Seeing this scene, Brada's eyes fell on the other mutants.

But no one present paid him any attention, they all looked at Brada coldly! Evil thoughts grew in their hearts.

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Chapter 395 Weather Module

"very good."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Brada smiled: "I will make you pay the price!"

After saying this sentence, in the incredible and frightened eyes of everyone, his body began to change, and it began to become: getting taller and taller, like a demon.

He launched an extremely bloody killing and asked the people here to bury him with him.

After all, because of this battle, he paid a huge price, this organization is on the verge of being broken, so this organization does not need to continue to exist, it should be destroyed

Yagyu didn't know what happened over there.

If he knew, he would even clapp his hands and applaud excitedly.

After all, for his own group of guys, dog bites dog, isn't this a happy thing? He followed everyone to S.H.I.E.L.D.

, watch this new S.H.I.E.L.D.

"It's very nice here!"

Tony Stark was the first to sigh.

He is a great inventor, so here he feels something different from before, that is, the new S.H.I.E.L.D. device seems to be much more advanced than before! "It's really good, because this time! We are Upgraded S.H.I.E.L.D.

! "

Nick Fury said, his tone full of excitement.

At this time, he pointed to the iron face on the side and said.

"This place looks like ordinary ground. Even if you open it, it is still ordinary ground. However, due to the use of quantum technology, there is an elevated cannon hidden underneath. This kind of cannon is very powerful and can effectively help us. Defend the enemy!"

Nick Fury said that a group of people brought to S.H.I.E.L.D.


They stopped at the command center at the moment, and in front of them was the tall screen with a lot of things that people couldn't understand. It was a string of strange codes.

Looking at this, Nick Fury's face was very excited.

He slowly said: "This thing is specially made by us. It is many times better than the previous one. His positioning ability is 35% stronger than before, and it even has mild weather control!"

Hearing him say this, Tony Stark's face was full of shock.

Because he noticed the latter, the ability to lightly control the weather is a very exaggerated ability. If it can be used well, it can definitely change everything! But he is also surprised, because this technology is being developed, but it is not It has not been developed, it is still in a trial stage and has not been officially put into use.

The other party dared to directly install "this thing can control the weather mildly"

Liu Yu was also a little surprised. It was hard to imagine that since a product made of pure steel can control the power of nature, it has surpassed the current technology, at least for hundreds of years. "I can give you a test."

Glancing at Liu Sheng, Nick Fury said, he directly pressed a key on the computer screen at this time, and then entered a long series of extremely complex passwords.

And when he finalized the last letter of this string of passwords, he confirmed the Enter key.

Changes begin! Those who follow in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Around, the small devices hidden in the dark have changed one after another, and the special umbrella holder is opened - the weather ability starts to activate! Love reading. Remind you: remember three things to read and save Love reading it's only domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 396

The sky in front of me was originally a clear sky, but when the weather ability was activated, everything changed, and the original clear sky was quickly replaced.

What caught everyone's eyes was a dark cloud, and with the passage of time, this dark cloud was gradually expanding, and soon it changed from a little bit to covering the entire sky.

But for a moment, the wind and rain hit at this time - "This ability is too strong!"

Black Widow couldn't help but said at this time, he was stunned by the scene in front of him, after all, it was still a clear sky just now, but it has only been a minute since the past, why did the clear sky directly turn into a dark cloud covering the sky and Thor also In the same way, he also stared at everything in front of him in stunned eyes. It was the first time he saw someone using the power of technology to change nature, so his three views were about to collapse.

Tony Stark narrowed his eyes, he looked at Nick Fury's back, and there was a strange color in his eyes.

Perhaps what others have noticed is that this weather ability is extremely powerful, but he values ​​another point more, that is, where the other party obtained this technology is not yet mature, and it is still in the experimental stage, so it is reasonable to say , the other party will not easily install this ability, because it is difficult to achieve this effect, but this scene shows that this technology is already on the verge of success.

So how the other party obtained this technology and being able to possess this technology shows that it is at least a few hundred years ahead of the normal world. There are only two places where this kind of place will appear, that is, here and the Hydra.

This is recognized.

But it is clear that the opponent's ability does not come from him, and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Opposite to Hydra, so

It is even more impossible to obtain this skill from the opponent.

"It doesn't seem easy."

Tony Stark thought to himself.

He found it more and more interesting. In front of him, Nick Fury, who was not powerful or mysterious to him, was also covered with a special layer of mystery.

Nick Furyk didn't know, because of this ability, he was misunderstood. After all, his ability was a technology mastered by one of his former partners, and it was still semi-mature. He just used it to test it. , I didn't expect it to be really successful, that's all.

But there are not so many twists and turns in the other's heart.

"The strength of mortals is indeed comparable to that of gods."

Thor couldn't help sighing at this time, he just observed the weather ability in front of him, and he found that the formed ability is not much different from the natural explosion, and the damage it can cause is very similar.

And there is no need to pay a lot of price, after all, he is the god of thunder and masters the power of thunder.

From the storm in front of him, he was able to perceive the current permeating the device, and although the number of those devices was large, it was actually relatively speaking, the total amount was only a few every one kilometer.

So he can be sure that there is no need to pay too much to create this scene in front of him! He is very emotional! Originally Tony Stark's Iron Man can be so powerful, it has already made him incredible, and now he has more weather ability. He can only sigh that mortals are so terrifying! Although they are not born with the ability to be terrifying, the technology created by the day after tomorrow is still terrifying! It can be compared to gods! Please download and remember to save the underlined version of the novel. , enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 397 Captain America speaks

Chapter 398 Comment on this matter

Hearing him say this, the shocked expressions on other people's faces gradually returned to normal, replaced by indifference, because the other party's words calmed their originally excited hearts.

"Indeed, we should have a good talk."

Liu Sheng spoke lightly at this time, and his face was extremely indifferent.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him, waiting for him to speak.

After all, the reason for this incident is because the other party - the other party is the one being targeted, and the other party has the highest status among them, so they naturally have to listen to the other party's opinions.

"Nothing to say, find their lair and destroy them all!"

Liu Yu said, and he gave an extremely simple answer.

The people next to him looked at him speechlessly, their expressions mixed with confusion.

They probably didn't expect that the answer given by the other party was so short, "Do we need to make a more detailed plan, this plan is too rough."

The US captain frowned slightly. He suggested at this time that he did not mean to target the other party when he said this. He really felt that way. One important thing is clear, that is, the enemy this time is very powerful, and the other party has sent many mutants, each of which is very powerful, and the overall combined strength is equivalent to the alliance they paid, even And beyond them the Avengers! How could they ignore such an enemy? The others nodded, and so did they.

"What's more, we don't know their location yet!"

Black Widow spoke up.

They don't know where the enemy's base camp is, so they can't kill them even if they have the ability, so this is a problem they need to solve.

"That's right."

Liu Sheng nodded when he heard the words of the black widow. He actually had a general perception of the words of the captain of the United States. To know that the jerky he swallowed before, the energy was still being provided, and it was not over yet.

He still has extremely terrifying combat power! This strength is enough for him to deal with the next battle.

But he still attaches great importance to the words of Black Widow, after all, even if he has a very terrifying combat power, but he does not know where the enemy is, this power is naturally nowhere to be used.

Captain America nodded, he thought the other party agreed with him.

He said, "Then let's discuss a plan together!"

Then they started to discuss this matter! Liu Sheng couldn't help rolling his eyes, he didn't agree with the other party's statement, but he saw that the other party started to discuss this matter, and he didn't interrupt it in the end.

After all, it's okay to discuss a plan, and it's not a lot of wasted time.

So he quietly watched the people in front of him discussing plans, while he was silent on the side, watching everything in front of him.

Until Nick Fury couldn't bear it anymore, he said, "Is there anything you want to say about Liu Sheng?"

"What's there to say, I'm not a professional talent, and I don't understand. You can discuss it and tell me directly, and I won't help you."

Liu Sheng didn't want to say that he was lazy, he rolled his eyes at this moment and said.

Everyone looked at him quite speechlessly, the other party was too lazy, it was obviously lazy, not what the other party said.

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Chapter 399 Brada Attacks


Suddenly at this time, they felt the ground under their feet vibrate.

They all looked surprised, because they didn't know why there was a sudden shock, they knew they were in S.H.I.E.L.D.

, while S.H.I.E.L.D.

It is in the sky, so naturally there will be no earthquakes here, so according to reason, there should be no ground shaking here! Unless there is a strong enemy attack! "Hurry up and have a look!"

Everyone thought so in their hearts, after all, there was no other possibility besides this one, so they looked at each other and hurriedly planned to go out.

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