Then the idea of wanting to fight a war of attrition just now is a complete joke!


Uchiha Fugaku looked at the training ground, and the three Naka Shinobi had stopped eating and lost their combat effectiveness.

And the Shangnin who he specially assigned actually stood in place in a daze!

After that flame just now, he thought that the two of them would start a wonderful duel to measure Shuo Yue’s personal strength in more detail.

But, nothing!

It was as if he had suddenly fallen asleep, quietly waiting for Shuo Yue to put the knife on his neck!

“I didn’t expect Shuoyue’s illusion to improve so much that even he couldn’t crack it in a short time!” Uchiha Fugaku rubbed his chin and sighed, “No, could it be that he was careless? How can Shuoyue say that it is impossible to progress so fast, is this a person? ”

Just when Uchiha Fugaku was full of doubts, Shuoyue over there put the short knife on Shangnin’s neck and shouted towards this side: “I won, can I go?” ”

“This…” Uchiha Fugaku hesitated.

From the perspective of Shangnin, he may have fought for three hundred rounds.

But from the perspective of an outsider Uchiha Fugaku, from the beginning of the movement of Shuo Yue, to solving the three Naka Shinobi, and finally to the short knife casually above the neck of the upper Shinobu, all this happened too quickly!

So much so that he just saw the ninjutsu brilliant in front of him, a few screams, and then, it was over!

Not to mention that with this to detect Shuo Yue’s current strength, he didn’t even see some of his movements clearly!

Although it did not achieve its goal, from an objective point of view, this is undoubtedly the most perfect ninja battle!

Fast, accurate, ruthless!

Defeat enemies in the fastest and most efficient way!

At such an age, one is against four, and one of them is still on the endure!

Such a ninja talent is unprecedented!

Even the strongest in the history of the Uchiha clan didn’t do much at this age!

Uchiha Fugaku’s eyes became more and more enthusiastic when he looked at Shuo Yue, if he devoted all the family resources and let this teenager grow up, then the future…

Not to mention being a little Hokage, his eyes should look in a more far-reaching direction!

This is a person destined to surpass his ancestors!

You must be able to do what your ancestors couldn’t!

“Hey, Fugaku-senpai, do you hear me, can I go?” Seeing Uchiha Fugaku stunned, Shuotsuki had to speak again to remind him.

Coming back to his senses, Uchiha Fugaku hurriedly said, “Okay, there you go!” ”


Nodded in satisfaction, and the three hook jade in Shuoyue’s eyes slowly disappeared, and Chakra saw the bottom at the same time.

He is also pinching the extreme battle.

As he took the initiative to unravel the illusion, Kami-Shinobu finally woke up, but when he opened his eyes, he only saw the blade resting on his neck.

He knew he had lost.

If it was in a life-and-death battle, then his head would have fallen to the ground long ago!

Although the eyes are full of unwillingness, it can only be endured.

What fascinates him is this illusion.

It was a powerful illusion he had never seen before, and it shouldn’t be without a name.

“Well, I still want to ask…”

However, Shuoyue didn’t bother to pay attention to him at all, and directly turned around and left.

Looking at Shangnin’s helpless look, Uchiha Fugaku specially walked over and patted his shoulder to show comfort.

“Although I didn’t let you use all your strength, you also see the potential of that child, right?”


Shang Shinobu had nothing to say.

Indeed, he did not use his full strength at the beginning, because once he accidentally injured this person, the clansmen were afraid that they would not eat him alive!

However, while he was fighting, he was already serious – but by then, he had already fallen for illusion!

Anyway, he used all his strength to crack even a single illusion!

Having fought with all his strength, he has already lost!

“Why don’t you talk?” Uchiha Fugaku asked again, “You come to evaluate, how is Shuoyue’s strength?” ”

“Very strong! I think my subordinates are already very good, but compared to him, it is not a level at all! No, it doesn’t make any sense to compare our current people with him! His future achievements will definitely not be lower than the three Shinobi, and even surpass that person! ”

Sanshin is the most famous figure in Konoha village today, and the prestige established since the Second Shinobi War has been influencing the younger generations of the village.

Now although Tsunade-hime has left, it is not a defection, she is still a person of Konoha!

Being able to take out the three Shinobi for comparison means that he already values Shuoyue very much!

However, Kami-Shinobu said the person again!

Both understood that what he was saying was – Uchiha Madara!

That man who once had absolute strength in the Uchiha clan!

None of the latecomers could stand at his height!

But now, that hope has emerged!

“You have such a high rating?” Uchiha Fugaku was a little surprised, he knew this person and never made a conclusion.

Kami-Shinobu nodded, “If you also feel that illusion once, you will understand, Fugaku!” ”

Calling the clan elder by his first name, the relationship between the two looks unusual.

“That illusion…”

Unconsciously, the patriarchs of the two major families of Konoha Village were both interested in a teenager’s illusion.


When Shuo Yue woke up, it was already sunset.

Sitting in the courtyard eating my own ‘breakfast tea’, facing the sunset, I always feel a little lonely.

“System, open today’s sand sculpture list!”

[Daily task list ——


1. Practice ninjutsu 1,000 times: Reward the number of fusions*1

2. Practice illusion 1000 times: reward the number of fusions*1

3. Practice physical skills 1000 times: reward the number of fusions*1

4. Tease any beauty: reward the number of fusions*1. 】

“I’m a Buddha, illusion and physical art are not a concept at all, okay? Who can carry my illusion 1,000 times? The old birthday star hanged himself? ”

However, the system substitutes silence for answering.

“System, I really want to complain, when can this fourth task be changed?” The next time my husband sees me, I will draw my knife and face each other! ”


[Back to the host, you can choose to ignore the task, the daily task is not mandatory, even if the host does not do it, there is no punishment. 】

“Then can you give me fusion points for nothing?”

[Can’t. :)】

“Then what banana fart are you putting on!”

Fusion Points are all earned by yourself, which has indeed accumulated a lot in the past four months, but this amount also depends on what you spend it on!

For example, the fusion of ninjutsu, physical arts, illusion and the like, the cost performance is particularly high!

But what about the occasional whim and want to fuse an ant and a wasp?

Or the weight required for occasional daily tasks?

These trivial things also cost points!

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