"Wow, Mu Feng, your Lightning Poisonous Dragon Drill is so powerful!"

Mu Feng smiled triumphantly.

"I have many other moves besides Lightning Poison Dragon Diamond."

"For example, moves such as Heart Piercing, Desert Storm, and Electric Fire Double Sky are also very powerful."

"When we're free, we can make gestures."

Tsunade nodded.


Mu Feng introduced Xie to Gaara.

"Scorpion, you know it, right?"

Gaara nodded.

The legendary stylist and puppeteer in Sand Ninja Village, of course they know each other.

"Now he is the captain of the third ninja team, the puppet team."

Gaara: "Puppet team?"

Mu Feng: "Yes, the puppet team will be an important part of our future ninja army. Take him to register and get familiar with the environment first. By the way, if he likes to live alone, then assign him a remote house."

"This is Gaara, the commander-in-chief of the Ninja Army. In the future, except for me, you will obey his orders."

Scorpion nodded.

Gaara took Scorpion to the Ninja Registration Office to go through the entry procedures.

Ask me Gaara on the scorpion road.

"Who else is in the third team?"

Gaara: "Just you, you need to build up the puppet team as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will slow down the footsteps of the ninja army, and I will not let you go."

Gaara is murderous towards everyone.

scorpion. . .

Co-authoring means bullying the puppet people without rest.

Sand Ninja Village has another 007, an excellent employee who does not need to rest.

Get rid of ***.

Tsunade's welcome banquet will continue.

Tsunade raised his wine glass to respect Mufeng.

"I didn't expect Sand Ninja Village to change so much under your leadership!"

"The defenses in your village really opened my eyes."

Mu Feng: "You want a set too?"

Tsunade's eyes lit up: "Can you? Can you?"

She is the leader, the protector of the village.

Of course, I hope to give the village the best defense.

"Of course you can."

Mufeng is too good.

Compared with selling goods in small businesses.

This kind of large-scale infrastructure project is really great.

Not to mention making more money, there are many other benefits.

Mu Feng immediately clapped his chest excitedly with Tsunade in reassurance.

"Don't worry, what kind of relationship do we have?"

"As long as you want, I will definitely give you the best."

Tsunade: "How much does that cost?"

Mu Feng: "I'm not very accurate in calculating the amount of money. I'll just do the calculation,"

"You have to build a power station with a capacity of 70 million megawatts to provide enough power to support it."

"At the same time, it is necessary to build a command center and renovate buildings, roads, pipelines and other infrastructure."

"The raw materials such as steel and cables used during the period were almost tens of millions of tons."

"I guess it will come down to seven or eight, and I guess tens of billions will be needed."

Tsunade chest pain.

She drank heavily.

Mu Feng knew at a glance that he had frightened people,

"Oh, look at you."

"I'm not done yet."

"This is the total investment. We can invest in the construction in batches."

"If you Konoha have no money, we can even give you a loan."

Tsunade: "What kind of loan?"

"Targeted loan, our sand ninja village will give you a loan and then this loan will be used to buy our raw materials and technical assistance to build these.".

Mu Feng explained to Tsunade.

"This will relieve your financial pressure."

"Besides, if you act as our agents or something, you can also make money."

"I believe that you, with so many talents in Konoha, will be able to repay the loan soon and build a good home."

Tsunade shook his head.

"The advisers will not agree with what you said."


Mu Feng snorted softly.

"Muye Village has a good geographical location, many families, and many talents. It can become the number one village in the ninja world, but it is always overwhelmed by Yunnin Village."

Yunin Village has always been at odds with Konoha Village. After the third ninja world war, Yunin Village wanted to get Baiyan and launched an event to **** Baiyan, and sent ninjas to kidnap Hinata's young Hinata.

After Hinata Hinata found out about this, the ninja who killed the Thunder Country rescued Hinata. But then the people of Thunder Country asked Konoha Village to hand over the murderer's head, and his twin brother Hinata Nishaku died instead of Hizuru in order to protect the clan.

Mu Feng mentioned this matter.

"Actually, many things about Konoha are done by these old and corrupt elders and consultants."

"They sacrificed so many young people to Konoha for their own status and power."

"And now the world situation is changing."

"Konoha needs to keep up with the situation."

"If these old guys are always in power, then Konoha will have no future."

Tsunade holds the wine glass.

Looking at Mu Feng with piercing eyes.

She chuckled.

"What the world situation is changing."

"What can't keep up with the situation."

"Aren't you talking about yourself?"

Mu Feng laughed out loud.

He has no humility.



"I bathe in the wind."

"He is the one who leads the ninja world to the new world."

"Tsunate, you have to follow me."

Chapter 131 Your power as Hokage is unlimited

The rich history of his hometown told Mu Feng.

The world and the hearts of the people cannot be conquered by force alone.

Violence, terror may overwhelm for a while.

But the peace maintained by violence, terror is only a false peace.

Hatred, hostility lurks underneath.

Accumulated from generation to generation.

It's like lava under a volcano.

Once there is a gap, it will surge out and destroy everything.

Only by leading everyone on a thriving development path so that everyone can be satisfied and everyone is rich can it be possible to curb war to the greatest extent.

This path is difficult.

It never worked out.

Mu Feng wanted to try it.

He exhorts and teaches Tsunade.

I also hope that she can bravely abandon the old ideas of the past and lead Konoha on the road of development.

He also doesn't want Konoha to remain unchanged and gradually be emptied of wealth by Sand Ninja Village.

The impoverished Konoha will be the birthplace of the war.

Maybe there will be some sand ninja collapse plan or something.

That would run counter to the purpose of developing sand ninja.

Sustainability is the right choice.

Tsunade was silent for a long time.

The wine glass was slammed on the table.


Seeing the changes in Sand Ninja Village, she felt in her heart that Mu Feng might be on the right path.

But when I think of the village elders and consultants.

Their power made Tsunade feel helpless.

Even if I have all my strength, I can't exert myself in the face of political matters.

"Ha ha."

Mu Feng laughed.

"You need to know that your power as Hokage is unlimited."

Tsunade heard that and looked sideways at him.

"Don't think how powerful those veterans are."

"You are the granddaughter of Senju Hashirama, you are Hokage, no matter in terms of status, prestige or power, you don't need to give face to those old guys."

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