Orochimaru licked the lower corner of his mouth with his long tongue.

"The torture just now was nothing more than pediatrics."

"I have other options."

"I'll keep you awake during the process, and you won't die."

"Please trust my skills."

Orochimaru's pale face and terrifying and weird snake pupils really make Mufeng more suitable to be an evil boss.

Didara felt his scalp go numb.

"Is the technique of giving material chakra so important?"

"It can only do blasting at best."

Mu Feng: "For you, it is only used for blasting, but for me it has great potential to be tapped."

The same is gunpowder.

Some people use it to make fireworks.

Someone used it as a cannon.

Different usages of the same technique are naturally different.

Mu Feng gave an ultimatum.

"I can only give you two days."

"If you still refuse, then I will use another method to deal with you."

"any solution?"

Mu Feng smiled lightly.

"Don't you like explosions? Don't you like the fleeting illusory beauty."

"Then I'll satisfy you."

"I will control you with the seal."

"When I face Iwanin Village, I will make you the most powerful self-exploding bomb and blast it out."

"I think when you exploded on the head of the ninja in Iwanin Village."

"That scene must be very beautiful."

"Very artistic!"..

Deidara froze.

Blue eyes stared straight at Mu Feng.

How could someone laugh and say such cruel things.

Deidara came back to his senses.

"You want to be hostile to Yan Ninja Village?"

Mu Feng asked back: "Otherwise, you think I rely on you alone?"

"You're just an option."

"Old Man Ohnogi is the main target."

"However, I think that with his indomitable and unmoving will of stone, he should not be so easy to talk about,"

"So I still have to make gestures when I think about it."

"See if the wind of my freedom is stronger or his stubborn rock is harder."

Deidara surrendered.

He didn't want to blow himself up on the ninjas of his own village.

"Okay, I will give you the art of giving material chakra."

Chapter 134 Didara, I order you to be the vice-captain of the third team

Didara handed over the technique of giving material Chakra.

Mu Feng naturally gave it to ninjutsu master Orochimaru to study it first.

"Study it carefully."

"Report to me any results."

Orochimaru swallowed the scroll.

"Yes, my lord."

"Come on, Deidara."

Mu Feng called Didara.

Deidara tensed up.

"What are you going to do again?"

Mu Feng said seriously: "You are the one who attacked Sand Ninja Village. Your actions have caused huge damage to the economy of our village and the personal safety of the villagers."

"As Fengying, I announce that I will sentence you to 30 years in prison, during which time you will be reformed using labor methods."

"Do you have any objections?"

"I..." Deidara was stunned.

Mu Feng: "Very good, if you don't object, then come with me."

Deidara also has an electric snare.

He obediently followed Mu Feng.

Mu Feng took him all the way to the mechanical puppet production base.

Craftsmen and ninjas all went to support the roads and infrastructure of the Forty-six City.

The huge production base is deserted.

Only a few people work in it.

Deidara looked at the tall mechanical Godzilla.

He was a little confused.

In front of this monster.

My own 2 dragons and 4 garudas are not enough to watch.

Scorpion noticed the arrival of the two.

He flew out of the belly of Mechagodzilla.

Landed in front of the two.

Didara: "Senior, you are not dead."

Scorpion: "Didara, you are still alive, very good."

Scorpion paid tribute to Mu Feng.

"Master Kazekage, hello."

Mu Feng nodded.

"Excited to see you."

The expression of the puppet remained unchanged.

Mu Feng felt his heartbeat change.

Scorpio is excited.

"I see a new direction for puppetry."

"I saw the world as the grown-ups said."

In the past few days, Gaara took him to visit, and Kankuro explained to him.

Xie saw some new development directions of puppet art brought by Mu Feng.

Those themselves never touch the direction.



Shapeshifting robot.



. . .

. . .

Wait for a new concept.

What I originally called puppets were just a bunch of miscellaneous harvesters.

There is no fighting power in front of these brand new puppets.

As a puppet genius, Xie also understood.

Mu Feng didn't lie to him.

Just keep developing.

He can really create his own parents, parents who can move, laugh, cry and have warmth.

"That is eternal beauty."

Scorpion added.

This caused Didara to be dissatisfied.

"Only fleeting beauty is eternal and art."

Scorpion didn't quarrel with him this time.

"You will know when you understand."

"You like explosions."

"Then in the online world, you can blow up planets without any problem."

Didara told him that he was dizzy.


Mu Feng spoke.

"Captain of the third team."

Scorpion: "Yes, my lord."

Mu Feng: "The prisoner Didara now belongs to your third team, and you are in charge of commanding it. Is there any problem?"

Scorpion was a little disgusted: 'My lord, he can only explode, I need to build a puppet now, he is useless. \"

Didara was disgusted, and puffed up her cheeks angrily.

Mu Feng shook his head.


"He will be an excellent welder and fitter after we improve the material chakra endowment."

welder? !

fitter? !

Both Scorpion and Didara were dumbfounded.

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