
"Everyone has weaknesses. The opponent's technique seems to consume a lot of money. There should be very little chakra left now!"

"He won't last long if he fights this way! As long as I delay him until his chakra is exhausted, then I win!"

The Jonin thought so.

While dealing with Shuo Yue's close attack with extremely rich combat experience, he was thinking about ways to defeat Shuo Yue.

He now regarded Shuo Yue as a well-matched opponent!

All appearances were false. From him, It can be seen from the fact that he killed three of his chuunin subordinates in one go that this person cannot be judged by common sense!

Those three chunin were all brought out by him on nearly a hundred missions. Even so, they were not this boy. The enemy of Ichiha!

This Uchiha genius!

"Are you thinking of stalling for time and consuming my chakra?"Sakuyue suddenly said.

Hearing this, the jounin couldn't help but be shocked. His mind was suddenly seen through so easily!

Is this a young man who just graduated from the ninja school?

"Haha, judging from your expression, I must have guessed it right."The corner of Shuoyue's mouth curled up slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the short sword in his hand emerged with flames again, and he rushed towards the jonin again.

Fierce wind slash!!

It was also the flame tornado set off by the hot blade, It was the same action, the same escape from the flames...

The Jonin jumped back, and while he was still in the air, he felt that this scene seemed familiar! As for being exactly the same, right?

Even the height of his jump, the speed of his landing, and the burning sensation on his arms...are all exactly the same!

"Wait, this place was burned just now!"The jounin suddenly woke up and looked at his right arm.

In his first confrontation with Shuo Yue, his right arm was burned to a large extent by the flames.

But now, that wound seems to have been burned at a certain moment.

What a dreamy feeling to suddenly recover and then be burned again!……

"No, this is an illusion! ?"

The Jonin was shocked again. He clearly had his Sharingan open, but he didn't notice any signs of being caught in a genjutsu!

Instead, he suddenly noticed it after falling into a trap set by someone else!

"When exactly?"

No, that's not right!

Rather than saying that he noticed it, it's better to say that the other party let him find out on purpose!

This... he, a jounin of the Uchiha clan with three magatama sharingan eyes, was actually so despised by the next child?!

Just when he felt embarrassed for himself, the third cycle of the illusion had begun!

Unknowingly, the two of them were back to their original positions, and Shuo Yue once again held on to the meaning. The terrifyingly hot blade rushed forward!

At this critical moment, the Jonin turned his attention to his right arm. Sure enough, the burn there had healed at some point!

"Well, for the third time, I won’t be hit by the same trick again!"

Thinking in his mind, the Jonin immediately formed a seal and spit out a character:"Explanation!"

With the frantic operation of the Sharingan, he disturbed the chakra all over his body.

However, the 'illusion' in front of him was not lifted!

The boy still rushed towards him with a knife!

"Nani! ? Isn't this an illusion?"The Jonin began to doubt his life!

Maybe the taijutsu battle would be repeated, but the injuries on his body definitely showed that he was in an illusion!

But why, even though he had clearly 'unlocked' the illusion, he still saw this scene in front of him What?

Before he could think about it, he was burned by the flame tornado again, and this time the injury was even more serious due to his stunned skills! He jumped back for the third time, his face full of disbelief as he covered his burning arm.

He couldn't help but ask:"Is this an illusion?"

Is this an illusion?

Even he himself was not sure!

However, the answer was Shuo Yue's cold and ruthless knife!

"In this case, I'm going to take action!"The Jounin's face changed, and his expression became serious, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Even his Sharingan can't see through the illusion, and even the conventional illusion breaking techniques have no effect at all. He has only one choice, and that is to defeat Shuo here. Yue!

The jounin may not seem to have much trouble at ordinary times, and he even often suffers from the disadvantages of the genin, but in their real battle, once he breaks out with all his strength, it is absolutely terrifying! As soon as his toes hit the ground, his whole body suddenly became violent. Disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already to the left of Shuo Yue.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The jounin quickly formed a seal and released a huge fireball. At the same time, a few kunai he had just picked up were mixed in the fireball.

Having seen the Shuoyue Jutsu, he understood deeply that such a combination attack would not be able to reach others. Not at all!

Of course, this is actually just a feint, and his body is actually just a shadow clone! There are many ways to kill someone! , the most effective and low-key killing method is very simple. He used his whole palm as a blade and stabbed directly at Shuo Yue's back! Tsk! Cruel! This knife penetrated Shuo Yue's chest! He couldn't die anymore!

"Now, this illusion should end... right?"The jounin muttered uncertainly. In many kinds of illusions, it is a contest between the caster and the practitioner of the illusion. The caster controls everything in the illusion, but if the difference in strength is too large, he will be killed..

Since Uchiha Sakusuki wants to repeat this illusion with him, then he will kill him in the illusion!

Generally speaking, the illusion will end in this way!

But... it doesn't seem to be that simple!

The corpse with the arm pierced through the chest slowly dissipated like mist, and right in front of him, a new Uchiha Sakusuki was resurrected!

At the beginning of his resurrection, he rushed towards him with a knife!

What a familiar picture this is!

"What kind of illusion is this!!"The Jonin began to lose his composure.

An illusion that cannot be solved, an illusion that keeps repeating, this is really driving people crazy!

The most important thing is that his dignity is in ruins!

He knows that this is an illusion, and he clearly has three With a talent like Magatama Sharingan, if someone uses genjutsu on him, he can even bounce back!

But why can't he even solve the genjutsu used by this boy now?

"When did you use the illusion on me?! I'm obviously prepared! What kind of illusion is this of yours!"

The Jonin was furious because of his incompetence. He discovered that not only the burns on his body would recover at a certain moment, but even the opponent's chakra would also recover at that moment!

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