That was even more full.

Today is no exception.

The audience was full early, anxiously waiting for the game to start.

A total of 20 contestants' cars were also lined up.

They are waiting for the team captain Nocturne to come and announce the start of the game.

The audience burst into cheers.

Nocturne's car began to drive into the arena.

He picked up the phone.

The loudspeaker on the car sounded.

"Everyone, today's game has officially started."

"I still have to repeat the rules of the game before."

"The f4 game has no rules but it can't kill people."

"The only rule is that both the person and the car must reach the finish line after running the full ten laps. Both are indispensable."

These are clichés.

Everyone booed.


"Let's start."

Nocturne: "Wait a minute, there is one more contestant today, let me go through the formalities for him first."

Nocturne got off the car and began to register Naruto.

The audience also saw Naruto driving a tricycle to participate in the competition.


Shocking laughter broke out in the audience.

Someone actually drove a tricycle to the race.

Naruto and Sakura felt a lot of pressure looking at other contestants' cars with different shapes and full of sense of technology.

All use Pod racing.

Multiple engines in front pull the cockpit.

Just like a horse leading a cart.

It's nothing more than the number and shape of the engine.

Most importantly they have no wheels.

At this time, Sasuke was also standing on top of a twin-engine black and red pod racing car.

He looked at Naruto and Sakura coldly.

"Naruto, don't waste your efforts."

"You're not going to win."

Naruto certainly refused to admit defeat.

"Kill it, I will definitely win you."

In the auditorium, Xianglin cheered Sasuke.

"Sasuke come on!"

"Champion Sasuke!"

Many Sasuke fans in the auditorium also shouted together.

"Sasuke is number one." Bayi Chinese Network

"Sasuke comes first."

Nocturne over here to register.

"You want two people to compete?"

"That would slow things down."

Naruto: "Sakura, go wait for me in the auditorium."

Sakura: "Don't worry, you have to work hard."

Naruto nodded.

Even if I use a tricycle, I have to catch up with Sasuke.

Nocturne registration.

Nocturne looked at the registration form.

"Oh, it turned out to be a ninja from Konoha Village, no wonder. Then let's work hard."

"It doesn't matter if you lose, just come and experience it."

Naruto waved his fist.

"I will definitely win."

Nocturne smiled.

He goes back to the car.


"The game has officially begun."

The countdown starts on the big screen.






. . .



The pod racing car that had been prepared long ago was already suspended in the air.

Wait for the time to become 0,



woo woo woo.

The engine roared.

Pull the cockpit and shoot like a flying sword.

Naruto hasn't left yet.

The yellow sand rolled up by the pod racing cars around him made him eat a mouthful of sand.

blink of an eye.

Only his tricycle was left on the road.



Cheerful voices sounded from the audience again.

This is so interesting.

Amidst all the banter.

Sakura screamed hoarsely.

"Laruto, come on!"

"Laluto, fall dry!"

Naruto started the tricycle and struggled forward.

Nocturne picked up the communicator.

"Observation points along the way and rescue stations are ready."

"The contestants have already set off."



Team members stationed along the track have released drones to observe the race.

The scenery captured by the drone is also sent back to the big screen in the arena.

All spectators present can watch the live broadcast of the game.

Pod racing is the ultimate pursuit of speed.

It's not that the warriors dare not participate at all.

Naruto saw on the screen that two cars collided with each other before they had time to dodge.


The car gets mixed up.

Fell into the yellow sand.

Then there was an explosion.

Naruto: How dangerous!

Chapter 161 Tailed Beast Chakra Driving

Naruto could no longer see any cars in front of him.

Compared with the pod racing car, the speed of his small tricycle is equal to the gap between a snail and a bird.

Naruto drove for about twenty minutes.

There was a sizzling motor sound in the back of his head.

He looked back.

Sasuke was rushing over in his car.

The speed is extremely fast.

It seemed that I was about to hit the tricycle.

Naruto was startled.

He covered his head.

Sasuke chuckled.

Manipulating the car, a swallow turned over.

The car turned 180 degrees.

Just passed over Naruto's head.

"Naruto, it's useless."

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