"They must pay the price, otherwise, everyone will think that our Avengers are easy to bully!"

Tony Stark said with a cold tone.

Neither Liu Sheng nor the US captain said anything to stop it, because they thought so too. Today's matter can't be left alone. They must make each other pay the same price! Not just us."

Liu Sheng said that not all the superheroes at the moment have returned, only two have returned, which means that the others are still: fighting, still: blocked and cannot return.

"Let's go then, we'll act separately."

Captain America nodded to Tony Stark, and then they headed straight to the other direction of the city to help the superheroes who have not yet returned, and to receive payment from the enemy first.

Yagyu also acted in the same way, his goal is the East.

Because there, he felt a very familiar fluctuation - in fact, where superheroes are fighting, it is easy to be discovered. After all, they are not ordinary people, and their combat effectiveness is extremely against the sky, so the fighting is particularly loud. .

The city is so small, and if they don't find it, they can die.

This is also the main reason why everyone is anxious to return. After all, they can see that there is a battle going on in the temporary residence of the Avengers, and the strength of both sides of the battle is extraordinary.

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Chapter 382 Confidence

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Chapter 383 Shocked

Roaring in his mouth, his voice seemed to shake the sky out of a crack.

Liu Sheng watched the other party rush towards him. He didn't hide or let it go. Although he had sealed his own strength, the energy in his body had not been completely consumed by swallowing the jerky just now.

He can fight with the opponent, and fight with the power of the body! "Boom!"

Two seconds passed, and the bodies of the two sides were leaning against each other—then a huge, like the sound of the sky rang out, the earth changed, and cracks began to crack open. These cracks were like spider webs, densely packed. spread around.

The surrounding tall buildings began to collapse, and several collapsed in an instant.

The Hulk roared in his mouth, and his body tightly pressed against the wall behind him. The building behind him was specially made, very special, and did not collapse because of it, and was still very solid on the ground.

So he had to use this building to keep himself from falling:! Because of the battle between the two sides, the residual power that erupted was too terrifying. If he simply stood there, he would most likely fall into the ground and get stuck in the gap.

So in order to ensure his own safety, he has to use this method.

"Your strength is very strong, no wonder you can beat the Hulk like this!"

At the very center of the battle at the moment, Liu Sheng's fist quickly clashed with the burly giant's fist. His eyes were sharp, because he found that the opponent's strength far exceeded his imagination. According to the strength rating, the opponent's strength has reached Level 5 has exceeded the strongest standard.

After all, in his speculation, after Gu Yi left, the powerhouses in other worlds would not come.

In this case, the strongest strength of the local powerhouse should be maintained at around 4.

But the other party obviously exceeded this limit: "You are also very powerful, otherwise you would already be a corpse!"

There was a grim look on his face, but the burly giant was horrified.

He naturally knew Liu Sheng in front of him, after all, the other party was their mission target this time.

But it was because of the knowledge that he was filled with horror. After all, didn't it mean that the strength of the mission target had been reduced to the extreme? Why was the opponent able to fight with him to know that his strength had improved a lot because of an accident.

Logically speaking, the opponent should not be his opponent! But now, the opponent can actually fight him in a difficult way, and even slightly overwhelm him, which makes him very puzzled and puzzled about this. "But soon, you too will be a corpse!"

He thought to himself, but the burly giant's face became more and more indifferent, his strength began to multiply, and he began to surpass the previous level, more than twice as strong! He began to use his trump card to kill the opponent as soon as possible! Otherwise, with the passage of time, his teammates will withdraw one by one, all superheroes have the ability to support, he will surely die here! So he must end the battle as soon as possible! But he overestimated himself, and In other words, he underestimated Liu Sheng in front of him too much. How could he imagine the opponent's strength? Even if his strength has more than doubled, he is still not the opponent's opponent. The balance, began to tilt towards Liusheng!! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to save the m.aikanshu8.com unique domain name of love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 384

The battle is getting more and more heated, and the nearest fighters on both sides are getting faster and faster.

Suddenly! "Writing round eye!"

The pupils began to change, the pupils that were originally pitch black turned out to be flower-like, exuding a strange magic power, a real illusion in front of everyone.

At this moment, Liu Sheng burst into supernatural powers and used this extremely terrifying ability.

The burly giant was caught. After all, he was too close to the opponent. He didn't have time to dodge and resist, so he could only helplessly fall into the Shaker's Eye. "This guy is too difficult to deal with!"

Seeing that the other party was caught in his own writing wheel, Liu Sheng slowly opened his mouth.

He fought with the opponent just now, and found that the opponent's strength is not generally strong, even if he fights with the opponent, it is quite difficult without using any magical powers.

So in order to solve the battle quickly, he used the supernatural power to write the wheel eye! "Roar!"

And after doing all this, Liu Sheng planned to make up for the other side.

After all, the other party has already fallen into the wheel eye, and the other party has indulged in a fantasy similar to reality at the moment. This is a good opportunity. He can destroy the other party without any effort! But at this time, the Hulk appeared, and the other party The speed is extremely fast. At this time, he has jumped long. The opponent's hand, I don't know where to get a stone pillar. At this moment, the two hands are pinching the lower end of the stone pillar. !"bump!"

The burly giant didn't have any defenses, and his body flew out.

However, Liu Sheng frowned slightly because of this. Because of the Hulk's attack, although it caused damage to the burly giant, the damage was not fatal.

, at most cause the other party some pain.

The opponent's attack directly knocked the opponent to the other side, and at the same time, because of the stimulation of the pain, the opponent also successfully escaped from the illusion of his writing wheel eye.

This is like losing your wife and losing your army! Liu Sheng can't wait to slap the other side, the other side is not very good at this operation! "Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be tricked by your own people!"

The light in front of him was restored again, and he escaped from the illusion smoothly. The burly giant laughed. He was not a fool, he naturally knew what happened just now.

After laughing, he turned around without any hesitation, intending to escape from this place.

After all, he had just fought with Liu Sheng, and he had already realized that he was not the opponent's opponent.

In addition, there is a Hulk staring at him, he is not a fool, he naturally knows what to choose, so he left here without hesitation, intending to escape - Liu Sheng saw this scene and directly pursued, he would not Let them go and let them go.

The same is true for the Hulk. He roared in his mouth and quickly chased after him. After all, he had just fought the opponent, but the opponent had insulted him. He also didn't want to let him go! "How to get rid of the two of them?"

After the burly giant watched him choose to escape, Liu Yu and the Hulk still followed closely behind him, and he immediately fell into thinking, thinking about how to escape successfully.

After all, there are two strong men behind him. It is very difficult for him to leave here smoothly. If he doesn't get rid of them in time, he will definitely not be able to leave smoothly, and he is likely to be left behind! Please download the underlined version of the novel and remember to save it. .aikanshu8.com is the only domain name of ikanshuba, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 385 Reasons

Liu Sheng didn't know the thinking of the burly giant. His current idea was very simple, that is, to leave the other party behind. After all, the other party was the enemy, and he would not let the tiger return to the mountain.

The Hulk's idea is even simpler, he just simply wants to tear the burly giant into pieces.

Only in this way can the anger in his heart be quelled.

"Speaking of why the Hulk is not this guy's opponent"

While chasing the burly giant, Liu Sheng turned to the Hulk next to him, because if he remembered correctly, the Hulk is the most powerful in combat and growth in the entire Marvel Universe.

How could the opponent not be the opponent of the burly giant in front of him? You must know that the Hulk, whose strength can rise infinitely with anger, can even fight against the gods. Therefore, this battle between the opponent and the burly giant should be easily won. , Not when he just arrived, the Hulk was pressed and beaten by the opponent! "There seems to be a strange change in his body"

Liu Sheng's pupils suddenly shrank, and he found that something was wrong with the Hulk.

He saw a very small metal-like device on the other's shoulder. This thing was hidden very deeply. If it wasn't for Liu Yu's careful observation, he probably wouldn't have discovered it! His soul power spread towards that place, Immediately afterwards, he felt a kind of energy condensing from above, and the source of this energy did not come from the surroundings, but actually came from the body of the Hulk.

It was this tiny device that was extracting the energy from the Hulk's body! Liu Sheng was stunned. He finally realized that the Hulk was not the opponent of the burly giant. Perhaps the latter's strength was indeed very powerful, after all, the opponent had already proved it with facts.

But the main reason is because the Hulk doesn't

Knowing when, a special device for extracting his own energy appeared on his body. "Help him pull out this device...!"

Liu Yu thought to himself, and then he quickly approached the Hulk and jumped directly to his shoulders.

The Hulk looked at him and said nothing.

Under normal circumstances, when he did not become the Hulk, that is, Banner, he would have reason and thinking ability, but now, he does not have reason and thinking ability.

Or just a little bit.

He could only judge that Yagyu in front of him was not an enemy, nothing else.

Liu Sheng stretched out his hand and placed it directly on the device, and then began to exert force between his fingers, and at the same time, the power of the soul began to penetrate into the device, to peel off the meridians that the device penetrated.

Then he just pulled it out! "Hoo!"

The Hulk snorted with pain, and then he subconsciously slapped it with a slap. After all, it was so painful, as if a normal person was bitten by a beast! More importantly, the Hulk still felt from this wound. A frailty.

Although he is not rational, it does not mean that he is stupid. His instinct tells him that there is some kind of damage here, so he wants to expel the existence here! Directly and lightly jumped to the side, dodging the opponent's hard slap, and looked at him from the side Shi Ranran.

He knew why the other party did this, it was because he had pulled out the device.

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Chapter 386 Vulnerability

The device is constantly absorbing the energy in the Hulk's body, and the other party will naturally become weak. The reason why the other party has not found out until now is because while the device is constantly absorbing the energy of the Hulk's body, he also begins to paralyze the other party's body, making the other party Didn't notice this.

At this moment, the device was pulled out, and the other party could naturally feel it.

However, this is also easy to misunderstand, at least the Hulk is staring at Liu Sheng angrily at the moment, it seems that he thinks Liu Sheng made all this, and Liu Sheng has no choice but to open his hands.

After all, he couldn't help but save the other party, and they belonged to the same camp anyway.

"I didn't do it, this guy should have done it!"

Liu Sheng thought for a while and explained that although he knew it was useless for him to do so, he still wanted to try it, if it worked together, the other party didn't say anything. In front of him, a direct and violent punch smashed it down! The Hulk has changed his attack target and regards Liu Sheng as an enemy! The burly giant who was fleeing saw this scene and almost died of laughter. After all, the two were still working together just now, but The next moment they became enemies "But this guy has some tricks!"

The burly giant smiled and sighed in his heart. After all, he did not expect that the other party would be able to discover that... device and pull it out..., you must know this device, but he personally shot it into the other party's body, he knew how strong this device was, Logically speaking, the other party should not be able to carry the device. After all, the device cannot be forcibly pulled out... He even has multiple nerves, and if he is forcibly pulled out, it is very likely that the opponent's nerves will collapse and die directly.

But the Hulk is still alive

——“Although you don’t have the ability to think for yourself now, you are going too far.”

Seeing the Hulk attacking him, Liu Yu frowned slightly, the other party really does not have the ability to think for himself now, after all, the other party should be called Hulk now, not Dr. Banner.

But even so, the other party shouldn't attack him, he didn't harm the other party, he helped the other party, why should he bear all this? His eyes began to change, and he activated the Shaker again.

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