Black Earth said it was perfectly fine.

"I can take it."

"Okay then, you can be a secretary by my side first."

Put it aside and observe it first.

being targeted.

Sand Ninja Village is now famous.

There are many spies in the village.

People are really afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

Mu Feng now has a black soil secretary.


Konoha's medical class entered the Sand Ninja Hospital to help treat and train Sand Ninja medical ninjas.

Yamato started his road of greening.

Naruto is practicing under the leadership of Kakashi.

Konoha information shows that there are more actions against the tailed orc Churiki.

Naruto must also strengthen his own cultivation.

Kakashi will take Naruto to eat ramen after a day of practice.

To say that Sand Ninja's welfare is really great.

Each of them has assigned accommodation, air-conditioning, gas, water, electricity, bus cards, and food coupons.

It can be said that life is stress-free.

The only two people are only authorized by idlers.

Can't go to many places.

After dinner.

Kakashi went home to watch TV.

"Naruto, do you want to go back?"

Naruto: "I'm going to do the subway."

Naruto and Sakura found out that Sasuke actually works in the industrial park, and would take the subway back and forth every day.

The two met and went to take the subway to see if they could meet Sasuke.

Kakashi knew it too.

Kazekage and Hokage have already negotiated.

Sasuke is sentenced.

In sand ninja village reform through labor.

It is impossible for Naruto to find him back to the village.

But well.

never mind.

Kakashi waved his hand: "Okay, remember to come back early."

Naruto came to the subway entrance.

Sakura was already waiting for him.

"Naruto, hurry up."

Naruto smiled and followed Sakura into the subway.

The two swiped their cards and entered the station, ready to go to the industrial park.

They saw a familiar figure coming down from the stopped subway.

"Kill it!"

"Kill it!"

Naruto and Sakura cried out excitedly.

The man in the crowd was none other than Sasuke.

Sasuke also saw the two of them.

But he just took a look and continued walking away.

Naruto and Sakura froze for a moment.

I didn't expect Sasuke to be so indifferent.

The two of them hurried to catch up.

"Kill it!"

"What are you doing, don't disturb our Sasuke."

Karin who was following Sasuke called them to stop.

Our Sasuke? !

Sakura was mad inside.

Another personality in his heart frantically beat Xianglin.

Xianglin has identified herself as Sasuke's girlfriend since she got Mufeng's support.

Clings to Sasuke every day after get off work.

Wash and cook for him. .

Sasuke had no problem with that either.

Kazekage-sama is right.

The Uchiha family is their brothers.

The incense cannot be broken.

Sasuke also began to accept Xianglin.

"Kill it!"

Naruto grabbed Sasuke's sleeve.

Sasuke didn't look back.

"Let go."

Naruto was irritated by Sasuke's indifference.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

He choked up.

"It's for killing, don't you forget the days we were together."

Little by little of the past of Class Seven came to Sasuke's mind.

It was also a memory that he will never forget in his life.

Learn together, suffer together, live and die together.

The youth we walked together.

Sweat together.

The blood that flowed together.

That is so easy to forget.

Naruto: "Killing is here, can you go back with me? Konoha is your home."

The tenderness in Sasuke's eyes faded.

He already knew what Muye Village had done to his family.

He didn't think that destroying the entire Konoha would be considered kind.

"Konoha is not my home."

"My family was gone at the moment of genocide."

Chapter 159 Desert Storm F4 Competition

Naruto heard Sasuke's words.

He froze.

I didn't expect Sasuke to be so decisive.

Naruto Bietianzui activated unconsciously.

"To kill is to give, I live alone, and I can understand how you feel."

"You're in a lot of pain, I..."

Sasuke didn't give him a chance at all.

"Don't tell me about your ridiculous suffering."

"Did your parents and family members die in front of you?"

"You live in malice, I live in nightmares."

"Maliciousness can be resolved and influenced."


Sasuke shook his head and left.

Naruto yelled, "Sasuke, can't you hear me out?"

Sasuke turned around.

"If you can beat me in the Desert Storm F4 competition, then I can give you a chance."

Sasuke and Kaoru left.

Sakura: "Laruto, what is Desert Storm?"

Naruto shook his head.

He doesn't know either.

"I'll go to the ramen restaurant to find out."

Naruto made some inquiries.

He just figured it out.

It turns out that the Desert Storm race is a racing competition.

This is a racing game that has recently started to rise.

Thanks to the industrial development of Sand Ninja Village.

Mufeng allocated cars to families in need.

Therefore, racing began to rise in the pursuit of stimulating young people.

The so-called Desert Storm competition was originally initiated by a few young people who pursued excitement.

At the beginning, it was very simple. Everyone ran wildly in the desert with no speed limit, one person and one car, and whoever reached the finish line first would win.

Gradually, this competition became popular in sand ninja villages where entertainment activities were scarce.

More and more people are getting involved.

The rules and events are becoming more and more perfect.

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