"court death."

He calmly spit out two words, directly raised his huge fist, and smashed it towards the opponent's head. His strength is not ordinary horror, the power of one punch is more than ten tons! The lion mutant feels that the eyes have A little wobbly.

Well, after all, the other party's reaction was really too fast. As soon as he bit the other party, the other party turned his head and gave him a few punches. He felt a bit of a pain in his head. He loosened his mouth at this moment and wanted to escape. The fist is too powerful.

He was afraid that if he continued to bite the other party and didn't let go, the other party might beat him to death! He was terrified because he still wanted to live! "Get away from me!"

When Liu Sheng saw this scene, he grabbed the opponent's neck with one hand. He forcibly restrained the opponent and prevented the opponent from escaping at this time.

At this moment, he turned his head and looked at the Bengal tiger mutant who was charging at him from behind. He didn't hesitate, and smashed it with his fist! Car! But then... how can he have enough confidence in his own strength, the other party is not his opponent at all - the next moment, the two sides fought, the strength between each other collided, the car was forcibly caught It exploded directly, and a scorching high temperature burst out, bombarding the faces of the two of them.

The expressions of the two have not changed in the slightest. They are devoted to the enemy! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download it, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 377

Chapter 378

The Bengal Tiger mutant was also stupid, he thought that the other side was shaking him away, and he was going to make a big move.

But he didn't expect that the other party would rush up at this time, trying to stop the other party's behavior! He is not a fool, how could he not know what the other party thinks? Together, they formed a fist, and at this moment, they attacked each other condescendingly, and his eyes were about to shoot out flames, full of anger.

He thinks that the other party is underestimating him, otherwise why would Liu Sheng have such an idea when he sees this scene, he is a little helpless. For him, the strength of the Bengal tiger mutant is still quite strong, he can't ignore the attack of the other party, so he I had to stop attacking the lion mutant, turned around, and fought the angry Bengal tiger mutant! The two sides fought and fell into the previous stalemate again.

But this time, the lion mutant began to struggle hard, he began to struggle desperately, he frantically urged the power in his body to break free from the opponent's control! After all, he was almost killed by the opponent just now, and he didn't want to. Being in such an environment! This has a lot to do with Yagyu.

Let him lose a lot in the next battle.

This made Liu Sheng's face extremely cold, and he wanted to slap the other side to death! The Bengal tiger mutants attacked more and more, because he knew that the time could not drag on for too long, and the movement on their side was very loud, and other places should also be aware.

Therefore, the other superheroes of the Avengers will definitely return as soon as possible, and they must end the battle as soon as possible, otherwise, even if they can win, they will be right! Thinking of this, his heart suddenly burst out.


"You bastards, don't hurry up and help!"

When he said these words, the other operatives who looked at the other operators in the distance with a dazed expression, quickly regained their senses, and they rushed up at this time.

No way, they wouldn't have made such a common-sense mistake.

Who made the people in front of them suddenly change their body shape, and forcibly turned into a scene like a prehistoric beast fighting? Joined this battlefield a long time ago! "Bang!"

An operator directly pulled the sniper rifle in his hand, and his target was Yagyu's eyes! The bullet was shot at this time, like a shadowless sword, stabbing the opponent's eyes! Yagyu felt a sense of crisis, after all, this could Not ordinary bullets, ordinary guns: This is a special firearm, and the bullets are also specially forged, and their power is extremely extraordinary.

So at this moment, he quickly freed up one hand to block the opponent's bullet! His speed was very fast, this hand blocked the bullet, but he also paid some price for it, that is, the bullet broke through his body surface defense , fell directly into his flesh and blood, stuck in his bones.

And the hand he freed was to grab the lion mutant, so the lion mutant was freed at this time, and he could join the battlefield to continue fighting, instead of being restrained as before.

So Liusheng lost this wave! Please download and remember to save the underlined version of the novel, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 379 The Cage

"I want to show you how good I am!"

The lion mutant was very excited, because he was finally free, he stared at Liu Sheng at the moment, and directly slammed his fist at this moment, his fist ignited a flame in an instant, increasing its power.

This is one of his abilities.

Although he was mutated through the lion gene, it does not mean that he does not have other abilities. He can also fire flames, which is also one of his abilities.

It's just that if the fire is fired, the time he can last is too short, only a few seconds.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, he attaches the flame to his body to fight.

In this way, the consumption can be reduced, and the combat power can be improved for the next second, and his fist collides with the opponent's fist.

His body took two steps backwards, and there was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

Because he punched the opponent just now, he was abruptly, forced by the opponent more than two steps away in terms of pure strength, and he actually lost to the opponent directly - this made him incredible, you must know that he is a Lion mutant.

He has the genes of a lion, and a lion is a big cat on land, and its strength is top-notch. How could he not be the opponent's opponent? Even if he is not the opponent's opponent, he can't be so inferior, so he was stunned. Looking at his burning fist, there is an unreal feeling.

"What's wrong with you? Come and help!"

Watching the lion mutant finished punching and was stunned by the meter distance, the Bengal tiger mutant directly began to yell at him, but there was a lot of pressure on his side, and the other party did not

Can't join the battlefield at this time, he? The lion mutant nodded quickly after listening to it, he no longer thought about his doubts, he joined the battlefield again, and punched Liu Yu with punch after punch! This time he sent Very, every punch was exhausted! Because he felt that he was mutated through the lion gene, how could he be weaker than the opponent, he had to prove himself.




On the side, those operatives are also working hard, and they all know what it means if the other side wins, they will never allow this to happen! For a moment, artillery roars, guns: in strafing, lion mutants and Bengal tigers The mutants are desperately attacking the opponent - the battle has entered the final moment! Yagyu is under a lot of pressure at the moment! With blood in his eyes, he looks at the Bengal tiger mutants and lions who are desperately attacking him Mutant, his body changed again, an invisible force spread, he opened his mouth, and a few words slowly came out of his mouth.


Two words came out of the mouth, like a declaration of the Great Dao, there was a strange change under the earth. The originally solid concrete floor was directly broken, and grass appeared one by one, and their bodies exuded Extremely strong vitality, there is an unyielding taste.

They are growing fast at this moment, but in a short period of time, the city formed by the steel ground in front of them has become like a wild and ancient forest - everyone is horrified, watching this scene inconceivably!! Love Read the book to remind you: three things to read, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 380

They couldn't understand why, just now there was a city in front of them, why the next second turned into a world full of ancient wilderness, and they were stunned and stunned.

But they never thought that because of their ignorance, the outcome would be certain.

Because all the plants born here have self-wisdom, they are adhering to the purpose of birth, and at this time, they are strangling and strangling against the crowd: Go, kill them! So just a moment, in the midst of everyone's ignorance , Nearly more than 90% of the operatives were directly clicked on the spot and turned into corpses in one fell swoop! Only two extremely excellent operatives and two mutants survived.

Others "Get rid of him!"

The Bengal tiger let out a roar, he stared at the Liusheng in front of him and attacked hard. After listening to the lion mutant, he also shot, and they have recovered from the stunned state just now.

The two operatives did not help, because they stared vigilantly around, they just saw their comrades being killed with their own eyes, and they didn't want to follow in the footsteps.

So they pay attention to everything around them and take precautions.

So the battle returned to the way it was before, and Liu Yu fought the two mutants decisively! "But you can't spend any more time from me."

Looking indifferently at the two mutants in front of him, Liu Sheng slowly opened his mouth. At this moment, his eyes changed, and the originally dark pupils turned white, showing a strange flower shape.

Immediately after, the mutant Bengal tiger and the mutant lion were stunned for a moment, their spirits were a little dazed, and they were hit by the other's writing wheel.

There was a momentary trance! And Liu Sheng took this opportunity to kill them, his hands, not

The normal blood color turned into pitch black in the feeling, which is a special fighting skill.

He directly hit the two people in front of him with his dark fist! If it was placed in front of him, he could not break the defense of the two people in front of him, or in other words, simply relying on his own fist, he could not break the defense of the two .

But it's different now. The pitch-black fist easily threw off the defenses of the two people! There is a terrifying power on the fist, and it also has the effect of tearing.

Just a moment - "Push!"

A big hole was torn out in the hearts of the two people, and the hearts were directly removed! The severe pain made the Bengal tiger mutant and the lion mutant recover from their trance. They lowered their heads and looked at their chests. The wounds on it are unbelievable.

You must know that they were still in an inextricable battle just now, and the outcome was unpredictable.

But why did the war situation suddenly change like this, they were a little confused.

But it is useless for them to be ignorant, because their hearts are no longer in their bodies, and their strength is too weak to be like dragon men and wolf gods. They can survive without their hearts, so their bodies are too weak. , and fell directly to the ground.

The dust on the ground was splashed! The overall situation is certain, the two mutants in front of him have been beheaded! Yagyu's eyes turned to the side, and there were two remaining personnel there, and they would still die.

"But it won't last long."

Liu Sheng spoke lightly at this moment.

After he finished saying these words, the surrounding plants flickered, killing the two people directly.

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Chapter 381 Interest and Consideration

The surrounding plants began to change, sinking into the ground again and disappearing.

They were originally some weeds in this city. The reason why they could explode with such mighty power just now was entirely because Liu Sheng used energy to motivate them. Now that the battle is over, there is no need for them to exist.

"What's going on here"

At this time, a voice sounded, and a superhero was returning.

This person is none other than Tony Stark. The other party's Iron Man armor has serious wounds. It is obvious that the other party has also experienced a battle just now.

"Someone wants to assassinate me."

Glancing at Tony Stark, Yagyu said.

He didn't blame the other party, even if he didn't get help from the other party by using the distress device just now, but this is normal, because the other party's side is not all smooth sailing.

"Are these guys looking for death!"

Tony Stark's eyes wanted to breathe fire. He didn't expect that the other party would go so far as to dare to assassinate Liu Sheng. This is a naked slap in the face of their Avengers! "What happened here, I was stopped just now, you guys How's it going"

Suddenly at this time, another superhero returns, this person is Captain America.

The opponent also had injuries, and it was even more tragic than Tony Stark. The arm was already twisted, and it was obvious that the opponent's arm was broken during the battle just now.

Tony Stark was furious when he saw this scene.

After all, this is the place he provided, and the precautions around him were hidden. Therefore, he didn't notice all this. "Someone wants to assassinate me. He was afraid that you would help me, so he stopped you."

Glancing at Captain America, he said


"Are these guys going to fight against our Avengers!"

Hearing Yagyu's words, the US captain's mood was not very good either.

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