It's still getting bigger.

The dark, lightless area is expanding.

Black holes are getting bigger.

After a while.

Half the mountain was swallowed up.

Black holes also change from the size of an egg to the size of a fist.

At this moment, Mu Feng gave a loud shout.


Clap your palms hard.

The fist-sized black hole twisted in the air and disappeared.

Obito touched his right eye.

If this thing competes with Shenwei, which side will win?

Black holes are too spooky and seem to go from strength to strength.

Obito didn't dare to try.

Xiao Nan asked Nagato: "God, what shall we do now?"

Nagato watched as the black hole swallowed half of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

If this thing hits the village, the whole village will probably be destroyed.

Is this destruction?

Nagato once again had the feeling of facing Sansho Hanzo when he was weak when he was a child.



It looks like there may only be ten tails in hand.

Might be able to fight him.

As for now.

"Order to go down,"

"Rainin Village is on the side of Sand Ninja Village."

"We go out!"

Nagato gave an order.

Tiandao Payne, Xiaonan led the ninjas of Yuren Village to the Sand Ninja Village barracks from Yuren Village.

The ninja of the rain ninja village shouted.

"Rain Ninja Village joins Sand Ninja Village camp."

Mu Feng glanced at them.

smile slightly.

Interesting enough.

Otherwise, I will hit you with a black hole.

Mu Feng looked at the old man Onomu.

The old man was not affected by Yuren Village.

A bunch of rotten fish and shrimp.

The old man doesn't care.

The issue is.

That simulates a black hole.

It's too scary.

Thousands of miles of earth flowing wall.

I'm afraid it won't be able to stop it for a hundred thousand miles.

Ohnoki: "Hmph, Kazekage, why do you study such a terrifying ninjutsu."

Mu Feng laughed: "What do you mean, are you allowed to study the dust tunnel that knocks people into atoms, and I am not allowed to study black holes?"


Onoki was stubborn.

"The old man sees that your black hole is not as good as my dust escape."

"Swallow things slowly and still stand still."

Mu Feng laughed.

"Who told you that black holes can't move."

"You think that only by standing still like you can you let the dust escape."

"My black hole can fly, vertically, and backwards."

"At the same time, my black hole can go up, down, left, and right. I can turn, I can circle, and I can go around in circles."

"If you don't believe me."

"How about that." ..

"Go stand and let the dust escape, I won't disturb you."

"I put a black hole on you."

"Let's try to see who wins first."

Onoki wiped his sweat.

"Young people, don't be too arrogant."

"You can be called a young man if you are not arrogant."

The two stood in the air.

you look at me.

I look at you.


There was fire in the eyes.

Heitu held up the chicken wings.

"Everyone, why don't you eat chicken wings first."


Chapter 149 Rocket pilots are also ninjas

The two groups of people who were gearing up to fight were dumbfounded.

My boss eats chicken wings in the air.

Onoki also used the technique of earth escape and light and heavy rocks to make a large rock as a dining table.

Onoki and Mu Feng sat opposite each other and ate chicken wings.

Black Soil pours wine on the side.

"The old man has recognized your strength."

Mu Feng: "Okay then, then give me the Chakra-endowing technique, and I'll return Lao Zi to you, and let's sign the contract by the way."

Ohnoki: "It's okay to sign a contract, but is this forbidden technique so important?"

Mu Feng replied sincerely.

"I am a person who loves science very much. Knowing the unique ninjutsu, I can't help but study it."

"If I don't get it, then I'll be like that... I can't eat well and sleep well."

Ohnoki: "That's the same."

Mu Feng blinked: "That."

Heitu: "That one?"

Onoki stared: 'When adults talk, children don't interrupt. \"

Onoki was puzzled.

"That thing can only be used for blasting, it's not very useful."

Mu Feng: "I just like blasting. My desert is the most suitable for blasting."

Onoki was speechless.

"All right."

"The old man agreed to your terms."

"You return all the captured people to me."

Mu Feng chuckled.

The old guy was still scared by his own black hole.

In fact, with my current strength, I only put one.

At the same time, it cannot be allowed to swallow and grow.

Otherwise, you won't be able to close it by yourself.

That's a big deal.

Maybe it swallowed up the ninja world.

But nuclear weapons are useful.

Onogi and Nagato were settled as soon as they made a move.

"Let it go, let it all go to you."


Onoki's face showed embarrassment.

Mu Feng: "What's wrong?"

Onogi looked around.

"The old man brought so many people here anyway, but you retreated as soon as you made a move, as if to say it..."

The old guy wants to save face.

Mu Feng: "How about we fight?"

Onoki wiped his sweat.

He supported his waist.

"Oh, my back hurts."

"Heitu, come and rub my waist."

Heitu hurriedly pressed his waist.

Mu Feng rolled his eyes.

"Otherwise we don't really fight, let's have a friendly match."

Onoki: "What friendly match?"

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