The event is divided into four levels from f1 to f4 according to the degree of danger.

f4 is the most dangerous level.

Except that the track is longer, the terrain is complex, and there are more dangers.

The most dangerous thing about an f4 level event is that there is no limit to the whole process, that is, you can attack your opponent, and your opponent can also attack you, in any way.

As the top manager of Sand Ninja Village, Mu Feng supports this view.

Sand Ninja Village needs confrontation to keep the village **** and alive.

Everyone who can win the f4 championship is a good seed.

As for the danger of broken arms and legs during the game.

There are plenty of sand ninja villages with robotic arms and mechanical legs.

Of course, in order to maximize the safety of the players.

Mu Feng also installed a team to be responsible for the safety and ambulance work of the event.

With official support, Desert Storm has officially become a competitive event in Sand Ninja Village.

In order to pursue excitement, Sasuke hoped that hovering on the edge of life and death would allow Sharingan to evolve as soon as possible, so he also joined in it.

The owner of the noodle restaurant Otoku Sanle heard that Naruto was going to f4 to challenge Sasuke.

He is happy.

"Sasuke has won the f4 championship,"

"How can you beat him, a boy from out of town."

Naruto is confident.

He grinned.

"I will definitely defeat Sasuke."

Big wooden barrel Sanle: "So are you ready for the car?"


Naruto was stunned.

He is so nervous that he hasn't thought about it that much yet.

Big wooden barrel Sanle: "Of course a racing car must have a car."

Naruto looked at his wallet.

There is not much money in it.

Upon seeing this, the boss handed him a business card.

"So my nephew drives a second-hand car dealership, and you can see if there are any cheap cars.



Two days passed.

Naruto drove Sakura in the car he bought and set off for the arena in the afternoon.

The arena is in the desert hundreds of miles away from the village.

Sakura, who was sitting in the back of the car, complained.

"Naruto, I gave you all my money, and you just bought such a broken car."

Sakura was braving the hot desert afternoon wind, her hair flying in the air.

Naruto actually bought a tricycle.

Naruto was driving in front.

Sakura was sitting in the back of the car.

Naruto: "Only 2,000 yuan can only buy this car, but this car has a fuel engine."

"Uncle's nephew assured me that this car has the hardest Chakra engine in it, as long as there is enough Chakra, it can run as fast as a missile." ..

Naruto also injected his own chakra into the chakra engine under his feet.

"If you don't believe me, look."

Naruto Chakra Infusion.

The car accelerates.

The wind howled.

The sand crackled on the faces of both of them.

Sakura helplessly covered her face with her hands.

"Okay, I see."

Thinking of the upcoming match with Sasuke.

Sakura couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Naruto, can you beat Sasuke?"

Naruto gave a thumbs up.

"Do not worry."

"I will definitely beat him."

"Not only do I want to defeat him, I want to bring him back."

Naruto is full of confidence.

They drove out of the village.

Two hours later.

There is still a lot of yellow sand ahead.

The racing track still didn't show up.

Sakura went crazy.

"Naruto, why hasn't the racetrack appeared yet?"

"Did you go wrong?"

Naruto took out a map to check.

He scratched his head.


"I'm following the map."

Sakura was speechless.

"The scenery here is similar, what's the use of just looking at the map."

The two looked at the surrounding desert.

They were confused.

look back.

The village was nowhere to be found.

There is a vast expanse of yellow sand everywhere.

I won't get lost.

Just when the two were desperate.

not far away.

A tall off-road vehicle drove over.

Hang the team flag on the car.

The car stopped beside them.

Someone in the car poked.

"Hi, hello."

"My Captain's Nocturne."

"Are you lost?"

Chapter 160 Even if I use a tricycle, I have to catch up with Sasuke

Naruto and Sakura are overjoyed.

"Yeah, we are going to participate in the f4 race."

Nocturne looked at their tricycle.

"Haha, are you sure you are going to compete?"

The two nodded.

Nocturne smiles.

"Okay then, just follow us."

"We're going to the field too."

Naruto and Sakura are overjoyed.

"That would be wonderful."


Nocturne waved his hand.

"It's my team's responsibility to take care of the contestants and spectators, you're welcome."

"And remember to look at those pillars next time, that's navigation."

Nocturne pointed to a columnar dune not far away.

Naruto was taken aback.

Is that a pillar?

I thought it was a sand dune.

He received another iron fist from Sakura.


Nocturne turned around and ordered the team members.

Team member: "Captain, really take them to the competition. There is no such thing as their car."

Nocturne smiled.

"Let them try if they want to try."

"Anyway, their car probably won't run a few steps before they know the gap, and they won't continue."

The tricycle went to race with a bunch of magically modified racing cars.

It's just too funny.

Naruto and Sakura's car followed Nocturne's car all the way to the arena.

For the game.

Sand Ninja Village also specially built a half-open stadium here as an audience seat and referee seat.

Every game has seven or eight thousand viewers to watch.

Especially f4 level competitions.

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