"I didn't expect you to still want to shake the foundation of the ninja world."

What ordinary people get is not weaker than ninjutsu abilities.

That ninja world is not messed up.

What will Ninja War be like after that.

What kind of broken gun would a well-trained ninja kill an old farmer with one shot? ! ..

It's unbearable!

Mu Feng looked at Onoki who was blowing his beard and staring.

He fished for the head.

"I knew that an old guy like you would not accept this idea."

"Of course, the special status of our ninja village has been achieved by generations of ninjas, and it must not be shaken."

Onogi felt that Mu Feng was crazy.

The matter between us ninjas, we have taken care of it ourselves.

How can you control ordinary people.

Heitu: "Grandpa, I think what Master Mu Feng said is quite reasonable."

Onoki stared.

"What's the point?"

"You have to comprehend our will of stone, and don't be bewitched by his wind of freedom."

"Ordinary people have strong ninja strength, so what will happen to the world?"

"Then how big the ninja war will be, and how much damage it will bring!"

Ohnoki glared at Mufeng.

"Boy, your ambitions will stop everywhere."

Onoki pulled Heitu to distance himself.


Mu Feng stretched out his hand.

Onoki: "What else do you want to say?"

Mu Feng: "You don't mean to use the technique of Dust Escape·Prime Realm Stripping to knock me into an atomic state, right?"


Onoki proudly raised his chest.

"Boy, since you know how powerful I am."

"You surrender as soon as possible."

"Since you have no one to embarrass me, as long as you return Lao Zi and bring back the name of the Kingdom of Wind, don't do those messy things."

"Then I'll pretend nothing happened."

"Haha, that can't be done."

Mu Feng shook his fingers.

"Old man, you misunderstood me."

"I mean I know your big move, you don't know my big move yet."

"We fought a little bit unfairly."

Onoki sneered.

"You're the one who knows the truth, right?"


"How can that kind of thing hit my Yannin Village."

"Wait for the old man to let Iwanin work together to smash you with Unearth Dun Wanli Soil Wall."

"If you smash it, I will lose."

Onoki is very confident in his ninja strength.

"Haha, right now my Myriad Opportunities of Truth are not strong enough, and I really can't break through the Wall of Earth."

Mu Feng laughed.

"I guess in the future, when I install Sharingan, Kaleidoscope Sharingan, White Eyes, Reincarnation Eyes, Tenseiyan, Red Eyes, Blood Dragon Eyes and so on, I can hit them casually."

Onoki snorted coldly.

Talking nonsense again.

If you have so many eyes, the old man will just lie down.

"If you really use the ten-thousand-mile earth flow wall, then I have a better way to break it."

"Heitu took your grandfather to stand a little further away."

"I have just developed this trick."

"I still don't have a good grasp."

"If you miss you, no amount of ninjutsu will be able to save you."

Mu Feng said it in a babbling manner.

Onoki also tensed up.

This lunatic doesn't know what to do.

Ohnoki hurriedly pulled his granddaughter back in the air.

Wait for the two of them to stay away from each other.

Mu Feng changed his playful expression.

Look serious.

Palms facing each other.

The eyes stare nervously at the space in the palms.

The whole body's chakra, electromagnetic force, etc. start to operate.


A black spherical object the size of an egg appeared in the center of both palms.

It's just too dark.

There is no way to describe the blackness.

Even sunlight and eyes can be swallowed by it.

Chapter 148 Simulating Black Holes

When the black ball appears.

The powerhouses present and nearby all felt an inexplicable fear.

The black hole seemed to be devouring everything around him.

A duo of dried fish drinking and eating skewers in the military camp.

Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark held a grilled fish in its mouth.

He murmured, "Mr. Itachi, what is that?"

Uchiha Itachi stared at the kaleidoscope Sharingan, but he couldn't see what it was.

It was black in the past.

There seems to be nothing there.

It is the ultimate black.

Uchiha Itachi-_-||.

What the **** is that,

I can't even see through Sharingan.

Obito naturally had the same doubts as him.

He also stared wide-eyed and only looked at black.

What ninjutsu is that?

Is there anyone in the world who can't see through my kaleidoscope Sharingan?

On the tower of Yuren Village.

Xiao Nan's face as pale as paper couldn't help being moved.

Nagato was shocked.

Could this be the trick Mu Feng said?

"When I use stronger ninjutsu, you must lead Yuren to stand by me."

"Otherwise, just wait for destruction!"

Could this be the trick of destruction?

The closest Onoki and Heitu were also extremely shocked.

The black ball is exuding suction.

attract them.

The black ball is so small but the two feel the suction is so terrifying.

Onoki, who has always been as calm as a rock, couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

"Wind Shadow..."

"What exactly is in your palm?"

Mu Feng looked up.

The corner of his mouth curled up.

"A simulated black hole."

black hole? !

Onoki and Heitu don't know.

While controlling carefully, Mu Feng introduced to them.

"You don't need to know what a black hole is at the moment."

"You just need to know that this is an abyss that even light and time cannot escape."

"As for what's inside and where it leads, I don't know."

"Then let you see its power now."

Mu Feng gently pushed it out.

The egg-sized black hole landed on the high mountain that Onoki just pointed out.

Then something happened that shocked everyone.

Clouds on mountains and even mountaintops, light and all matter start to be absorbed by black holes.

A black hole is like a bottomless whirlpool in an ocean.

Constantly devouring in the air.

I don't know how to swallow the stone that looks countless times bigger than it.

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