"The purpose of my war is to enable villages in various countries to live a richer and happier life in the future, including your village and the Land of Rain, of course."

"It's for world peace."

"So you too must join this just war."

Payne scorned.

"Hmph, justice, that sounds nice."

"It's nice to say, but this is just an excuse to cover up your ambition."

"Don't be so arrogant! This is the last warning from God!"

Mu Feng smiled lightly.

"It seems that you are not ready to join?"

Payne: "True pain, you can't understand. You are just a high-ranking person and we live in this infinite pain."

"Our pain is on you."

"The heart that pursues peace is also above you."

Mu Feng: "Since you want to pursue peace, you should go on the same path with me. Let's build a beautiful ninja world together. As long as we build a better ninja world, everyone can live a prosperous life, so peaceful Power will overwhelm the power of war.".

Payne's puppet's expression remained unchanged.

But the eyes are puzzled.

Why is the so-called peace associated with prosperity?

Mu Feng explained to him.

"The material base determines the superstructure."

"Human sorrows and joys may not be connected, but human money is connected."

"As long as there is me in everyone, and you in me, and everyone is connected through the economy, then the war will be suppressed the most."

"Because no one wants to lose their wealth in the event of a war, and they can't buy food, drink, or commodities, right?"

Payne and Xiaonan.



We want to be a ***, revive the ten tails, and play infinite monthly reading.

You let us move bricks.

Isn't that a little too much.

Payne sneered.

"It seems that I won't be able to teach you a lesson."

"Kazekage, don't underestimate Urenin Village."

Payne pointed the palm of his right hand at Mu Feng.

A black swirl appeared in the palm of the hand.

Vientiane Tianyin.

One of the abilities of Tiandao, centering on itself, attracts all substances in the direction designated by the palm of your hand.

The invisible suction pulled Mu Feng.

Mu Feng chuckled.

It's better than suction.

Brother is not bad either.

Mu Feng also stretched out his palm.

Electromagnetic escape, magnetic control.


The magnetic field spins rapidly.

Zizizi blue and white lightning flashed from the palm of his hand.

Payne was surprised to find that his Vientiane Tianyin did not attract Mufeng.

Instead, he kept moving towards Mufeng.

Xiaonan is in a hurry.

How can anyone hurt God.

fold back paper.

Shoot paper missiles at enemies.

The paper missile was fired at Mufeng.

Fire Escape · Flame Bullet.

I also help from the side.

He will hold the oil refined by chakra in his mouth, and burn it with fire escape while spitting it out.

All the paper missiles burned up in front of the flame bombs.

"Xiaonan, Yahiko."

"Is it you?"

Zilai also shouted.

Payne's small-scale Shenluo Tianzheng finally ejected himself out of Mufeng's magnetic range.

Payne looked at Mu Feng coldly.

"You are strong."

Mu Feng: "It's a little bit stronger. In fact, I still have stronger ninjutsu, but it's not convenient to use it now."

Payne: "Hmph."

Jiraiya continued to shout: "Xiaonan, Yahiko, are you really you? Nagato? Nagato?"

Payne and Xiaonan looked at Jiraiya.

There is no emotion in the eyes.

"Mr. Jiraiya, Yahiko and Konan from the past are dead."

"Nagato is dead too."

Zilai was also suddenly dejected.

It seems that the two are not ready to recognize themselves.

Mu Feng patted his shoulder.

"Do not worry."

"Your students are good students."

"Although they are now dressed as gangsters and younger sisters."

"They're going to be on the right track one day."

Payne: "Fuying, don't be too arrogant."

"Ha ha."

Mu Feng raised his head and laughed.

"You are the ones who are arrogant."

"You are too naive."

"Such a big world, so many people, and such complicated hearts, can it be solved by one or two deterrents?"

"The road to peace is extremely difficult, and there will never be lasting peace."

"Great deterrence may guarantee peace for a while."

"But it could also be the next world-ending weapon."

Both Payne and Xiao Nan were stunned.

What did Mu Feng mean?

Does he know what he is doing?

Mu Feng looked at the two of them.

"I know you two may not understand right now."

"But it doesn't matter."

"What you have to do is now."

"When I use stronger ninjutsu, you must lead Yuren to stand by me."

"Otherwise, just wait for destruction!"

Chapter 145

Payne and Xiaonan returned to the village with endless doubts.

A Fei who was in the distance didn't get into the tree either.

In Nagato's room.

Xiaonan waited on the sidelines for Shenchangmen's order.

Nagato sighed.

Mu Feng on the other side is not easy to provoke.

My **** Payne can't take him down for a while.

Is it necessary to have all six ways.

Then there would be too much movement.

The ninjas of Yanin Village are haunting nearby.

He cannot expose his base in advance.

"At present, our plan to catch the tail beast has just started."

"We can't let there be turmoil in Yuren Village."

"We will stand by his side when Mu Feng shows the powerful ninjutsu he said has overwhelming power."

In the empty room, Konan, the Six Paths stood still, only Nagato's voice echoed.

God is also very helpless when he encounters scoundrels.


Mu Feng watched Payne and Xiao Nan leave, and smiled slightly.

It's cool to bully someone who can't move.

You say you are Nagato.

You are so good at ninjutsu.

Can't you design a wheelchair for yourself?

If I were you, I would design the heretic golem as an automatic wheelchair.

Then fly around in a wheelchair.

This way I won't be bullied so aggrieved.

Mu Feng is having a good time here.

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