But this time, the opponent didn't get hit.

Liu Sheng didn't know the reason at first, after all, until now, his Blood Wheel Eyes have never missed a single hit when looking directly at each other's eyes.

But why can the other party not be controlled? But he soon understood the situation, that is, the other party's eyes were scarlet, the other party did not have any reason at all, and the other party's heart was full of anger.

"Anyone who doesn't have self-reason can't be influenced?"

Liu Sheng came to this conclusion, which was the first time he discovered that his magical powers had loopholes.

But this is also normal. There is no absolutely perfect thing in this world. Everything has loopholes. It is normal that one's own writing wheel does not have 100% accuracy.

But because of this, Liu Sheng is in a bit of trouble, because he seems to have the ability of mass destruction except for writing round eyes. Please download and remember to save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com Read at high speed!

Chapter 387 The Cage Technique

Chapter 388 Despair

"Fuck, you are so yin!"

Sure enough, the next second, the burly giant let out a roar.

Because he found that he couldn't run, and he didn't know when many plants appeared on his feet. These plants were very resilient and took root on the ground. He couldn't move, couldn't escape at all! He was dumbfounded.

Because he recognizes these plants, isn't this what Liu Sheng used against the Hulk just now? The other party didn't just use it on the Hulk, but he also didn't let him go! "I didn't overshadow you, you should overshadow me today! I don't know who sent people to stop all the superheroes, and sent a whole bunch of people to surround and kill me!"

The next second, Liu Sheng appeared in front of the burly giant, and he looked at him coldly.

The burly giant did not speak, because he knew that what the other party said was the truth. This time, they were indeed the first to send people to overwhelm the other party, and when they made a shot, it was a lore! It was just that they did not expect that the other party's vitality was so tenacious that it did not die. !"Get me up!"

A growl came out of his mouth, trying to break free.

"Do you think I'm watching a play on the side?"


Looking at the other party indifferently, Liu said, at this moment, he directly punched the other party's chest, and the other party fell directly to the ground, making a close contact with the ground.

The opponent's body didn't go backwards. After all, the opponent's legs were ruthlessly covered with plants, and they couldn't leave at all. With the passage of time, the plants grew more and more. The plants that were only holding his legs were growing rapidly. At this moment, it has spread to the thigh position.

It is conceivable that after a few moments, these plants will permeate his whole body! A look of despair appeared in the eyes of the burly giant.

He forcibly stood up at this moment, staring fiercely at Liu Sheng.

He knew that the other party was going to die with him today, and he would not let him leave, so he was ruthless in his heart and planned to kill the other party! Because the reason why he escaped was not because the other party was strong.

After all, although the opponent's strength is strong, he still has the power to fight. The reason why he chose to escape is just because he is afraid. The opponent has someone to support him. At that time, he will be under siege. You must know that every superhero is very powerful.

If that scene really occurs, he will surely die! That's why he wants to escape! "But since there is no choice, then let you be buried with me!"

The burly giant said.

Muscles in his body bulged, and his fists slammed into Liu Sheng.

He is a very pure mutant, and he did not inject any genes, but his physical quality has become: strong, his body has become huge, and at the same time, the strength exceeds the overall quality of the body.

Other than that, he has no other changes.

Well, but he is still terrifying, after all, the so-called one-strength defeats all methods.

The opponent's strength has reached a limit, and it is no longer something that ordinary people can fight against. This can be seen from the Hulk, because although the opponent is in a weak state, he is also a master. The burly giant can win. He can still prove his strength! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download it, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 389 The Rescue Has Come

If it is an ordinary person, facing the opponent's fist, it is not an opponent at all.

To make a basic assumption, it is Spider-Man who is fighting against the burly giant at the moment. Even if the opponent uses countless spider silks to form a defense, he will definitely not be able to hold the opponent's punch - because the opponent's strength is very strong, although the spider silk is powerful, But it doesn't work.

This is not restraint, but pure force suppression.

"But not against me!"

The opponent's strength is useless against all superheroes, but it is useless to deal with Liu Sheng alone. After all, his strength was famous for his strength before he was sealed! Even if his strength was sealed, it was driven by the jerky energy. He could also exert some of his original supernatural powers, how could the opponent be his opponent? His body began to change, and a layer of armor was attached to the body.

This is a very special kind of armor, a special cell secreted in the body, it can provide a very powerful defense, as well as a special kind of energy-kinetic energy generated in the process of being hit! He is at this moment , directly hit the opponent with a punch! Liu Sheng took a step back! After all, the collision between the two sides was too powerful, and he had to release some of the force. Of course, he could not do this, but he needed to pay cost.

That is, the force cannot be dissipated, attacking his internal organs! So he is not a fool, he makes his own choice.

The burly did not move, he still stood in place, he also needed strength, because Liu Sheng's strength was extraordinary, the reason why he did not move is because he was blocked and his body could not move! Thigh range, almost to the waist

That's why he spit out a mouthful and looked a little sluggish! Liu Sheng saw this scene and continued to attack. In his estimation, he was probably giving the opponent a few punches, and the opponent should not be able to bear it anymore. Victory can be achieved.

There was despair in the eyes of the burly giant. He didn't expect that he would be so miserable! He regretted so much in his heart, why did he just watch the movie on the side, why didn't he leave quickly, if he left, would he still encounter all this?" Don't leave quickly!"

The next moment, he was stunned, because he found that he had left his original place and came to the air - he was taken away by a big bird! And where he was originally, a monster appeared! It was an incomparably huge lizard, about ten meters long and five meters high! The other party was staring at Liu Sheng at the moment! The reason why he was able to leave successfully just now was for two reasons. The bird yanked him up, and the lizards helped dissolve the plants under his feet.

Otherwise he can't get out of the cage! "Let's go, don't fight him!"

Big Bird shouted loudly at this time. It was obvious that he was talking to the lizard. He was afraid that the other party would fight Liu Sheng and end up like a burly giant! The lizard didn't speak, he stuck out his tongue and stared at him. Liu Sheng in front of him.

He also didn't want to fight the opponent, but he didn't leave either, because he felt a strong crisis from the opponent, and he didn't want to leave his back to such an enemy.

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Chapter 390 Bubble Light and Shadow

"Your rescue came very fast!"

Staring at the lizard in front of him, Liu Yu slowly opened his mouth, his eyes were full of icy colors! The lizard did not speak, he found that with the passage of time, he felt a more terrifying sense of crisis from the other party's strength, it seemed It keeps rising! He is terrified! "What kind of monster are we facing this time?"

He couldn't help screaming in his heart.

He regretted it a little bit, knowing that he was facing such a character, he would not save the burly giant, because there is a high possibility that he would take himself in! "Since he has escaped, then you will replace him Die!"

Liu Sheng opened his mouth slowly, and at this moment his fist was calling at the opponent! The lizard saw this scene, and hurriedly flicked its tail at this moment, he wanted to use the tail to throw the opponent out, and then escaped in this free time! But He underestimated Yagyu too much and faced his tail.

The latter directly turned his fist into a grasping, directly framing the opponent's tail with both hands, directly from top to bottom, and slammed the opponent to the ground! "Hurry up and help."

Big Bird has already planned to take the burly giant away, because he has successfully rescued the other party, there is no need to continue wasting time here.

He just saw a number of superheroes rushing here from a distance. If they don't say anything, they will probably stay here forever! But he stopped at this moment, and his eyes were below.

There, he saw Xi Yi being hanged! He was not happy to see this scene, he had to know that he had a very good relationship with the other party, otherwise he would not cooperate with the other party and come to save the burly giant.

If there is not enough

Trust, they can't work together! So he wants to help at this moment! The burly giant is naturally unwilling in his heart, one is because he is not in a good state at the moment, but because he knows better than anyone that Liu Sheng's strength is in the end How powerful! Wasn't he courting death in the past? But he didn't dare to say that. After all, whether he can escape from here depends on the big bird. If he said that and angered the other party, it was very likely that the other party would give up on him.

In that case, there is only one way for him to die! So he nodded, his face was excited, and he pretended to be angry.

"Let's go together!"

Then the two quickly returned and came back to the front of the lizard.

At this time, the lizard also barely broke free of the other party's shackles and stood with the two of them. The three of them were looking at Liu Sheng at the moment, and they would rush up to him at any time - "Just to catch you all!"

Looking at the three guys in front of him, Yagyu spoke lightly.

"Let you see how great we are!"

Big Bird looked angry, and he felt that the other party was impatient. You must know that they are three people working together now. How could the other party be the opponent of the three of them? The other party, they felt that they were being despised, and their body surfaces burst out with energy, which was the embodiment of the amplification move-the next second, the terrifying energy surged towards the surroundings, like waves.

That energy is vast and infinite, giving people a feeling of stalwart! Then the three 3 guys in front of them disappeared directly and turned into bubbles of light and shadow! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it m.aikanshu8.com Love reading The only domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 391

Liu Sheng was dumbfounded. He thought that this group of people were going to fight him head on. After all, such terrifying energy fluctuations erupted from this group of people just now, and the firm expression on their faces knew that they were using this to cover up and chose to escape. "The power of the soul!"

At this time, he frantically spreads the power of his soul to search for the opponent's location. He doesn't want to see the opponent leave like this. These guys are enemies, and he wants to cut down the grass! It is spread over a long distance, about half the size of Los Angeles.

But for this, Liu Sheng frowned.

Because the power of his soul pervades such a large distance, he has not found their trace yet, and the other party has successfully escaped!! "How is it possible"

Liu Sheng did not believe that someone escaped from under his own eyes, even if his strength was completely sealed, but his vision was not there, and he keenly felt that something was wrong.

It seems that some great being has stepped in.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him not to find their traces.

But he shook his head, because he knew it was impossible, after all, before he sealed his own strength, he had already accurately probed the earth and determined that there is no heavenly father on the earth.

So there is no reason for this "unless it is said to be a treasure!"

His eyes narrowed, and a bold guess suddenly appeared in his heart.

That is to say, there are precious treasures, some precious treasures, but their abilities with terrifying abilities are not inferior to those of Heavenly Father-level powerhouses! is precious, and has a great influence on its own power, if it can be obtained,

It is absolutely possible to turn an ordinary person into a powerhouse with a top-notch power! Even if he digs into the original mysteries of these things, then his strength will increase terribly, and reaching the heavenly father level is not a problem at all.

It can even break through the subsequent realm and reach a higher level! Although it is almost impossible, after all these things, especially the few gems in the back, they have already involved the laws of this world.

The most basic force that builds the world.

Indestructible and incomprehensible.

"Have the enemy on your side been resolved?"

Just when Yagyu was thinking, Tony Stark came to Yagyu, and next to Tony Stark, other superheroes came one by one.

These people are Captain America Black Widow.

At this moment, they stared at Liu Sheng with extremely complicated expressions.

Probably because they had some exchanges before they came here, so that they could guess the so-called truth.

Guessing the truth under known conditions is really not a hassle.

"They escaped."

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