Zilai also sighed over there.

Nagato, Yahiko, Konan.

own former students.

The son of prophecy that he once placed his hopes on.

When I received the news of their death, I shed tears of sadness and grief.

When we meet again now, the disciple's indifference makes him feel even more distressed.

"I was wrong!"

"I shouldn't have left them then."

Men don't shed tears, but it's just not when they are sad.

Two lines of hot tears flowed down the red marks under the eyes.

Mu Feng: "If you don't own it, you can't lose it." Bayi Chinese Website

People who have never felt warm will not be afraid of severe cold.

Jilai also brought them a piece of warmth that shouldn't have appeared in the coldest life of the three of Xiaozhi.

And after this warmth dispelled the severe cold covering the three of them, Jiraiya cruelly withdrew this warmth.

As a result, children who have experienced warmth can only feel at a loss after returning to the cold.

But Yahiko's death made Nagato and Konan feel deeper fear.

They began to feel that their ideals were too fragile, and they began to hate that their power was too slim.

They hated even more, hated someone who had given them hope, hated someone in this world who could enjoy peace calmly.

As a result, the purpose of the Akatsuki organization began to change, and they no longer hoped to make people believe in peace.

They started spreading fear because it only takes the entire ninja community to feel the pain they felt.

Let the world feel the pain.

Zilai also left sadly.

He no longer wants to or dare not enter this Yuren village.

He didn't know how he should face the two children Yahiko and Xiaonan.

Looking at Jiraiya's decadent posture, his long hair drooped.

Maybe it's in his mind right now.

The news of the death of his disciple Nagato made him feel more distressed than the news of the death of the prophesied son Nagato.

Maybe he didn't know how many girls' bathhouses he had to peek at before he could cheer himself up.


After bidding farewell to Zi Lai Ye, Mu Feng returned to the barracks.

He happened to meet a small team escorting the rock ninjas in.

Bao Zhi knew it was a concentric puppet from his cold as iron expression.

The boys from the 1st and 2nd teams are all learning now.

Let the concentric puppet handle any risky things.

Hiding behind the operation.

If the puppet is broken, replace it with a new one.

Once the control unit is plugged in, it is another hero.

If the battery is not enough, replace the battery.

Change the oil when it is empty.

It's really a bit like an otaku playing Call of Duty.

I don't know if there will be a bunch of otaku soldiers.

However, this method of tactics really maximizes the role of the shadow clone.

If Qian Shou Fei Jian sees it, he will call 666 directly.

Their hands were handcuffed by the handcuffs that would generate electricity when they sensed Chakra.

His clothes were also a little tattered.

Everyone is ashamed.

It seems that being bombarded by the sand ninja gang is not light.


Why is there a man with electric coils on both legs?


These two legs are still so slender***.

It will not be the shadow of the legs in the future.

Mu Feng stopped him.

"Who is the person?"

"Why do you still handcuff this girl so tightly?"

The captain ran over.

"Master Kazekage, this woman is Kuroto, the granddaughter of Tsuchikage Onoki."

"She is the Blood Successor Limit Jnin who has mastered Fusion."

"Prevention must be strengthened."

Mu Feng looked at the black earth.

Short black hair, black pupils, and a handsome face.

Heitu and other rock ninjas also looked at Mufeng.

He is Kazekage? !

Mu Feng nodded heavily.

"Well, that's right, it makes sense."

"It's too wasteful not to wear more handcuffs with such long legs."

black soil


I'm afraid it's not a pervert.

Black Earth trembled.

Mu Feng laughed.

"Notify all troops to return to camp."

"Repair in the camp, and wait for the old man Ohnoki to relax and wait for work."

The granddaughter was arrested.

I don't think the old man Ohnoki will stop playing ninja games.

Finally, I can see the old man Ohnogi.

I don't know what the scene will be!

Chapter 146 Will of the Wind: Dragons without a leader, the world will be prosperous


When Ohnoki heard that his granddaughter Heitu had been captured, he was furious.

This reminded him of his grandson, Xiaotu, who had placed high hopes on him but died tragically.

At this time, his back didn't hurt anymore.

"The whole army is pressing on."

"The old man will lead the charge."

"If Mu Feng dares to hurt Hei Tu."

"The old man beat him to ashes."

More than three thousand Ninja Army of Ninja Village gathered together.

They rushed towards the sand ninja village barracks.

All the way to the foot of the mountain where Sand Ninja was stationed unimpeded.

Onoki flew in the air alone, leading the way ahead.


Onoki shouted.

The Iwanin ninja army stopped and began to spread out, arranging a battle formation.

Onogi looks at the military camp of Sand Ninja Village on the mountain.

A tall metal tower in the middle of the barracks caught his attention.

Mu Feng ran around with a small light prism tower with him.

Won Gou Dao Sanwei.

Ohnoki felt something was wrong when he saw the cold light.

This thing seems very dangerous.

In the sand ninja barracks.

Mu Feng picked up a grilled chicken wing and handed it to Heitu.

"Here, it's just baked."

Black Soil took over.

She was a little nervous.

Fengying Mufeng treated her kindly.

Didn't do anything weird.

Treat yourself to food and drink.

"Let's eat,"

"Come on, take one more and give it to your grandpa later."

“Everyone loves chicken wings.”

As he spoke, Mu Feng patted Heitu on the shoulder.

Current slips through.

Hei Soil's leg went numb.

Her magnetic field strengthens.

Mu Feng took her into the air and flew towards Onomu.

"Onoki, let's talk."

Onoki saw Mu Feng flying with black soil.

He also flew over.

The three of them met in the air in front of the formation of the two armies.

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