With the precedent of female ninja, who dares to let this monster get close?

“Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!” One of them, Naka-ninja, immediately froze.

A fireball roared towards Shuoyue!

However, looking at this fireball, Shuoyue’s eyes were just full of disappointment.

“With this level of ninjutsu, you dare to show it in front of me?”

‘Ninjutsu, Wind Breaking Dragon Fire! ’

Shuo Yue sealed with one hand, and Chakra immediately produced a change in the nature of the fire attribute, and the monstrous flames swept away from his face!

The poor Hao fireball, in front of this breaking wind and dragon fire, looks insignificant, just like a kitten cub in the elephant herd!

With this flame, even Uchiha Fugaku, who was watching the battle around, had to retreat!

The flames reflected half of the sky, more like dawn than dawn, and even brighter than the sun in the eyes of opponents!

Shangnin and a Naka Shinobu were so frightened that they hurriedly sealed their seals, and immediately cast a substitute technique to avoid the rear!

And the one who has just released the Hao Fireball Technique is not so lucky, not everyone can control their Chakra, he released the Fire Ninjutsu, Chakra still needs a little buffer time!

But it was such a short time that it almost killed him!

Shuo Yue didn’t leave his hand, and the monstrous flames had already drowned that Naka Shinobi, but their upper Shinobi threw two kunai with steel wire at a critical moment, pulling the Naka Shinobu and the seriously injured girl out!

Although he escaped death, Naka Shinobu was burned by the hot flame, his head was feverish, and most of his skin was burned!

Thanks to the ninja and the Chakra Protector, otherwise he would have died!

No one would have thought that fighting with Uchiha Shuoyue would actually be such a scene!

One of them was an upper ninja and three middle ninja, almost pressed and beaten!

Within ten seconds of this encounter, they had already lost two teammates!

Dignified, it was revealed on the face of Shinobu who led the team.

What he is dealing with now is not a faint Uchiha genius, but a real ninja!

He even had to treat this teenager as an opponent of the same level!

“Shuichi, with a shuriken!”

Saying that, Kami-Shinobu took out all the shurikens and kunai from the blade bag.

On his side, so did the only remaining Naka Shinobu!

The shuriken art of the Uchiha family is a compulsory course, and the two of them threw the shuriken in their hands and the kunai towards Shuoyue at the same time!

The densely packed shuriken, under the seal of Shangnin, suddenly changed into several huge shurikens mixed in!

That huge shuriken can even be used as a melee weapon!

If you are hit by something like this, I am afraid that it is not as simple as injury, but will directly cut the body in half!

Shuoyue did not act rashly, but opened the Sharingan eye and carefully observed.

Based on his ‘experience’, how could a ninja’s blade not have some mechanism?

Especially this extremely large and conspicuous blade!

Sure enough, under the insight of the three-hook jade chakra eye, above the huge shuriken, two slender steel wires were connected!

If that’s right, there’s another giant shuriken in the blind spot!

This is called the Shadow Shuriken Art!

“You still underestimate me!”

If he is hit by the technique that has already been seen through, then he will have no face to live!

The Instantaneous Body Technique is not practiced in vain!

Even the Sunset True Red praised the instantaneous technique, how could these few people estimate it!

When the shuriken was still in the air, Shuo Yue’s figure disappeared in place!

“Gone?!” Naka-nin was shocked.

“Be careful, Shuichi!” Shangnin hurriedly reminded that even his chakra eyes couldn’t capture the trajectory of that young man’s instantaneous technique!

How fast is that?

What kind of talent is there?

How many times have you practiced it?!

In fact, it is not much, on average, that is, 30,000 times a week.

Shangnin suddenly realized that he felt the murderous aura behind him!

Years of combat experience accumulated on the battlefield told him what kind of judgment to make at this time.

Almost instinctively, he threw himself forward, narrowly dodging a blade glowing with cold light!

But the Zhongnin next to him was not so lucky, and was directly cut across the arm by a horizontal knife, and the knife edge was more than two inches deep!

If Shuo Yue hadn’t stopped in time, I’m afraid that this unlucky child’s arm would have said goodbye to him!

“Ahhh!!” Naka-nin’s reaction was not as good as Shang-Shinobu, even the pain nerves seemed too slow, Shuo Yue pulled out the blade, and the guy covered his arm and howled!

However, Shuo Yue did not intend to give him a chance to howl, because this injury was not fatal, and Naka Shinobu still had combat effectiveness!


“Illusion Sharingan!”

Glancing at Nakato’s pair of poor Ergou Yu, Shuoyue threw him in place and chased after the Shinobu.

Sangouyu’s illusion technique is not very strong, but just with that two-hook jade’s middle ninja still want to crack? He doesn’t deserve it!

“You solved my three middle ninja in one fell swoop, you are very strong!” Shangren guarded against Shuoyue wholeheartedly and said slowly.

Hearing this, Shuoyue shook the blood stains on the short knife and said with a smile: “I don’t think it’s a secret that I’m in the Uchiha clan, are you just connected to WiFi?” ”

“What?” Shang couldn’t help but understand, what kind of new joke is that?

However, Shuo Yue didn’t have the heart to explain to him, and directly rushed forward with a short knife!

Looking at Shuo Yue who rushed up with a knife, Shangren was indeed a little panicked, he had just thrown out all the blades, and now he was empty-handed!

How to fight this incredible opponent?

His three-hook jade chakra eye was working wildly, wanting to capture Shuo Yue’s every movement, so that he could guard against that sharp blade!

However, he miscalculated again!

Miscalculated by the amount of ninjutsu that a ninja has.

And it’s also that kind of awesome ninjutsu!

How many people in the ninja world died from ignorance of enemy intelligence!

“Fierce wind!”

In an instant, Shangren only saw a fiery red shadow, and Shuo Yue’s knife had already been put on his neck!

He hurriedly used physical techniques to force Shuoyue back in exchange for his life.

Unexpectedly, that blade carried amazing heat and rolled up one flame tornado after another!

“Nani! The heat on the blade alone is enough to rival C-level ninjutsu?! “This sword, even Uchiha Fugaku in the distance was dumbfounded!

He clearly remembered the ninjutsu that he had taught Shuo Yue before, but was he teaching it that way?

The ninjutsu he taught at the beginning was so powerful?

How did he not know?!

“Could it be that this is his own fusion ninjutsu?” Uchiha Fugaku’s stomach was full of shock.

The Shangnin he assigned, until now, the suppressed did not even have a chance to shoot, on the contrary, they lost three subordinates in succession!

Coupled with this strange and powerful ninjutsu now, is it next…

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