"Well, that's exactly what Naruto would do."

"Okay, just keep paying attention to him."

What kind of sparks can Naruto and Sasuke touch together?

I'm looking forward to it!

With Tailed Beast Chakra Injection Engine.

The Naruto two-wheeler actually caught up with other racing cars.

The other drivers were stunned when they saw a mass of dark red monster rushing from behind.

Naruto is fast.

So fast that the car itself can't stand it.

The car is about to fall apart.

Naruto simply wrapped the entire car with a tailed animal coat.

The whole car rushes forward.


He surpassed the driver who threw the self-detonation charm to him before.

The driver reacted from the daze.


its not right.

Isn't that the kid who turned over just now?


How to make three rounds.


Two-wheelers over.

The self-explosive symbol driver immediately stepped up his horsepower to catch up.

Naruto finally ran among the drivers relying on endless chakra.

But he also began to learn what unlimited means.



Dozens of kunai with self-destruct symbols were shot from behind.

Naruto seal.

"Multiple shadow clones."

Split out four clones and throw shurikens to resist Kunai.

The driver behind the self-explosive symbol was not reconciled to the ineffectiveness of his attack.

He sped up.

"Fire escape, fire bomb."

Naruto escaped with the car.

I can't stand it anymore.

Multiple shadow clones.

A dozen clones rushed towards the self-explosive charm driver.

The driver killed several clones.

"Screw pill."

look back.

Naruto hit his car with a spiral pill.

The car was directly smashed to the ground.

Naruto jumped back into his car and continued driving.

This is actually just a small challenge on the desert storm road.

The difficulty lies behind.



Various ninjutsu attacks emerge in endlessly.

Naruto had to constantly extract the Nine-Tails Chakra to deal with various attacks.

More and more chakras with hatred began to affect Naruto as well.

His eyes started to turn red.

On the ninth lap.

He finally escaped all difficulties and caught up with Sasuke.

"Kill it, I finally caught up with you."

Sasuke turned around.

Naruto was running towards him.

The dark red-tailed beast suit on his body wrapped the only remaining engine and wheels of the two-wheeled vehicle.

He looks like a racing car.

It was clear that he was running with the car on his shoulders.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

Behind Naruto's cloth-like chakra, there are three tail-shaped chakra groups.

Sasuke: "Naruto, don't waste your time."

Naruto's head was already so frenzied that it was about to explode.

He has a hideous face.

"Kill it!"

"Even if I break your limbs, I will take you back to the village."

This sentence completely annoyed Sasuke.

Sasuke's seal.

Open your mouth.

"Fire escape, the art of dragon fire."

Straight-line high-speed flames are fired directly at Naruto.

Naruto slapped the hand wrapped around Chakra to scatter the flames.

Sasuke's eyes lit up.

Naruto also has some skills.

Then I will beat you completely.

Make you desperate to get my mind back.

Sasuke stood up on the cockpit.

Take out the Zanpakuto.

"Let's resound! Jian Yu Lei Ya."

Then a thousand birds slapped Jianyu Leiya.

"Pierce through! Thundergun."

Thunder guns fired at Naruto.

Naruto did not dare to neglect.

A direct spiral pill collided with the thunder gun.


Thunder flashes.

Spiral pills and thunder guns cancel each other out.

Naruto: "Multiple Shadow Cloning Technique."

bang bang bang.

Come out hundreds of times.

They rushed towards Sasuke.

Assistant Zuo wiped Jianyu Leiya's teeth.


Lightning flickered on Thunder Fang.

Chidori blade.

The knife slashed quickly.

One by one, the avatars were cut to pieces.

After the clone dissipated the smoke.

Naruto and the avatar who helped make the **** appeared.

"Screw pill!"

A ball hit Sasuke.

Sasuke was caught off guard.

It can only be blocked with a horizontal knife.


The huge impact of the spiral pill almost knocked him out of the car.

Sasuke exploded completely.

He punched Jian Yu Lei Ya.

Chidori Stream.

Thunderbolts centered on him and erupted around his body, and everyone within this range became the target of lightning attacks.

Still besieging his clone and defeating him.

Naruto himself was repulsed.

Naruto rolled to the ground.

He still initiated the nougat spirit.

Get up and continue attacking Sasuke.

Sasuke also played real fire.

The two of you come and I go back, Sasuke directly undoes the last big move.

Thunder Eye Sky Survey.

Completely knocked Naruto down.

Thick lightning strikes Naruto.

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