Not far away, there is Payne on the tower of Yuren Village, and Xiaonan is also watching from a distance.

A Fei or Obito hid in the corner and watched.

Ohnoki: "Kazekage return my granddaughter."

Mu Feng waved his hand.

"Back to you."

"By the way, I'll give you a chicken wing."

Heitu flew to Onoki.

Mu Feng is so easy to talk to.

Onoki was stunned.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You see, this is my sincerity for peace."

The big white teeth in the mouth are shining.

Onoki asked Heitu: "Are you okay?"

Black Earth shook his head.

Onoki looked at Mufeng.

"Hmph, you keep talking about peace, but you still want to start a war."


Mu Feng asked back.

"Where is the war?"

"Didn't I just arrest more than 100 people from your Yannin village, and I didn't kill them."

Ono blew his beard and stared angrily.

You bastard.

Talking nonsense in front of my old man.

"It's not a war, so why did you bring so many people here?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Of course it is to show the power of peace and my determination to defend peace. I guess with your stubborn personality, if I don't show it, it may be difficult for you to accept my peace."

"What stubbornness, that's the will of stone!"

Onoki emphasized.

"Boy, I don't care what crooked talk you have."

"You can't shake me, Onoki."

"I advise you to be honest and hand over Lao Zi.


"I act like it never happened."

Mu Feng: "Konoha has the will of fire, rock ninja has the will of stone, have you heard of sand ninja's will of wind?"

Onoki shook his head.

Is there such a thing?

"Of course there is."

Mu Feng nodded solemnly.

"It's me, I just came up with it recently."

"It's called the Wind of Freedom!"

What is the wind of freedom?

Onoki and Heitu looked straight at Mufeng.

Are you here to preach? ..

Don't talk about peace, talk about the will of the wind.

Mu Feng asked Oh Yemu.

"Old man Ohnoki, you are considered a ninja. What do you think of peace in the ninja world?"

Ohnoki: "Peace in the ninja world is of course peace among our ninja villages. As long as our ninja villages protect our own villages and countries, the world will be peaceful."

"Then has this world ever been peaceful?" Mu Feng asked back.

Onoki was questioned.

He said firmly: "Of course it was peaceful."

Mu Feng sneered: "Peace is judged on a monthly basis, and you Yannin Village itself is often not at peace."

Onoki's face darkened.

"Actually, in my opinion, the reason why this ninja world is so uneven is because there are ninjas like us."

Mu Feng's words made Onoki frown, and Heitu was curious.

"The strength of ninjas is stronger than ordinary people, and the number of ordinary people is huge compared to ninjas."

"Ninjas take wealth from ordinary people to support themselves."

"They don't appreciate ordinary people."

"Whenever there is war and chaos, ordinary people are massacred wantonly."

"As soon as there is a big conflict between the ninja villages, the war will break out."

"You are not nicknamed two-day balance, one end of the scale is seriously overweight, how can the balance be level."

Onoki was puzzled.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Now in Sand Ninja Village, ordinary people can drive, and the speed is faster than ninjas. Ordinary people can hold guns, and their power is not inferior to ordinary ninjutsu. If they have money, they can buy exoskeletons, and their strength is not inferior to ninjas. .”

"Ordinary people's ability to deal with danger and things is greatly enhanced, so their need for ninjas will also be weakened."

"Ninjas won't be that important either."

"At that time, Ninja may reconsider his positioning."

"Maybe you won't think about always going to war when you have nothing to do."

"Wouldn't the world be peaceful then?"

Onoki's big nose twitched.

"what are you talking about!"

He panicked a little.

Mu Feng looked at him with a smile.

"I'm talking to you about the will of the wind."

"The so-called wind of freedom can be summed up in eight words."

"The dragons have no leader."

"Happy world!"

"At that time, everyone was like a dragon, walking against the wind! Freedom!"

Chapter 147 I just developed this trick

At present, the ninja world doesn't even understand oil and chakra.

The first level of civilization is not up to standard.

To truly realize that everyone is like a dragon and freedom is like the wind.

Mu Feng felt that at least the civilization had reached level three.

Able to realize that individuals can independently accomplish everything they want.

If you want to eat, drink, or use anything, you can produce it yourself.

Build your own spaceship or psionic leap wherever you want to go.

Realized in a real sense.

A person is a society.

one country.

a planet.

a race.

People will no longer be bound by concepts and thoughts such as race, country, society, family, and gender.

That is the real everyone is like a dragon.

Everyone is God.

The wind of freedom.

Across the universe.

That goal is still very, very far away.

It may never be reached.

However, it does not prevent Mu Feng from improving the ninja world in terms of technology and chakra research.

After all, Chakra is still a potential energy.

As far as the current situation is concerned, ordinary people actually benefit more than ninjas.

With technology bonuses, they can also gradually acquire magical abilities similar to ninjas.

Ninjas either progress.

Or return to the position of ordinary people.


The unique social status of ninjas will be lost.


Onoki understood.

Heitu was still in a daze holding the chicken wings.

What Kazekage-sama said was so profound.

Why can't I understand.

I can't hear it but it feels great.


After Mu Feng finished speaking, Onoki was furious.

"It's just gibberish!"

"You are shaking the foundation of the ninja world."

"The ninja world should be the daimyo and the ninja village to jointly maintain the order of the ninja world."

Onoki pointed to a high mountain not far away.

"Ordinary people are the rocks under the mountain."

"The name is the mountain."

"We ninjas are the pillars that support this mountain."

"The old man already felt that something was wrong with you when he heard that you abolished the name of the Kingdom of Wind."

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