Because he did not belong to this organization, he was hired by the other party, he only knew that he was facing a strong enemy this time, and he did not know how strong the other party was.

After going through everything before, he thinks that he doesn't need to shoot, and the opponent will be solved. After all, the previous arrangement is already a lore, and few people can survive.

Even if it is himself, he thinks that the probability of surviving is not high, and even if he can survive, he thinks that he will be severely injured! "Kill!"

These guys didn't hesitate at all. When they saw that Liu Sheng left the villa safely, although they had a lot of thoughts in their hearts, they still did their duty well! The elite-level characters rushed towards each other directly. , their eyes are firm, their shots are quite sharp, and their targets are the weak points of the human body, because they know that the extraordinary mutants of the person in front of them are also shooting, and their bodies have changed to a certain extent - the mutants present There are four people in total, and their mutation directions are very strange. They were injected with rhino genes, lion genes, Bengal tiger genes, and a kind of existence that seems to have mind power! Please download and remember to save m.aikanshu8 to read the underlined version of the novel .com loves to read the only domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 363 Confused

Liu Sheng's face was very calm. He saw the first group of people who came to him. He didn't even have direct contact with them. He directly used the power of the soul to defeat them! He used the power of the soul to spread and directly control these guys. The clothes made them unable to move at all, and then the air compression was controlled, and they fell to the ground in an instant.

This seems incredible, but it's the truth.

Liu Sheng's strength has improved a lot compared to a few days ago, and his combat power is not ordinary.

Of course, of course, the first group of people has been completely defeated, but there are other people, the four mutants are the best among them, they have not been suppressed by this force.

They came at this time, and came here in an extremely arrogant manner! Especially those three beings who were injected with the beast genes, their bodies at the moment became: extremely tall, with bulging muscles one by one, showing that terrifying power Feeling! They seem to have a humanoid tank at this moment! The mutant who seems to be a psychic is not bad, his posture is not so arrogant, but he has a layer of horny armor attached to his body, which gives people a very terrifying feeling .

At this moment, they are showing a tendency to be surrounded, and they are gathering towards Liusheng from all directions! There is a feeling that you have no way to go to the sky and no way to go down! Liusheng looks at them, his face is a little dignified, he is holding a weapon in one hand, and he moves first. , after all, the number of enemies is more than ours, and the first mover can seize the opportunity.

His first target was the mutant in the cuticle armor.

The other party knew at a glance that he was the weakest among the four, and made the other party his first target, which was a good thing for Liu Sheng.


If he can quickly defeat the opponent, his pressure can be greatly reduced.

"He was really bewildered, he said, but he made a huge mistake!"

The rhino mutant opened his mouth at this time, the corners of his mouth cracked open, and he let go of his bloody mouth, and he laughed, because Liu Sheng made a common-sense mistake at this moment.

That is to rely on appearance to recognize a person's strength.

You must know that the stratum corneum attached to his body seems to be a mutant with psychic power, and the other party can occupy one direction alone, including Liu Sheng, which can already prove that the other party's strength is extraordinary.

Why does Liu Sheng think that the opponent's strength is slightly weaker? You need to know the opponent's strength, but they are recognized as the strongest among the four! This time, the opponent has directly selected a powerful enemy! The choice pays the price!”

Looking at Liu Sheng who was rushing towards him in front of him, Brudaqi said, his face was very calm, he had already expected this scene, after all, he did not look strong on the surface, under normal circumstances, he When going to besiege the enemy, the enemy uses him as a breakthrough.

But he is the strongest of all enemies.

In this case, unexpected effects often occur.

So he also started, and his mind power skyrocketed wildly—he is indeed a mutant of mind power! It’s just that his use of mind power, his control ability, and even the range of weight he can control are far beyond that of ordinary mind power mutants! Love Reading Bar reminds you: Remember to save the three things in reading, save the unique domain name of Love Reading Bar, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 364

"This guy is stronger than I thought!"

Liu Sheng was shocked. He found that a strange ripple spread out from Brudaqi in front of him. This was a ripple similar to the power of the soul, but it was actually a ripple of thought power.

It is an obvious offensive method, an attack against all the surrounding materials! He found that the terror of this powerful force was far beyond his imagination! Just relying on the naked eye recognition, he can almost judge the combat effectiveness of the opponent, probably in Level 3, and infinitely close to level 4, and because the opponent's fighting methods are extremely strange, the opponent may be able to easily win against the general 4 powerhouses.

He doesn't know who he is, and this time he might have kicked the iron plate! He hesitated for a while, but at this time he still chose to charge forward, because he has no more choices now, the other party's mind power has locked him, he No matter this time

Whether he retreats, or moves on, the other party can target him! Since he has no choice, he might as well keep his charge! Because in this state, he is the strongest at the moment—his hands are forged The slaughtering weapon has been transformed into a cold weapon. At the moment, the appearance is somewhat similar to a long spear, but a little special is that it emits a faint electric light.

Don't look at the faint electric light, it's only a little bit, but the Ford degree on it is very high, it's almost [-], when he touches anything that can conduct electricity, Liu Sheng has enough confidence.

The opponent will definitely turn into focus in an instant.

Although it is said that the physical strength of mutants is higher than that of normal people, they can withstand the power of lightning without turning into coke, but Liu Sheng Yi

Old enough self-confidence.

The non-opponent is exclusive to the lightning system, or the opponent's strength is above level 5.

Otherwise, you will definitely be paralyzed and seriously injured! "Get away from me!"

Brudaqi said, as a mutant of the power of mind, his wisdom is supersense, he is keenly aware of the wrongness of the opponent's weapon at this moment, he began to control the power of mind, let the air contain the opponent! Want to detain the opponent in place, let the opponent Unable to move, so that the other party can't maintain, at this time, the attitude of charging towards himself - but he underestimated the other party, or he looked at himself too highly.

Although Brudaqi has the power of mind, Liu Sheng also has the power of the soul, and the power of the soul of Liu Sheng is not weak, it is extremely powerful, and the two sides are evenly matched.

Of course, to be precise, he actually has a certain advantage.

After all, he was able to reach level 3 simply by relying on his power of thought, and was infinitely close to the standard of level 4. This has already shown how terrifying and powerful his strength in this area is.

Although Liu Sheng is strong in this aspect, he is still slightly inferior to him.

But the gap isn't that big.

At least the other party wants to forcibly detain Liu Sheng in place for a moment at this moment, it is impossible, because Liu Sheng's soul power is not a vegetarian, and his own physical quality is not a vegetarian, he can also resist, he also It can also offset part of the opponent's strength! So Liusheng's speed is only slowed down, but he is not detained in place! Please download the underlined version of the novel, please download it, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 365

"Something's wrong!"

The three mutants on the side saw this scene and hurriedly came to help, because their understanding of Brudaqi only stayed at one stage, that is, the enemy the other party faced, generally there was only one result.

He was held in place by the opponent's mind force, unable to move.

Then he was tortured to death abruptly! But Brudaqi, at this moment, was unable to forcibly detain Liu Sheng in the same place. Continue the activity, on behalf of Brudaqi, not the other party.

Because Brudaqi's mind power is terrifying, but his body is not strong at all. For their mutants, they are vulnerable, and they are infinitely mortal.

And Liu Sheng's physical strength is obviously much stronger, which can be seen from the terrifying speed of the other party just now, and if Liu Sheng is close to Brudaqi, the other party is sure! So they are going to help each other, and they are fast at this moment. Speed ​​up, approaching the battlefield.

Their speed is not limited, but in just a few seconds, they came to Liusheng's surroundings. They did not hesitate, and at this time, they joined hands to kill each other! Their attack method is very simple, directly relying on the power of the flesh Fight! This is normal.

After all, the genes they injected were all ten genes. The three species of rhinoceros, tigers and lions can be terrifying on their own, and they don't need other weapons.

The Bengal tiger mutant, he opened his mouth directly, and he bit towards the other side's bag. His purpose was

It's very simple, just bite off the opponent's head! His body is very huge at the moment, and his head is no longer human, but more like a tiger, especially the two huge fangs, which are full of normal people's arms. Yagyu has no doubt that if the other party bites his neck, his head will definitely be gone! Because during this period of time he has improved a lot, but this improvement is very large, mainly concentrated in the soul, the power of his body is not improved. Not strong, if it was only ten times before, the improvement of his physical power during this period of time has increased by about eight times, which is about eighteen times.

This is just pure power, his defense actually increases even less. "Absolutely can't be bitten by him!"

This answer flashed in Liu Sheng's heart. At this moment, he manipulated the power of the soul, frantically repelling Brudaqi's thought power, so that his speed could be faster.

After all, the Bengal tiger mutant, his speed has not slowed down in any way, and Yagyu's own speed is limited, after all, he is limited, so if he wants to escape the bite of the Bengal tiger mutant, his own speed must be improved, after all What he was facing was not... an enemy—there were three people staring at him!

When a few seconds passed in an instant, the mutant bengal tiger was stunned, because he found that he did not bite the opponent, and the opponent escaped his tyrannical bite! Brudaqi was also stunned. , he just tried his best to control the other party and limit the speed of the other party to the extreme, there is no reason for the other party to escape this bite! Love reading, remind you: three things to read, remember to save The only domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 366

Drops of cold sweat fell on Liu Sheng's forehead. Although he was not bitten by the other party, he was almost bitten. You must know that the two sides passed by just now, and he was almost bitten! A face is rendered a sickly red.

After all, he was infinitely close to death just now, how could he not be frightened, and his body did not react, but even so, after the nervousness in his heart, Liu Sheng's heart was replaced by excitement, because he had not experienced the feeling of life and death for a long time, and he found it. The long-lost feeling made his eyes light up! "This guy's strength is very strong!"

The rhino mutant and the lion mutant frowned slightly. They were staring at each other closely just now, planning to attack each other with thunder if they did something! But they found that they did not keep up with each other. speed.

When the other side escaped the bite of the mutant Bengal tiger, they didn't react in time! Their eyes became much more serious, they all looked at each other, and then shot at the same time! They attacked together! After all, just now, the mutant Bengal tiger They joined forces together, and they did not kill each other, and still let each other escape in that situation.

They don't know what other means the other party has. To be on the safe side, they want to kill the other party with a thunderous momentum. They can't let this battle suffer from other variables! "Are you going to shoot together?"

Looking at the four 44 guys rushing over together, Liu Yu's face at this moment, he started the program of killing weapons with the killing in his hand.

This is a very special program that Yanagyu asked Tony Stark to install for himself.

Fang was still stunned, and looked at him in disbelief. The other party didn't expect that the other party would ask him to help install such a program. The name of this program is called a help device! As the name suggests, this device has only one function, that is to ask for help. , the person who asked for help was Tony Stark, after all, the other party was wearing an Iron Man suit and had a connection with this device.

So Iron Man, who was saving the world from a distance, was a little confused when he received this message, and looked at this distress message, because in his opinion, the other party should not be able to use this device, after all, the other party is a thoroughgoing Boss, but he didn't hesitate, and returned directly at this time.

Because the other party will never activate this device unless it is a last resort, since the other party has activated this device, it can only mean that the other party has encountered an unsolvable problem! On the way back, after walking a short distance, he was stopped by someone. It was a tall robot, somewhat similar to Gundam: the other party was looking at him intently at the moment! "This road is dead!"

The robot spoke up.

He was ordered to come here specifically to stop the other party and prevent the other party from returning to support.

There are many such people, and they stare at all the Avengers superheroes out there.

"Give you three seconds and three minutes, and get out of here."

Tony Stark squinted his eyes when he saw this scene, his aura was unparalleled.

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Chapter 367 The overall situation has been decided

Chapter 368 Injured

"You have to find a way to change it!"

With blood red eyes, Yagyu thought.

The current situation cannot continue, otherwise he will be finished, he must find a way to change the situation, or his life will hang by a thread sooner or later.

Soon, a method appeared in his mind.

"Writing round eyes!"

Suddenly, at this time, he shouted in his mouth.

His words came out of his mouth, and everyone else was stunned: because they were intimidated by this sentence! After all, this is one of the opponent's most terrifying abilities. The other party has used it in front of many people, and they all remember it. The other party has this ability - the ability to point directly to the soul! But they just paused, and the action resumed.

Because their souls don't seem to be controlled, not affected "Is he cheating us"

Such thoughts were born in their minds.

They think they guessed right. After all, the other party has lost such a terrifying power. Otherwise, it is impossible for the other party to fight with them for so long. The words were frightened, and their bodies paused. At this moment, they were angrily killing each other, trying to wash away their shame! But their speed was not that of each other.

Liu Sheng's speed at this moment exploded to the extreme, even faster than before, he came to Brudaqi in the blink of an eye, and punched the opponent directly! "How is this possible?"

The Bengal tiger mutants have some arguments, the speed of the other party has always been on the same level as them, or even a lot slower than them, after all, the speed of the other party is restrained and cannot burst too fast.

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