"You can't catch up with me."

"You go back."

Sasuke's voice was still ringing.

People and cars have disappeared.

Sasuke has completed a lap!

Only then did Naruto realize the seriousness of the problem.

At this speed, how could he catch up with Sasuke.

Do you want to give up?


If you give up, is it still Naruto?

Naruto mobilized chakra into the chakra engine.

Sure enough, the car whized wildly.

See valid.

Naruto desperately infused himself with blue chakra.

The car has moved forward at an alarming speed.

This scene also caught the attention of the audience.

"Wow, you see that tricycle rider speeds up."

Someone saw the clues.

"He used the Chakra engine."

"Stupid, someone used the Chakra engine so early."

Ordinary people have limited chakra.

Even the Chakra engine is used for final impact acceleration.

How can anyone use chakra from the beginning.

Someone laughed.

"It doesn't matter if he uses it or not, he loses anyway,"

"We'll see how long he can run."

Viewers simply don't believe that someone can run with chakra.

Running for more than ten minutes will not work.

Sakura saw this scene.

She prayed silently.

"Which Lutuo must work hard."

"You want to bring Sasuke back."

Nocturne gave instructions to the team members.

"Pay attention to player No. 21, save him when he is exhausted."

The team member replied: "I know."

Things are beyond everyone's expectations.

Naruto has always insisted on using the chakra engine.

Always input chakra into the chakra engine.

The nephew of Dawu Sanle is not bragging.

This engine is really strong enough.

The car was driving fast.

He actually caught up with the last pod racer and was about to rush through the auditorium.

The last one turned his head and saw that Naruto's tricycle was catching up to him, and he was immediately angry.

It would be embarrassing if I was overtaken by a tricycle.

It was a Kunai who tied a self-detonation charm and threw it at Naruto.

Naruto is working hard.

Seeing Kunai attacking, Sakura shouted loudly.

"Laluto, be careful!!"

Naruto was startled.

He slammed on the brakes.

The car overturned.

Kunai stuck on the rear wheel.


There was an explosion.

The side of the truck was blown off.

Naruto was also smashed under the car.

The audience erupted in exclamation.

Sakura rushed down from the auditorium.

Nocturne rushed over early.

"Save people."

He wasn't hurt except for his dirty clothes.

Naruto was frustrated looking at the car with only two wheels left.

"Can I still play?"

Nocturne replied: "In fact, as long as it has an engine and wheels, it is a car."

Naruto suddenly came alive.

"Oh well."

Naruto picked up the half-broken car and prepared to move on.

As soon as he extracted the chakra, he found that it was not enough.

Nocturne persuaded him.

"Forget it, Naruto player, you can come here."

How could Naruto be reconciled.

He closes his eyes.

Thought came to the gate of Nine Tails.

"Nine Tails, lend me your power."

Nine Tails gritted his teeth.

"I must win."

"I must get Sasuke back."

Naruto's resolute eyes touched Kyuubi.

Nine Tails grinned, showing his fangs.

"I can also lend it to you."

"Take as much as you want."

"But if you can't control it."

"Don't blame me if you die."

Naruto: "I won't die, I'm going to be Hokage, I will never die here."

Nine Tails sneered.

"Boy, then you can take my Chakra."

The dark red tailed beast chakra poured into Naruto's body.

Others saw the dark red chakra emerging from Naruto's body.

Nocturne was surprised.

what happened to him?

Naruto injects the Nine Tails Chakra into the Chakra Engine.

There was a bang.

The two-wheeled vehicle flew out like an airplane.

This astonishing speed shocked everyone present.

This tricycle rider.

What did you do?

Naturally, this situation was passed on to Mufeng by Anbu who was secretly following Naruto.

Mu Feng is currently in the laboratory and his secretary, Hei Tu, is researching the technique of giving material chakra.

Mu Feng compared what was given by Yan Ninja Village and what Didara gave.

Make sure you are learning the full version.

But it is similar to what the old man Onogi said.

This technique seems to only be used for blasting.

After giving substances chakra, they will explode by themselves sooner or later.

Depending on the material, the explosive power varies.

It is completely different from imagining that matter can be freely combined and deformed according to one's own ideas.

"Heitu, what do you think?"

Black Soil blinked.

"Maybe it's a lack of soul."

Mu Feng touched his chin.

It is possible.

How can the soul be controlled?

Chapter 162

Anbu reported Naruto's situation.

Mu Feng received the information.

he laughed.

Naruto, as the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, naturally received his attention as soon as he entered the village.

Including his bet with Sasuke to participate in f4 racing.

Mu Feng knew everything clearly.

"Use Tail Beast Chakra to race."

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