Liu Sheng shook his head at this time and said.

After he said these words, the Hulk roared next to him! He was still breaking free, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he was staring at Liu Sheng! What's going on here"

Captain America looked at the Hulk in amazement, he didn't know what the other party was doing.

Love Reading Bar reminds you: Remember to save the three things in reading, save the unique domain name of Love Reading Bar, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 392 Everyone is stunned

"He had a special device implanted in his body, which kept absorbing his power. I helped him solve the device, so it hurt him, and he regarded me as an enemy! I had no choice but to trap him. In place, I don't want to fight my comrades!"

Liu Yu opened his mouth to explain.

The others had thoughtful expressions on their faces when they heard it.

They did not doubt Liu Sheng. After all, they have been comrades in arms for so long, and they also know what virtue the Hulk is, that is, it is normal, it seems that it is Dr. Banner.

He is a very reasonable person! But when the other party is transformed into the Hulk, he has no sense at all. If you don't hurt the other party, you usually have a good relationship with the other party, and he can treat you as an irrelevant person.

But if you hurt him, no matter who you are, he will never let you go! "Fortunately, a special medicine has been developed."

Tony Stark said, and he fired a shot at the opponent at this moment.

It is a kind of medicine for the Hulk to fall into this state. This medicine is not very harmful. After all, the other party is his comrade-in-arms, and they will not harm his comrades-in-arms.

This medicine is a medicine that can reduce the anger in the opponent's heart, a sleeping product.

This kind of thing may not be useful to others, but for the Hulk, it is definitely a good thing, which can make their movements a lot easier.

The Hulk was charged on the spot and naturally couldn't dodge, so he watched as he was shot.

He roared wildly in his mouth, and did not hide the amazing killing intent! Everyone present was indifferent, because he was used to this scene.

The Hulk roared wildly in his mouth, but his actions were gradual, because the effect of the medicine in this

When the attack occurs, the other party can't hold on for too long.

Soon, the other party fell on the spot, and the body began to shrink.

But in a moment, the other party changed from a tall giant to an ordinary person.

"Take him back!"

Tony Stark said.

Then Hawkeye could do it at this time. There was no way. He was the weakest among the Avengers. Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing was done by him! Besides, he was the only one with a special device on his body.

It was a special armored vehicle, and the others were all alone when they came out, so in terms of transportation, the other party was more competent.

So everyone returned at this time.

After about a few minutes, they returned to the villa and they were shocked by the scene in front of them! The villa in front of them had already been razed to the ground, and everything around them had long been shattered, and the ground was one deep hole after another. , filled with ice and flames.

"A very powerful battle broke out here!"

Tony Stark opened his mouth and said that his ability to detect that there is a powerful life around here has fought, and the energy that escapes around is too exaggerated, I hope it is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Your strength is not sealed, but you can still be so strong"

Black Widow couldn't help but ask.

This target is naturally Liu Sheng.

The eyes of the other people also looked over, and there were questions in their eyes. They were very curious about the answer. Didn't the other party seal their own strength? Why is it so scary? Please download and remember to save m.aikanshu8 .com loves to read the only domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 393 Return to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Facing everyone's dazed eyes, Liu Sheng said, "Although I have sealed my strength, it doesn't mean that my strength will not increase!"

After he said this, everyone else was shocked.

Especially Thor, he said in disbelief at this time: "What do you mean, your strength has recovered to this level in such a short period of time"

He thought it was too exaggerated, how long has it been since the other party's time has recovered so much.

The same goes for others.

"The recovery of strength is naturally not so terrifying. It is probably only the current 11. The reason why it can resist such a crisis and burst out such terrifying strength is naturally a trump card!"

Greeting everyone's eyes, Liu Yu said.

This made everyone feel a little better.

After all, they originally thought that the words that the other party was so terrifying of the other party made them feel a lot better. Well, after all, it means that the strength gap between them is still not that big.

"Don't worry about this thing, let's worry about other things first."

Liu Sheng said at this time: "The villa in front of us has been destroyed, what should we do?"

"The original intention of our Avengers is to defend peace and justice. If we can't even protect ourselves, we don't need to take this responsibility!"

Suddenly, at this time, a voice sounded.

Everyone's eyes looked over, He Ranrui was talking, and the other party didn't know when he came to the scene, and appeared beside them.

"It is indeed the truth that everyone is nodding at this time, because the other party is right, and the words are not rough.

If they even protect themselves

No, there is no need for them to seek justice, so this matter must not be exposed so easily, they want revenge! "I think we should find a place to sleep well first!"

Liu Sheng spoke first.

This made everyone speechless. They just wanted to come up with a plan to attack the other party. After all, the other party was too much this time, and even took them as a target - but this good atmosphere was destroyed by the other party - " It's true, so, you all live in S.H.I.E.L.D.

, S.H.I.E.L.D.

After this period of repair and rebuilding, it is now up and running again!"

Nick Fury said.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, because S.H.I.E.L.D.

It can already be started.

"So fast"

Black Widow and Hawkeye are unbelievable, they are both S.H.I.E.L.D.

The agents, they know S.H.I.E.L.D.

How huge and how well-made, and therefore, in such a short period of time, the other party has already built it and can be put into use. "Don't have fancy ideas, the current S.H.I.E.L.D.

But it is barely usable, only about 60% of it has been repaired: it will take a long time to restore him to his peak state."

Nick Fury said.

"I see."

The others nodded, the doubts in their eyes dissipated, they were still thinking, how could such a big project be completed in such a short period of time? They guessed right, and now they just repaired part of it.

Love Reading Bar reminds you: Remember to save the three things in reading, save the unique domain name of Love Reading Bar, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 394 Evil Thoughts

In the North Pole, under the snow-capped mountains, hidden deep in the base.

At this moment, everyone has returned at this time, and they all look quite embarrassed, with large and small injuries on their bodies, and even one of them has lost a part of his body, which means that their trip is not smooth! "We underestimated The strength of the other party may no longer be at its peak, but it is still not something we can touch, and we have paid a heavy price for it.”

Brada spoke, his eyes swept around.

The people around him didn't say anything, because they knew one thing, that is, with Brada's character in front of him, the other party shouldn't say such a thing - unless "the mutants I sent out to target Liu Sheng are all dead. ."

Brada said, "Why are you still alive?"

His eyes were fixed on some people, those people were all powerful mutants, they were all assigned special tasks, and they should not have returned safely.

These people didn't speak because they knew it too.

"It seems that some people have violated my order, what do you think I should do?"

Brada's face was indifferent, and he spoke slowly.

"Don't give you face, you don't have face.

We are not your real subordinates, we just took over this task, and now there is nothing to say about the failure of the task, but after all we have contributed, you not only need to pay us, but also need extra compensation to help us heal our injuries! "

Suddenly a mutant spoke up, and he stared coldly at Brada.

Many mutants present did not speak, knowing that what the other party said was true, they were just a cooperative relationship with the other party, and the other party still wanted to do with them, they have already done what they should do

It's all over, that's enough.

"Are you disobeying me?"

Brada opened his mouth and said, his face became more and more indifferent, like a piece of ice.

"Your organization has been completely broken, because you have invested too much in this operation, and you have barely left yourself a way out, so what can you do?"

The mutant said, his face was equally indifferent.

But when he said these words, there was a look of joy on the faces of the other mutants, because the other party said so, doesn't it mean that Brada has no ability to deal with each other at will, and the eyes around him who perceive the badness around him , the only remaining person belonging to the Brada organization, hurriedly came to the other side at this time, looking at the surroundings with a solemn expression.

They didn't expect the other party to be so shameless and have evil thoughts in their hearts! Otherwise, the other party would not have specifically pointed this out, which showed the other party's thoughts.

"It seems that you mean that you want to give up your cooperation with me."

Brada spoke slowly.

"So what?"

This... mutant also spoke, he even took two steps forward at this time, his eyes did not hide the killing intent, and his body exuded extremely terrifying fluctuations.

That's a wave of power in full swing.

"You are all hired by me, kill him!"

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