He fell directly into the deep pit blasted out by lightning.

His whole body was scorched black, emitting blue smoke, and he couldn't get up.

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of the audience and team members present.

Nocturne: "Run to the rescue."

at this moment.

Naruto in the pit is changing.

He has used too much Nine Tails Chakra.

Now he can't control his rampage completely.

Enter half-tailed animalization.

Three tails split into another tail.

Sasuke just put away the knife and was about to drive away.

Naruto of Four Tails blasted him with a Tailed Beast Jade.

Sasuke was blown away.

Losing his mind, Naruto also started to run wild, destroying randomly.

He rushed towards the auditorium in his field of vision.

Chapter 163 The Teigu of Wings: Flying Thousand Miles Mostima

The footage captured by the drone was transmitted to the stadium.

Everyone was excited to watch Sasuke and Naruto fight at first.

Now the screen turns.

Sasuke got hit by Naruto's Tailed Beast Cannon.

People flew away without a trace.

That terrifying monster that looked like a man and a beast came towards the auditorium.

The audience present panicked.


The picture on the big screen disappears.

It was Naruto Four Tails who slapped all the drones that were tracking and filming with a few slaps.

The audience panicked even more.

"No, the monster is coming."

"Run away."


People in the audience clamored.

Some people simply want to run.

Xianglin jumped off the stage and rushed to the direction where Sasuke disappeared to find it.

Others in the auditorium are also confused.

The chaotic crowd is afraid that there will be a stampede soon.

time of crisis.

Where are the team members? "

Nocturne shouted into the microphone.

The team is here! "



. . .

. . .

This time two teams came.

One is in charge of the auditorium,

One is in charge of the track.

There are currently 200 members in the team.

"The members of a team immediately organized the evacuation of all spectators and returned to the village by detour."

The sound of nocturne from the two large tweeters installed in the car resounded throughout the audience.

"Everyone, please rest assured that we will ensure everyone's safety."

"Please don't panic and follow our instructions."

Hearing the promise of Nocturne, the audience present also fell silent.

With Sand Ninja Army here, everyone has a backbone.

Immediately afterwards.

Nocturne handed over the task to the vice-captain.

"There are more than 7,000 people here, and you are responsible for bringing them back safely."


Nocturne to remove the tweeter on the car.

The deputy captain was puzzled.

"Captain, why are you going?"

Nocturne points to Naruto who is attacking.

"I'm going to lure him away."

The deputy captain hurriedly dissuaded.

"Captain, don't do it."

"We're just ordinary people."

This team was formed by Mu Fengli against the crowd.

Their main task is to maintain law and order in the village, patrol and other tasks.

Mu Feng's original words are: "In this era of technological development, ordinary people can also have ninja-like abilities, and can also take on the task of defending the village."

In order to lay the foundation for the formation of an army of ordinary people in the future.

Mu Feng led the creation of the team.

Captain Nocturne.

Nocturne said to the vice-captain Worrying: "No, I have the Teigu that Kazekage-sama bestowed on you. Hurry up and complete the evacuation mission."

"At the same time, contact Master Fengying as soon as possible."

Although ordinary people have guns and tools, they are not as magical as Ninja Chakra.

Mu Feng specially bought a Teigu for Nocturne at a large price.

Nocturne raises two tweeters.

Then he yelled.

Wanli Flying Mostima.

The Teigu of Wings allows the user to fly, and the feathers can shoot and kill enemies. The secret skill is "God's Feather", which can bounce the opponent's flying props back

Teigu starts.

Two pairs of white feathered wings grew from behind Nocturne.

After unfolding, it is as long as a person.

Wings flutter.

Like a holy four-winged angel.

The wings carry the nocturne and the two tweeters in his hand.

Nocturne frowned and looked at Tailed Beast Naruto.

His figure is getting closer and closer.

The roar of the beast grew louder.

"bring it on!"

Nocturne flies to Naruto.

The two soon met.

At this time, Naruto's own sanity has been infected by the chakra hated by the Nine Tails and fell into chaos.

His body is completely manipulated by **** instincts.

He hates everything in the world.

He will destroy everything in sight.

The Nocturne flying towards him naturally became his target.

Four-tailed Naruto crawls on all fours like a fox.

He raised his head and uttered a meaningless roar towards Nocturne in the air.

The nocturnes are uttered by tweeters.

"Monster, come with me."

"Follow me."

Naruto could no longer understand what was shouting from the Nocturne loudspeaker.

But such a loud voice is a provocation to him.

He opened his mouth wide.

Black energy gathers.

A tailed beast jade gathered together.


Naruto hit Nocturne with a tailed beast jade.

Nocturne had already guarded against Naruto.

He flipped flexibly in the air to avoid the tailed beast jade that was directly bombarding him.


"Follow me."

Nocturne began to fly in the opposite direction of the auditorium.

Naruto couldn't bear this kind of provocation.

He roared.

chased after.

Nocturne watched Naruto follow him farther and farther away from the auditorium.

I feel very relieved.

At this time.

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