"Don't be afraid that no one will support you. Kakashi, Maitekai, Sarutobi Asma and other Jnin will definitely support you."

"As for Hinata in Konoha, Sarutobi, Nara, Hatake and other families, as long as you don't move their interests, they certainly don't care about it."

Tsunade was dubious.

"Can I do it?"

Mu Feng definitely answered.

"It will definitely work."

"You are Tsunade."

In history, Tsunade himself also dismissed the advisory group, promoted newcomers, and took control of power.

Tsunade raised his glass.

"Have a drink."

She has made up her mind.

The two finished drinking.

Tsunade proposes to visit Sand Ninja Village.

Then she found that Sand Ninja Village was really boring.

"Are there only a few izakayas in your village?"

"The door is not open at night."

Tsunade was still ready to continue.

Mu Feng: "Hey, it's not long before everyone's life is better, and the spare time life has not been enriched, so just come back later."

Mu Feng took Tsunade to take the most distinctive means of transportation for Sand Ninja.


Tsunade was quite satisfied with the subway.

"Good, very convenient."

"But Konoha doesn't seem to need it."

Everyone in Sand Ninja Village needs to travel between the industrial park and the village.

In Konoha's current area, some buses are enough.

Mu Feng: "It will be needed in the future when it develops."

The two of them also met Sasuke coming home from get off work.

Next to Sasuke is a female ninja with red hair and glasses.

That was the new researcher, Xiang Rin.

The same as the vortex family.

Xiang Rin is much worse than Naruto.

After the Kingdom of Vortex was destroyed, she wandered with her mother and never lived a stable life.

Finally entered Kusanagi Village.

Grass Ninja is also focusing on the special ability of their mother and daughter to restore the body of those who bite their bodies (including themselves)

As a result, the mother and daughter were also treated as a mobile tonic station for human flesh by Kusanagi.

Bite when it hurts.

In the end, Xianglin's mother was killed alive in front of her.

Xianglin escaped from Kusanagi and was caught by human traffickers, and was finally rescued by Orochimaru.

Xianglin was brought back to the Sandworm Breeding Base to become a researcher.

She is very happy to be here.

Because she met Sasuke.

Sasuke saved her during the Chunin Exams.

This may be the only light in her sixteen years of life.

Since then, he has been infatuated with Sasuke.

It was such a blessing to her to be able to commute with Sasuke.

Even Sasuke always ignored her with a cold face.

She is also happy.

Mu Feng waved: "Hello, Sasuke."

Sasuke came over.

Xianglin also hurriedly followed.

Sasuke has never met Tsunade.

He looked at Tsunade.

Tsunade did not disclose his identity.

She decided to let Sasuke stay in Sand Ninja Village first.

"Is your girlfriend?"

Mu Feng pointed at Xiang Rin and teased Sasuke.

Xiang Rin was shy and shy by the side.

Sasuke only replied two words.


"My lord, it's nothing, I'll take my leave first. The car is here."

Sasuke turned around and left.

Tsunade teased Mu Feng: "This is your sand ninja labor camp... It seems that the labor camp personnel don't have that much respect for you as a manager."

Mu Feng laughed.

"I am here in a free labor camp, changing a person spiritually."

Tsunade: "Who is that girl?"

She said it was Karin who was following Sasuke.

Her house happened to be allocated in the same building as Sasuke.

"Xianglin, from the Uzumaki clan."

Tsunade was silent.

It is also a pity that Muye Village did not help the whirlpool clan back then.

"I really look forward to the combination of Sasuke and her."

"What kind of baby do you think the two of them will have?"

The spiritual power of the Uchiha clan plus the vitality of the Uzumaki clan.

Shouldn't be worse than Naruto.

Chapter 132 Maybe This Is the Sadness of a Ninja Who Cannot Control His Destiny

Meeting Xianglin reminded Mufeng of one thing.

"Tsunade, can you take me to meet the slug fairy of the Wetbone Forest?"

Tsunade asked vigilantly, "What do you want?"

Mu Feng: "I want to sign a contract with it."

Although Mufeng has medical equipment such as the Dragon Ball Healing Chamber, the local medical methods in the ninja world cannot be discarded.

Compared with toads, snakes and other psychic beasts that help fight.

He is more interested in the slug, a healing psychic beast.

He has too many means of attack.

Anyway, treatment is a short board.

Something as big as a healer isn't as flexible as a split slug.

There are not enough medical ninja reserves in Sand Ninja Village.

Tsunade looked at Mu Feng.

"You should die of this heart."

"You're not a medical ninja."

"The slug fairy won't sign you."

Mu Feng sneered.

\"Then I can't, my men can always heal ninjas.\"

The slug fairy is such a good healing method that Konoha cannot monopolize it.

Tsunade: "I'll talk about it later."


"When I was Hokage."

Mu Feng was taken aback.

He was overjoyed immediately.

"It seems that you have decided to go back and reform."

Tsunade nodded.

Visiting Sand Ninja Village, she has found that Sand Ninja is much ahead of Konoha.

Not to mention anything else.

This defense system alone is much more reliable than relying on their perception of ninja barriers.

Sand Ninja Village's comprehensive welfare policy is far superior to Konoha's.

Mu Feng was very happy.


"Then I wish you the best of luck and success."

Three days later.

Tsunade left.

She did not bring what the counselors and elders expected, but brought a new wind of reform.

If you can't solve the problem, get rid of the person who raised the problem.

This is also a solution.

Before leaving, Tsunade had an in-depth exchange with Mu Feng.

"Now I finally know what your "One Country One Village Act" is for?"

"You are afraid that the daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind will ask us Konoha to help you, right?"

Mu Feng is very honest.

"one of the reasons."

Tsunade: "Your method is good. It really bound our Konoha hands and feet. But I want to remind you that daimyo cares more about daimyo than we Ninja Village."

"Now you kill the daimyo, and set up forty-six aliases."

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