fuck the ghost king! Scared, scared, slipped away!

Master Chuma looked at Su Huining who appeared, and he was also stunned.

He wouldn’t think of it even if he was killed.

Beside an ordinary Ah Piao, there is also a Ghost King!

Thinking of how aggressive he was in front of Wang Bucai just now.

The master’s face turned green.

Why am I pretending to be in front of the ghost king?

And this ghost king is not an ordinary ghost king, just her aura is at least the peak of a ghost king.

Half-step Ghost Emperor!

The master of the horse really couldn’t figure it out.

Just this Wang Bucai, how could he provoke such a ruthless person?

This bastard killed him this time!

At this moment, Su Huining just looked at the master of the horse, quietly watching him pretend to be aggressive.

Didn’t you just say that you want to concoct Ling Ruyue?

keep going!

The horse master was too scared to move by the half-step ghost emperor Su Huining.

At this time, Wang Bucai behind him didn’t know what happened.

Inexplicably, another female ghost appeared?

Wang Bucai is in a hurry.

Why isn’t this master of horses doing anything?

He urged: “Master? Come on! Exterminate that female ghost together, and it will be done!”Finally, can I add money to you? ”

Wang Bucai added money directly.

The master of the horse looked at the pig teammate.

The look on his face was awkward but polite.

Backhand slap on Wang Bucai’s face.

“Shut up, you bastard! I was tricked to death by you today!”

Wang Bucai received a solid slap in the face.

People are dumbfounded.

Wang Bucai: “????”

what happened?

What are you doing?

Aren’t you the one who asked me to come back and help me kill ghosts?

I give you more money, you slap me?

Being an old man is easy to bully, isn’t it?

When Wang Bucai was slapped in the face, he became angry all of a sudden, and he also fought back against the master.

But who is this master?

I often invite God to my upper body and exercise my body every day, which is very comparable to others.

As for Wang Bucai, a fake, how could he be his opponent.

Seeing Wang Bucai fighting back, the master of the horse got up and kicked Wang Bucai away again.

Then, Master Chuma turned around and bowed respectfully to Su Huining.

“Great Immortal! The little one has eyes but no eyes, and offends the Great Immortal. I don’t know what is the relationship between the Great Immortal and Miss Ling Ruyue?”

Among the horse immortals, except for the five Baojiaxians who are often invited, the fox, yellow, white, willow, and gray.

All kinds of gods will also be invited.

Among them are ghosts and immortals.

That is to say, ghosts and gods of fame.

The one in front of him is the peak ghost king, a half-step ghost king.

Those are legendary existences.

Because even ordinary ghost kings are not something ordinary people can see whenever they want.

This kind of person is also famous in the underworld, a big shot who suppresses one party!

Ordinary Baojiaxians are not qualified to greet others.

Not to mention the peak ghost king in front of him.

The master of the horse was very decisive, and immediately knelt down.

Say hello to Senior Ghost King.

Su Huining directly ignored the master’s question.

She asked: “Which way are you? Are you here to help the tiger? Is Baojiaxian’s power used for you?”

In the world of horse racing, helping people to subdue demons also depends on whether things are good or evil.

If the host family is a good person and is haunted by evil spirits.

Then it is a matter of accumulating Yin virtue to go out to the master to help.

Making money is also normal.

But if the master’s family is a wicked person who harms a good person, the good person will turn into a ghost and take his life.

To help the wicked to kill the good ghosts is to be a minion for the tiger.

Extremely detrimental.

If you are met by your fellows, you will be the one who acts as a minion for a tiger.

Generally, their cultivation should be abolished, lest the other party continue to do evil.

Hear Su Huining’s words.

The horse master was terrified.

On the forehead, big beads of sweat fell down.

He hurriedly said: “Great Immortal, forgive me, Great Immortal, forgive me, the young one became a monk halfway, and only learned a few tricks from Master, and then Master died, so I can only use Liu Xian’s power to make a living, it is not easy for me! Daxian, don’t kill me!”

The horse master was now afraid of the ghost king in front of him, so he killed him on the spot.

Isn’t that the end of the calf?

Therefore, the horse-riding master repeatedly kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Su Huining said: “Kill you? No way, just a scum like you, take your raised willow fairy, and come back to Qingyun Mountain with me, and hand it over to the Celestial Master.”

Su Huining didn’t want to kill this kind of scum.

Or leave it to the celestial master to deal with.

After all, it is a matter of the world.

When she kills a horse fairy, it is also a matter of deducting her morality and luck.

Yangjian has a solution for Yangjian.

Su Huining felt that Qingyun Mountain probably needed another cleaner.

Just when Su Huining was talking to the horse master.

Inside Master Chuma’s clothes, the willow celestial has quietly slipped out from Master Chuma’s waist.

It immediately turned into a blue light and rushed towards the door of the room.

It sensed danger and was about to flee.

Watching this blue light rush out in an instant.

Su Huining’s face darkened, and he said, “You bastard, how dare you run away?”

After saying that, Su Huining pointed.


At the door of the room, a ghost suddenly appeared.

With one hand, he directly grabbed Qing Guang.

Carry in hand.

That Liuxian struggled quickly, but it was useless.

He was pinched by the ghost directly in his hand and grabbed it back.

The horse master watched this scene.

There was more sweat on the back.


Is this the half-step ghost emperor?


Even Liu Daxian couldn’t escape.

The ghost that caught Liu Xian.

It looks like a puppet of this half-step ghost emperor?

A puppet, whose realm is that of an ordinary ghost king?

It’s so frightening.

What level of existence must this be!

Su Huining looked at Liu Xian who was captured by his puppet ghost.

With a snort, he collected the willow fairyInto his sleeve, firmly suppressed.

As for the puppet ghost who caught Liu Xian just now, the master’s guess was right.

It was indeed a puppet raised by Su Huining.

This is the five ghost killing technique given to her by the celestial master.

After Su Huining practiced, the strength of the five ghosts also improved with her, and now even the puppets are in the realm of ghost kings.

Moreover, as Su Huining’s cultivation continues to improve in the future, her five ghosts will also become stronger.

Maybe one day, Su Huining will cultivate to the level of Ghost Ancestor.

The five ghosts around her can all follow her to become a ghost emperor.

When the time comes, five puppet ghost emperors, just say it’s scary or not.

With a wave of Su Huining’s hand, the five ghost puppets beside her had disappeared into the room and were put away by her.

But at this time, the master of the horse did not dare to breathe.

A half-step ghost emperor is guarding here.

Even Liu Xian has been taken away, does he dare to speak?

Wang Bucai was already in a daze at this moment.

Originally thought that he had invited a master back to keep him safe and sound.

I didn’t expect to meet a more ruthless one.

The horse master knelt down in an instant.

Even Liuxian, one of the legendary Baojiaxians, was directly taken over by that female ghost.

Wang Bucai was about to cry.

Especially watching Ling Ruyue walking towards her step by step.

Wang Bucai screamed: “Honey, don’t kill me!”

Ling Ruyue sneered: “Kill you? I’m afraid I’ll get my hands dirty! The Heavenly Master is right, killing you isn’t worth it at all! I’m here to beat you today!”

Ling Ruyue didn’t intend to kill Wang Bucai.

For such a scumbag, let himself go to the underworld and then go to the tenth hell to suffer.

Ling Ruyue was not out of her mind.

Anyway, the celestial master said, this Wang Bucai will not live for a few days.

I am waiting for him in the underworld.

Today, I will charge some interest first and give him a good beating!

A moment later, Wang Bucai’s screams could be heard throughout the room.

It lasted for half an hour before the screaming stopped.

When Ling Ruyue and Su Huining left, Wang Bucai had already been beaten into a pig’s head.

Wang Bucai is a short-lived ghost in itself, with negative moral points.

After experiencing today’s fright, the days to come will be spent in fright.

Originally, Qin Hao found Yangshou who was not wealthy.

This guy can live another ten years at most.

But after tonight, let alone ten years.

It would be his fate to live another five years.

In the night sky, Su Huining was holding Ling Ruyue with one hand, and the horse master invited by Wang Bucai with the other.

Fly towards Qingyun Mountain.

At this time, the master of the horse knew that it turned out that this half-step ghost emperor.

It is on Qingyun Mountain in Longguang City.

Seeing himself being brought into Qingyun Mountain Celestial Master’s Mansion, Master Chuma felt that it was over in an instant!

My own cultivation base is probably ruined by the celestial master.

As the orthodox number one of the Taoist sect, the Celestial Master.

decent leader.

If you know that you are working as a minion, you can use the power of Baojiaxian to make black-hearted money.

There is a ghost only if his cultivation base can be preserved.

Su Huining slowly landed above the Heavenly Master’s Mansion.

And the master who launched the horse was directly thrown down by Su Huining.

At this moment, Qin Hao was watering the vegetable garden in the backyard of Tianshi Mansion.

Su Huining brought Ling Ruyue and Master Chuma to the back mountain vegetable garden.

Qin Hao said: “Blessings are boundless, Layman Ling, are you done?”

Ling Ruyue nodded, bowed to Qin Hao, and said, “Thank you Heavenly Master and Ms. Su for your help. My business is over. If there is another life, I will thank you very much!”

After going through this series of things, Ling Ruyue also understood.

In this world, good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil.

In her life, she has done good deeds and done good deeds.

Even if he died in vain, after death, there will be noble people to help.

But the king had no money and did bad things, although he got a temporary benefit.

But the blessings do not last long.

In the next life, you will enter the animal realm.

A drink and a peck will be reciprocated.

The Celestial Master said: “Does Layman Ling regret it now? You stay in the world privately and scare the living. After you arrive in the underworld, you can avoid death and live crimes. Some punishments may not be escaped. Aren’t you afraid?”

Ling Ruyue said: “I’m afraid! But I don’t regret it. I’m alive to make my heart happy. I was killed by Wang Bucai. I avenged my revenge. I feel happy. So what if I get punished after I go down?”

Ling Ruyue wanted to be free and easy.

Do everything with fear.

Then it wouldn’t be her.

Qin Hao nodded and said with a smile: “Fusheng Wuliang, well said, Pindao appreciates your character, don’t worry, I will give you a letter of recommendation, and you should bring this paper with you.

After arriving at Yincao Difu, present it to the judge. The poor Taoist has some face in Yincao, and they will not embarrass you.

In the next life, you will be reincarnated, and you will be guaranteed a good family! ”

Qin Hao didn’t take Ling Ru either.Yue is happy.

People contributed so much incense money in Qingyun Mountain.

Qin Hao received his incense, and he directly covered this person.

Moreover, Ling Ruyue’s personality also suits Qin Hao’s appetite.

So I wrote a letter to Ling Ruyue.

Let Ling Ruyue take it with her.


Seeing this, the judge will not punish Ling Ruyue for the sake of Tianshi.

It could be that Qin Hao directly opened the back door for her.

Ling Ruyue knelt down to thank Qin Hao.

Then, Qin Hao asked Qingfeng Boy to present the letter to Ling Ruyue.

Ling Ruyue took the letter paper.

took a look.

Just this one glance, Ling Ruyue admired it in her heart.

A celestial master is a celestial master.

Too domineering.

On a piece of paper, there are no fancy words, just five words.

“Give me some face!”

On the paper, there is also the seal of Qingyun Mountain Celestial Master.

There is this piece of paper that has arrived in the underworld.

Those ghosts from the underworld see Yin as they see people.

And the meaning of this piece of paper is also very simple.

Man in purple robe: Do me a favor, either let her go or I come over?

The brat and the judge had ten guts and did not dare to make things difficult for Ling Ruyue.

Before sending Ling Ruyue away.

Qin Hao still has a question he wants to ask Ling Ruyue.

“Supreme Heavenly Venerable, Layman Ling, I would like to ask you, how did you become Ah Piao after you died? Didn’t the ghosts of the underworld come to seduce you?”

Qin Hao has never thought about this question.

Logically speaking, on Blue Star, many people die in vain every day.

Ling Ruyue is definitely not the only one.

But generally, even if it is a person who died in vain, after death, the soul will be snatched away by the ghosts of the underworld and brought back to the underworld.

Unless it is a ghost with extremely terrifying resentment power that can escape the control of the ghost messenger.

But a weak woman like Ling Ruyue.

Basically, it is impossible to escape the seduction of ghosts and stay in the world.

How on earth did she become a ghost?

Ling Ruyue said confusedly: “I don’t know what kind of ghost! After I died, I just felt vaguely conscious. I floated in my home for a long time. Later, I was very angry when I thought of my death in vain. Then, I became a ghost.” Ah floated.”

Qin Hao listened to her words.

He frowned tightly.

After Ling Ruyue died, during the period when her soul left her body, did she not see any ghosts?


There is a certain number of people’s death, and ghost messengers will be sent by the underworld to seduce people.

Even if you are late sometimes, you will never be absent.

Ling Ruyue was not hooked away?

Could it be that there is a problem with the underworld.

But what will happen to the underworld?

Qin Hao couldn’t figure it out for the time being.

But now is not the time to think about it.

He nodded and said: “Pindao understands, Layman Ling, it’s getting late, so I won’t delay your reincarnation. I will send you away now.”

There is a time for ghost gates to open and close.

In the middle of the night, the gate of ghosts opens.

When the rooster crows for the first time, the ghost gate will be closed.

The hour cannot be missed.

It’s getting late now.

It’s time to send Ling Ruyue off.

Ling Ruyue nodded: “Thank you, Heavenly Master!”

Then, Qin Hao recited the Sutra of Rescuing Suffering directly to her on the spot.

Afterwards, Qin Hao touched Ling Ruyue’s forehead with his finger.

In the next second, Ling Ruyue’s figure disappeared on the spot.

He was sent to the gate of ghosts by Qin Hao, and went to the underworld to be reincarnated.

Send Ling Ruyue away.

Then, Qin Hao glanced at Master Chuma.

He asked, “Who are you?”

Then, Su Huining told Qin Hao what happened at Wang Bucai’s house.

Afterwards, Su Huining patted his sleeve.

She threw out a small green snake from her sleeve and threw it to the ground.

That willow fairy thought she was out of trouble.

After landing, it turned into a blue light and wanted to run.

However, in front of Qin Hao.

Just such a little snake, can you escape?

Qin Hao stood where he was, watching the blue light go away.

Qin Hao said: Let you run 500 meters first!

This blue light turned into streamer and flew away.

In the blink of an eye, it has disappeared.

In the next second, Qin Hao stretched out his palm and gently scooped it into the air.

Then, the green snake that escaped just now was directly caught by him again.

Qin Hao grabbed the green snake in his hand.

Touch its head.

Qin Hao shook his head: “Supreme Heavenly Venerable, as one of the immortals who protect the family, do not do good deeds to cultivate yin and virtue in order to become immortals, but even work as a minion for tigers, helping evil people to ask for a little incense, you are not a good thing.

That being the case, there should be this report. ”

Qin Hao grabbed the little green snake.

As soon as he saw it, he could see that the little green snake was not a fun thing.

He did a lot of evil things.

neither Qin HaoBe nice to it.

He yelled directly: “Niu’er, come here, I’ll give you something good to eat!”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he threw the green snake in his hand towards the green bull.

Originally, Qingniu was still eating vegetables in the vegetable garden.

It bit down on a spiritual green vegetable in one bite.

Qin Hao threw the green snake directly into the vegetables.

It was bitten down by the green bull and chewed in its mouth.

Three or two times, it has been chewed into minced meat and swallowed into the stomach.

The green cow mooed.

Qingniu: “Huh? It’s a sandwich again? Good guy! It’s been a long time since the last time I ate a sandwich. I’m really lucky!”

The green cow was very satisfied with the vegetables and meat in its mouth.

It’s been a long time since I ate sandwiches last time. ..

This sandwich tastes better than last time.

Last time the meat had a bit of a smell, it was not clean.

This time it’s different, the meat is delicate, and the Q-bomb is refreshing.

Qingniu said he liked it very much.

Hope to see more.

Qingniu is happy.

On the other hand, the horse master was already paralyzed by fright.

Master Chuma felt as if a turbulent wave had been set off in his heart: “Fuck! What kind of bull is this? Just eat Liu Xian as spicy noodles? This is too cruel!”

The master of the horse has never seen such a ruthless bull in his life, his legs are so frightened that his legs are weak.

He is now afraid that the Heavenly Master will throw him over like Liu Xian.

Then it was chewed raw by a cow.

Master Chuma directly knelt on the ground and kept begging: “Fairy Master, Heavenly Master! This junior knows that he is wrong, don’t feed me to the cow!”

Qin Hao looked at the horse master with a dazed look on his face.

“Who’s going to feed you to a cow?”

Is this guy out of his mind?

You are a big living person, I feed you to cows?

What do you think of me, Qingyun Mountain?

We are orthodox mountain gate, famous and upright, my majestic purple-robed celestial master would do such a thing?

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