"Now the big names probably haven't reacted yet, and don't know how to deal with you. When they react, you will be in trouble."

Mu Feng smiled lightly: "You have to know that I am not afraid of trouble."

Tsunade shook his head: "I mean, if other daimyos pay for us from Konoha Village to attack them, we as ninjas will do it."

"At that time, everyone will meet each other in battle."

"And when the time comes, you may face not only ninjas from our village, other villages may also join in."

Mu Feng sighed.

"Perhaps this is the sadness of a ninja who cannot control his own destiny."

"You have to face people you don't want to face, and kill people you don't want to kill."

"But don't worry, I'll be lenient with you, Konoha, and try to kill as few people as possible."

Tsunade sneered.

"Our Konoha will too."


Mu Feng came to the interrogation room.

Poor Deidara neck. The hands and feet are equipped with electric coils.

These coils would discharge as soon as they sensed that he was combining chakras.

The blond, blue-eyed, arrogant Didala has been electrocuted for the past few days.

When he saw Mu Feng coming in, he gritted his teeth.

"Demon, what do you want?"

He is dignified Didara is willing to blew himself up rather than being **** and tortured.

"Pay attention to what you say."

Jonin Sako, who was in charge of the interrogation, was a whip.

Sand Ninja Village is not only so glamorous on the outside.

What interrogation, prisons and other facilities are also available.

Mu Feng: "Did he say the technique of giving material chakra?"

Shazi: "No adults, his mouth is very hard."

Deidara: "Kazekage, don't think about it, I will never confide a word."

Mu Feng was puzzled.

"You have betrayed Yan Ninja Village, so why help them keep the secret of giving material chakra?"

Didara: "I am willing, sir."

His own performance art was rejected by the village, and he also escaped from the village.

It does not mean that he will betray the core interests of the village.

The reason why each ninja village is unique is the unique ninjutsu in the village.

Deidara is unwilling to hand over the technique of giving material chakra.

Mu Feng smiled slightly.

"do you know?"

"This technique is very important to me."

The technique of endowing material chakra allows Deidara to turn clay into bombs of their own functions.

They can have various abilities like living things, such as flying, crawling, entanglement, and so on.

Mufeng doesn't need bombs.

He needs to use this forbidden technique as a reference.

See how you can use this technique or improve this technique to activate the substances you want.

Then if he can give chakra and vitality to his steel village.

Then wouldn't it be possible to make the Iron Invincible Dragon rise from the ground.

The shell of the mechanical puppet can move freely.

This is Mu Feng's idea.

Mu Feng looked at Didala coldly.

"So I hope you can consciously hand over the forbidden technique."

Deidara stuck out her tongue.

"Don't think about it."

"You just kill me."

"My uncle won't tell you either."

Chapter 133 Very Artistic

Mu Feng mercilessly gave him electrotherapy.

Didala deserves to be a stubborn stubble with strong self-esteem.

The person who was electrocuted died without saying anything.

Shazi: "Sir, let me continue to interrogate him. There are still many instruments of torture that have not been used here."

"Forget it, I have other ways."

Mu Feng stretched out his hand.

The ropes binding the unconscious Didara were broken.

Mu Feng then used the magnetic control to hold him.

"I'll take him to another place."

Mu Feng walked.

Deidara floated behind him.

The two came to a research room of Orochimaru all the way.

A mild electrotherapy.

Deidara woke up.

He saw Mufeng, Dashewan, Yaoshidou and Xianglin.

Didala saw various unidentified pieces of meat, internal organs, and equipment flickering in the research room.

He felt flustered.

"What do you want to do?"

Mu Feng: "Xianglin, let him take a bite first."

Xiang Rin stretched out her arm to Deidara's mouth.

Deidara looked at Xiang Rin's arm covered with tooth marks, and was stunned.

"What the **** are you trying to do?"

Xianglin: "Bite me to restore your body, you can try it."

Didara hesitated.

Mu Feng sneered, "You won't be afraid of this, are you?"

Didara: "Hmph, I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid of biting people."

He took a hard bite.

Xianglin endured the pain.

Xiang Rin's miraculous ability made Deidara's body recover quickly.

He felt he was recovering from his injury.

Why is he so kind? !

Didara looked at Mu Feng.

Xianglin backed away.

Mu Feng watched Didara's face turn better, and nodded.

"The pharmacist's bag can start."

The pharmacist stepped forward and took out the pills for Didara to feed.

Didara still wanted to eat it.

Close your mouth and grit your teeth.

The chakra scalpel in the pharmacist's pocket severed the nerves in his mouth.

Deidara opened his mouth wide.

Take the pill.

Pharmacist Dou will treat him again.

The pharmacist's operation completely made him panic.

"What are you trying to do?"

The corner of Pharmacist Dou's mouth curled up, revealing a sneer.

"The medicine I gave you just now is a pill to amplify your body's sensory sensitivity."

"It can be magnified ten times, it can be used to train ninjas, and of course it can also be used to do other things."

The pharmacist stroked Didara's face with a chakra scalpel.

This light knife made Didara feel great pain.

His brain seemed to explode.

"Bastard, I'm going to blow you all up."

He wants to gather chakra.

The electric coils on the neck, hands and feet are rapidly discharged.

His eyes turned white with electricity.

The pharmacist rescued him again.

"Are you a demon?"

Didala stared at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng shook his head.

"I am not a devil, on the contrary I am a good person."

"All I want is the knowledge in your head."

"It's really no loss for you."

Didara sneered.

"Hmph, I already said that even if I die, I won't tell you."

Mu Feng smiled contemptuously.

"You misunderstood, dying is a very easy thing but living is very difficult."

"Let me introduce you to Orochimaru."

"I think you should know."

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